Sara Miller


Encontrando o Amor em Sugarcreek
Um jogador de beisebol e seu filho estão fugindo da mídia após o assassinato traumático e não resolvido de sua esposa e mãe. Eles se refugiam na pitoresca comunidade Amish de Sugarcreek, Ohio, usando pseudônimos e com um velho caminhão quebrado. Eles recebem abrigo ao encontrarem três irmãs Amish que administram uma antiga hospedaria de fazenda. Isso desencadeia as suspeitas de uma policial de Sugarcreek chamada Rachel Troyler, que foi criada pelas irmãs após perder os seus pais. A busca pela verdade será mais forte do que amor?
Separation Anxiety
On her own for the first time in years, Jeane tries to cope with the loneliness of life without her boyfriend, Arthur. She soon finds herself being pursued by a group of mysterious strangers. Is it all in her head or is something more nefarious going on?
Separation Anxiety
On her own for the first time in years, Jeane tries to cope with the loneliness of life without her boyfriend, Arthur. She soon finds herself being pursued by a group of mysterious strangers. Is it all in her head or is something more nefarious going on?
Separation Anxiety
On her own for the first time in years, Jeane tries to cope with the loneliness of life without her boyfriend, Arthur. She soon finds herself being pursued by a group of mysterious strangers. Is it all in her head or is something more nefarious going on?
Army of One
Nineteen-year-old Nelson is a Puerto Rican high school dropout from the South Bronx looking for a ticket out of the ghetto. Thaddeus, 22, gives up a cushy stockbroker job to pursue fantasies of killing Osama Bin Laden. Sara, 22, a dancer from North Carolina fails to make it in New York and leaves her best girlfriend to return home. Swept up in the patriotic fervour that followed 9/11, these young Americans dream of fighting for their country, of being the heroes that star in the slick ad campaigns broadcast by the military. Canadian director Sarah Goodman, living in New York at the time, saw long line-ups at recruitment centres as the country prepared for war. Gaining incredible access to the US army bases, Goodman follows the three new recruits for the next two years, starting with the harshness of basic training. Army of One is a heartbreaking film that exposes what happens to each of them as their dreams of heroism clash with the realities of army life.