Georg Borgel


O Barco: Inferno no Mar
First Assistant Director
Em plena Segunda Guerra Mundial, em 1942, o capitão de um submarino enfrenta enormes dificuldades no comando de uma tripulação pouco experiente. Durante a Batalha do Atlântico Norte, eles vivem num inferno claustrofóbico afundando navios ingleses e procurando barcos aliados.
O Casamento de Maria Braun
Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, Maria e Hermann Braun se casam apressadamente, mas ficam juntos menos de 24 horas porque Hermann precisa voltar à frente de batalha. Ao final da guerra, ele é dado como desaparecido. Maria se emprega em um bar, conhece um soldado americano e fica grávida. Certa noite, Hermann volta para a casa e a surpreende com o soldado. Enfurecido, ele os agride e acaba sendo preso. Pouco depois, Maria vai trabalhar para um homem de negócios, sendo sua secretária e confidente. Ao sair da prisão, Hermann decide tentar a sorte em outro país. Alguns anos mais tarde, ele e Maria se reencontram e procuram esclarecer seu trágico passado.
Bourbon Street Blues
An adaptation of Tennessee Williams' "The Lady Larkspur Lotion" created by Douglas Sirk with the assistance of his film students and Rainer Werner Fassbinder. It depicts the conflict between a dreamy, delusional heroine and her brusque, practical landlady, who wants to kick her out of her apartment.
The Battle of the Atlantic
Germany in 1941. War in Europe for two years. The Nazis at the height of their power. Since the beginning of the war, there has been a frontline in the west where the traces of horrible fights disappear on the spot:The Battle of the Atlantic. England, traditionally the leading naval power worldwide was to be cut off from all supplies by a blockade while the balance of power is not in favor of the German Kriegsmarine. Their commander-in-chief complains that "the war was five years early." That a victory seems achievable at the beginning is the result of a weapon that was only known in Germany at the height of perfection and drill: submarines.
The Battle of the Atlantic
Germany in 1941. War in Europe for two years. The Nazis at the height of their power. Since the beginning of the war, there has been a frontline in the west where the traces of horrible fights disappear on the spot:The Battle of the Atlantic. England, traditionally the leading naval power worldwide was to be cut off from all supplies by a blockade while the balance of power is not in favor of the German Kriegsmarine. Their commander-in-chief complains that "the war was five years early." That a victory seems achievable at the beginning is the result of a weapon that was only known in Germany at the height of perfection and drill: submarines.