Em 1945, dois jovens soldados americanos, os irmãos Budd e Stuart Schulberg, são encarregados de coletar provas filmadas e registradas dos horrores cometidos pelo infame Terceiro Reich para provar os crimes de guerra nazistas durante os julgamentos de Nuremberg (1945-46).
It was arguably the deadliest conference in human history. The topic: plans to murder 11 million Jews in Europe. The participants were not psychopaths, but educated men from the SS, police, administration and ministries. The invitation to the meeting at Wannsee came from Reinhard Heydrich, head of the Reich Security Main Office. The Wehrmacht's campaigns of conquest in Eastern Europe marked the beginning of the systematic murder of Jews in Poland and the Soviet Union. In mid-September 1941, Hitler made the decision to deport all Jews from Germany to the East. Although there had been transports before, Hitler's order represented a further escalation in the murderous decision-making process. Persecution and discrimination had been part of everyday life since 1933. But as a result, the living conditions for the Jews in the Third Reich became even more difficult, among them the Berlin Jew Margot Friedländer, born in 1921, and the Chotzen family.
The stories of the battles that brought together a Polish cavalry officer, a Canadian captain, and a polish underground member are told by the very same Canadians who survived them.
Prague, during World War II. Hana Kaufmann, a Jewish ophthalmologist, marries Dr. Antonín Bureš, a Christian man. When her family is sent to the Theresienstadt concentration camp, their romance turns into a struggle for survival.
How, in November 1945, after the end of the World War II and the fall of the Third Reich, the international prosecutors participating in the first Nuremberg trial —formally, the International Military Tribunal— built their case against the top Nazi war criminals using the films and records produced by the own regime, obsessed with documenting everything in its long path of infamy and crime.
Um registro grandioso do sexto Congresso do Partido Nazista, que aconteceu em Nuremberg no ano de 1934. No início Hitler chega de avião, e é ovacionado por multidões, que saúdam o Führer totalmente hipnotizadas. Tudo é mostrado de forma gigantesca, as paradas, os desfiles militares e os jovens que louvam a suástica parecendo em total estado de catarse.