Valeria D'Obici

Valeria D'Obici

Nascimento : 1952-04-17, Lerici, Italy


Valeria D'Obici


Suor Beatrice
Based on the life and times of the poet Dante Alighieri.
The Second Wedding Night
Mamma di Clara
When his destituite widowed sister-in-law—whom he had never stopped harbouring feelings for—and her ne'er-do-well son come to live with him after World War II, a mentally-ill farmer who spends all his time destroying unexploded ordnance scattered across the countryside finds a new purpose in his lonely life.
Augustus - O Primeiro Imperador
César foi assassinado... Quem o sucederá? Em Tróia, Peter OToole faz o papel de Priamo, o Rei de Tróia, que apesar de ser o maior inimigo do invencível Aquiles (Brad Pitt) é também o único Rei que Aquiles admira! Em Augustus, Peter OToole consegue ser ainda mais carismático do que é em Tróia e prova ser um dos mais completos atores de todos os tempos! Brutus, Marco Antonio, Cléopatra e Augustus fazem parte do contexto de guerras e tramas que rodeiam o poder e são magnificamente espelhados neste surpreendente épico. Augustus, o Primeiro Imperador é uma história envolvente, emocionante e que mostra de forma fascinante como todos os épicos começaram!
La regina degli scacchi
Madre di Maria
La guerra è finita
Para Sempre na Minha Vida
Madre di Claudia
Após saber que o Estado pretende privatizar o colégio em que estudam, um grupo de estudantes decide entrar em greve e ocupá-lo, enfrentando a polícia. Entre eles está Silvio (Silvio Muccino), que está mais interessado em garotas do que nos comitês de política estudantil. Apesar das confusões decorrentes da ocupação da escola, e também da interferência de seus pais em sua vida, Silvio se esforça para encontrar o grande amor de sua vida.
O Padrinho de Casamento
Olimpia Campeggi Babini
Inesperadamente, a noiva, no momento em que está subindo o altar, se apaixona à primeira vista pelo padrinho do noivo, a quem nunca havia conhecido antes. E mesmo que ela se esforce para isso não acontecer, ela está decidida a anular o seu casamento.
L'amico immaginario
Where Are You? I’m Here
A deaf man rebels against his controlling mother by dating a high-school drop-out who shares his disability.
Neris Bossi
Scandalously famous collections of short Italian comedies of the 90s! All that was "fun" in those years in Italy - all here! The sea of black humor on all issues - sex, politics, mafia, crime, TV...
The Vulture is a patient Bird
Mia moglie è una bestia
Pucci, la fidanzata di Gianni
Desiring Julia
A young man falls in love with extra-liberated Giulia. Their relationship becomes very passionate, but Giulia has no limits in her sexual fantasies and games. Poor guy, will soon discover he'll have to pay a price for Giulia. He'll have to put up with all her strange and pervert desires, until of course he reaches his limits.
You'll Die at Midnight
Anna Berardi
Nicola, a cop, spies on his wife Sarah buying sexy black panties and realises that she is having an affair. Following a violent confrontation, he leaves her. Immediately after, whilst taking a shower, Sarah is stabbed to death with an icepick. Believing it to be an simple crime of passion, the police assign Inspector Pierro Terzi to bring his former colleague in. But Professor Anna Berardi, a criminal pyschologist who is friends with both men, believes the Nicola is innocent. She suggests that the real killer is Franco Tribbo, a maniac known as "The Midnight Killer" who supposedly died in a hospital fire several years previously. Terzi is not conviced but Nicola is killed and the murders continue...
Willy, Giacomo, Lorenzo e Sandro sono 4 giovani yuppies rampanti nella "Milano da bere" degli anni '80, che vivono nel mito dell'Avvocato Gianni Agnelli e di Silvio Berlusconi; il loro unico scopo nella vita è apparire anziché essere. Giacomo è un pubblicitario, Lorenzo è un notaio, Sandro è un dentista, e Willy è un venditore di automobili.
Colpo di fulmine
Matrigna di Giulia
Uno scandalo perbene
Camilla Ghidini
Based on a real-life mystery in the newspapers after World War I, this conventional, straightforward story is about a poorly-dressed man who is brought into the police station in Turin for stealing flower pots from the cemetery. He is rather brutally interrogated, and then because he has no idea who he is or where he belongs, he is put into an asylum for the mentally disturbed. After his photograph is published in the newspapers, a woman shows up at the institution claiming that he is Professor Canella, her missing and wealthy husband. The news obtains the release of the amnesiac, but his claim is quickly and hotly contested by another family, arguing that the man is an imposter. As a result, his case goes back to court and in the meantime, the "professor" is put in jail. As the courtroom drama continues, there are various clues that suggest whether or not the amnesiac has been accurately identified and by whom.
Fuga do Bronx
Moon Grey
A poderosa e inescrupulosa corporação que domina Manhattan inicia uma operação militar para expulsar todos os moradores do Bronx, visando demolir os prédios velhos e construir ali condomínios para moradores da alta sociedade. Quando os mercenários contratados pelo conglomerado começam a exterminar os moradores do Bronx como ratos, a única esperança de salvação passa a ser o herói solitário Trash, sobrevivente do massacre das gangues.
Paixão de Amor
In the 1860's, Giorgio (Giraudeau), a young Italian soldier is sent to a remote post, far away from his lover, Clara (Antonelli). He is lodged in the house of the colonel (Girotti). He becames friends with the colonel and the local doctor (Trintignant). Among the inhabitants of the house, there is a strange young woman - Fosca (d'Obici) who is both unattractive and mad. However, she has a passion that Giorgio will have to cope with.
Sweet Pea
Cristiano, aged thirteen, seems to be a teen-ager with clear ideas about his future. One evening he meets May, a stranger, who is probably drunk and, so, she ends up in his bed. An unforgettable night... The morning after, May leaves and vanishes. Some years later, a "surprise" knocks at Cristiano's door: a child, his child, sent there by May, who's vanished again. Abandoned by his own parents, Cristiano will assume his responsibilities and will leave with the child to know Milan, the city he lives in and its people.
Aurora Rumelin is happy because the noble writer Leopold Sacher-Masoch has asked for her hand. Little by little the marriage goes into crisis mainly because Leopold asks his wife to beat him before sexual relations and to treat him like a slave. Both spouses have lovers and, in the end, the marriage ends in divorce.
Pallone's Girlfriend
Pallone is not very good at keeping jobs as in ten days he managed to get fired seven times .His big dream is to direct a large symphony orchestra and, as chance would have it, he has a girlfriend who is the daughter of a famous record producer. Could this fact help him to achieve his dream ?
La cognata
Classe mista
Dagmar Lassander is the stunning new teacher that every male student yearns for. Her sultry looks virtually guarantee that every boy makes it to class. School attendance is way up and no longer is staying after school considered a punishment!
Killer Cop
The investigation of the bombing of a hotel lobby as seen through the eyes of a young detective.