In a racially mixed American town, a five-year-old black girl falls unnoticed into a hidden, forgotten well on her way to school. Having nothing better to go on, the police follow up a report that the child was seen with a white stranger, and rumors run wild. Before hapless, innocent Claude Packard is even found, popular hysteria has him tried and convicted. But is he guilty?
The wedding of Ellen and David is halted by a stranger who insists that the bride is already married to someone else. Though the flabbergasted Ellen denies the charge, the interloper produces enough evidence that his accusation must be investigated. Ellen and David travel to the small coastal town where her first wedding allegedly occurred. There, they meet a number of individuals whose stories make Ellen question her own sanity.
A Christian movie produced in 1949 by Family Films that shows a teenager named Bill who takes out the family car without a drivers license or his father's permission. Bill then gets into a accident and runs. Later young Bill has to deal with the authorities and his father!
Um bispo tentando construir uma nova catedral pede a Deus uma orientação. Um anjo (Cary Grant) chega, mas a sua ajuda não é sobre a captação de recursos. Henry Brougham é um bispo dedicado à nova construção de uma catedral que será paga pela viúva Agnes Hamilton. Dudley, um anjo, é enviado pelo céu para ajudá-lo. Mas Dudley acaba sendo tão prestativo e bondoso para todos que Henry acaba se sentindo ameaçado.