Tyler Johnston
Nascimento : 1987-06-14, New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
Tyler Johnston is a Canadian actor. He is best known for his role as Stewart on the comedy series Letterkenny and Danny Lubbe in Less Than Kind.
Sgt. Bracken
A compilation of shorts, diverse experimental content and more weird stuff spread directly from the devious mind of the South African film director Neill Blomkamp. Includes: Rakka, Firebase, Zygote, Kapture-Fluke, Cooking with Bill, Praetoria, God and Gdansk.
Wedding photographer Lindsey gets her big opportunity when a New York mogul’s son, Josh, asks her to shoot his sister’s wedding. Sparks fly as Josh and Lindsey prepare for ceremony, and the pair begin to fall for each other. But as the big day arrives and the project finishes, do they go back their old, separate lives or will they follow their hearts?
Tom (voice)
A newscaster is due to go live on local television in the middle of a hot flash, in Thea Hollatz's animated comedy about a woman trying to keep her cool when one type of flash leads to another.
Mathew (as Tyler Johnson)
A man is forced to go back home to the small town he grew up in to find his missing brother. His journey back begins to uncover secrets that could destroy his life, ultimately forcing him to fight for the truth and life he knows.
Sgt. Bracken
Durante a Guerra do Vietnã, um pelotão encontra uma anomalia capaz de distorcer as regras de tempo-espaço.
Um vídeo comprometedor viraliza e transforma a vida de uma adolescente, tornando-a o centro das brincadeiras de seus colegas de colégio e provocando a ira e decepção de seu pai.
Aurora Teagarden (Bure) é uma bibliotecária com uma paixão por resolver assassinatos. Após uma busca exaustiva para o lar perfeito, Aurora, finalmente, adquire a sua casa dos sonhos, sem saber da sua história obscura. Enquanto ela se prepara para a mudança, Aurora descobre que a família que viveu lá, desapareceu misteriosamente sem deixar rastro.
Edward K. Wehling, Jr.
In the year 2204, the Earth has become a dystopian wasteland. In order to maintain strict population levels, any newborn is only permitted to live if another person's life is traded in and a receipt issued. Edward K. Wehling, Jr. sits in Chicago Lying-In Hospital waiting for the birth of his triplets, except he has no receipts to collect them.
Um meteorito traz gelo e temperaturas abaixo de zero , o que ameaça prejudicar os moradores de uma pequena cidade no Natal.
A lonely cat living in a mall pet shop has a sour outlook on life until, in the midst of the holiday rush, she’s swept up into a robbery and a friendship with a human girl.
Two brothers return to a small mountain town in search of their long lost parents only to discover that the place has a monstrous taste for tourists.
Raven é uma vampira de 16 anos que mudou de escola várias vezes para esconder sua identidade. A detetive Mac Roth descobre seu segredo e lhe oferece apresentar-lhe a outros de sua espécie em troca de sua ajuda para pegar um assassino.
Corey Boucher
The Phantoms is a television movie inspired by the heart-warming, real-life events surrounding the 2009 New Brunswick provincial championship victory by the Bathurst High School (BHS Phantoms) boys varsity basketball team, a year after a terrible road accident takes the lives of seven players and the coach’s wife. In the following school year, as tragedy hangs over the community, the BHS Phantoms are reconstituted. The ragtag bunch of players gels as a team, and manages to lift community spirit on the long road to the provincial basketball finals.
A quirky coming of age story about an 11-year-old boy named Redwood who dreams that if he can beat Jack Nicklaus at the 1975 Master's of golf he'll reunite his parents.
Desson Orr
A murder mystery set in the world of illegal teenage gambling. A 17-year old must find his best friends' killer before the game is exposed.
Brian está desesperado tentando encontrar um negócio que o coloque novamente no topo da lista dos mais importantes executivos das firmas de investimentos. .
Shane Mayfield
When a piece of the massive comet "Copernicus" collides with the Earth, it knocks the planet off of its axis and unleashes a disaster never before witnessed. Dr. James Mayfield (Jack Coleman) and his highly trained research team are the only ones who can re-align the axis. With his wife and teenage son in mortal danger, Dr. James Mayfield (Jack Coleman) calls on his crack research team to help realign the planet's axis before the effects of the catastrophe are irreversible.
A man kidnaps two girls in Oregon triggering the Amber Alert system throughout many surrounding states.
Alex Gorrall
Os Hanson têm a missão de ajudar um desesperado time de hóquei formado por jovens atletas. Enquanto ensinam suas técnicas nada convencionais aos novos "alunos", esses malucos vão causar muito, dentro e fora das quadras.
Um ogre malvado atormenta uma cidade que ficou parada no tempo desde 1800.
Sam Compton
Aquelas criaturas alienígenas lindas e gostosas estão de volta para aterrorizar outro campus universitário! Kim Poirier e Corey Sevier retornam nesta seqüência de Decoys, um suspense arrepiante no qual alienígenas se disfarçam de garotas maravilhosas que seduzem seus colegas de classe na tentativa de salvar sua espécie da extinção. Infelizmente, estas delícias intergalácticas estão tendo bastante dificuldade em reproduzir - seu processo de reprodução faz com que a temperatura de seus corpos caia abaixo de zero, proporcionando aos seus parceiros humanos um caso severo de hipotermia. Um por um, o número de estudantes diminui e depende de Luke (Sevier) espalhar a mensagem antes que seja tarde demais.