Mely Mallari


Misteryo sa Tuwa
Abbo de la Cruz's fable tells of three men who find a suitcase full of money.
An actress's past is unraveled after a fan starts stalking her.
Gold, Silver, Death
Oro, Plata, Mata follows two aristocratic families in Negros during World War II. It is structured in three parts: Oro a life of luxury and comfort in the city, Plata a still-luxurious time of refuge in a provincial hacienda, and finally Mata a toilsome retreat deeper into the mountains.
A retired police sergeant has an unnatural stranglehold over his wife and daughter. His claustrophobically enclosed world is threatened when his daughter Mila finds herself pregnant and was forced to marry Noel. He attempts to extend his influence over his son-in-law, who resists; there is a confrontation...
Why Is the Sky Blue?
Babette Gomez and her family just moved to the city. Meeting the neighbors, a man instantly hooked her. She is insterested. Only then that she discovered that he's mentally ill. He is being chained by his family.
Kastilyong Buhangin
Woman in Parking Space
Mario O'Hara's melodrama about an aspiring singer and her ex-convict sweetheart.
Tonya's Sister-in-Law
Insiang é a filha explorada da favela que suporta abusos de todos ao seu redor: seu namorado insensível, sua mãe harpia e o amante mais jovem e desprezível de sua mãe. Mas depois de ser estuprada por ele, a timidez de Insiang se transforma em determinação para se vingar.
Pasyente sa NMH
Mario O'Hara's surreal debut film about a man recovering from mental illness.
Manila nas Garras de Néon
Julio chega a Manila em busca de seu amor de infância, Ligaya, e descobre que a garota foi vendida e trabalha como prostituta. Ele, então, tem de lutar para libertar Ligaya e para sobreviver na capital filipina.
Weighed But Found Wanting
The son of a wealthy man, Junior has everything he could possibly want. But the emptiness of his extravagant lifestyle and the hypocrisy of the town's so-called leading citizens weigh heavily on him, and he reaches out to the village outcasts.