J. Watson Webb Jr.


Meu Coração Canta
Depois de conseguir um emprego cantando no rádio, Jane Froman se casa com o acompanhante musical Don Ross. Sob a administração de Don, Jane sobe ao estrelato e é convidada a se apresentar para as tropas durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. No caminho, seu avião cai, deixando Jane com ferimentos graves nas pernas. Em recuperação, Jane começa um romance com John Burn, um piloto militar ferido. Ela pretende voltar a cantar, mas com dois homens em seu coração, a vida é cada vez mais complicada. (e 10 - Estimado 10 Anos)
O Segredo das Viúvas
Jim and Connie's postwar New York building troubles keep Jim from working on his novel. Ex-WAC from Jim's army days Roberta moves in, further upsetting Connie but pleasing Jim's friend Ed. Tenant Charley, who marries tenant Eadie, loans money to Jim to help him keep the building, money which this Casanova obtains from rich widows.
Bill Lawrence ganhou uma enorme quantidade de prêmios em um programa de perguntas e respostas no rádio. Mas sua felicidade dura pouco quando ele descobre que tem que vender todos os prêmios para pagar os impostos.
I'll Get By
I'll Get By is an updated remake of the 1940 20th Century-Fox musical Tin Pan Alley. William Lundigan and Dennis Day play William Spencer and Freddie Lee respectively, successful song publishers who make hits out of such numbers as "I Got a Gal in Kalamazoo", "Deep in the Heart of Texas", "You Make Me Feel So Young", "There Will Never Be Another You", and other favorites (the rights to all of these songs were conveniently held by 20th Century-Fox). The partnership has some hard times, especially during the feud between ASCAP and the radio networks, when only public-domain songs like "I Dream of Jeannie" were permitted to be broadcast.
Flechas de Fogo
Tom Jeffords tenta fazer a paz entre os colonos e os Apaches. Em 1870, houve 10 anos de guerra cruel entre colonos e Apaches de Cochise. O ex-soldado Tom Jeffords salva a vida de um menino Apache e começa a se perguntar se os índios de fato não são humanos. Então ele resolve usar esta oportunidade de tornar-se um embaixador. Contra todas as probabilidades, a sua missão solitária na fortaleza de Cochise abre um diálogo. Oportunamente, o presidente envia o General Howard com ordens para concluir a paz. Mas, mesmo com a sorte de Jeffords, a queixa profunda e o ódio em ambos os lados fazem um trágico fracasso ser muito provável.
Papai Batuta
Nesta tocante, mas hilária comédia, Clifton Webb estrela no papel de Frank Bunker Gilbreth, um especialista em eficiência que tenta aplicar seus padrões precisos na criação de seus filhos... seus 12 filhos!
Father Was a Fullback
Coach George Copper's college football team is losing game after game, much to the dismay of stiff-and-stuffy but influential alumni Roger Jessup, and also having trouble at home with his oldest daughter, Connie. The team keeps losing and Coach Cooper is about to lose his job as his efforts to win the last game of the season, against the team's Big Rival, end in disaster. But, unknown to he and his wife, Elizabeth, Connie has sold an article, called "I Was a Bubble Dancer" to a 'True-Confession" magazine, and the girl-who-couldn't-get-a-date becomes suddenly popular and, because of her, the high-school football star from another town decides to play his college-ball for Coach Cooper. Jessup is forced to keep Cooper on as the school's football coach.
You're My Everything
In 1924, stage-struck Boston blueblood Hannah Adams picks up musical star Tim O'Connor and takes him home for dinner. One thing leads to another, and when Tim's show rolls on to Chicago a new Mrs. O'Connor comes along as incompetent chorus girl. Hollywood beckons, and we follow the star careers of the O'Connor family in silents and talkies.
Quem é o Infiel?
Lora May Hollingsway, who grew up next to the wrong side of the tracks, married her boss who thinks she is just a gold digger. Rita Phipps makes as much money writing radio scripts at night as her school teacher husband does. Deborah Bishop looked great in a Navy uniform in WWII but fears she'll never be dressed just right for the Country Club set. These three wives are boarding a boat filled with children going on a picnic when a messenger on a bicycle hands them a letter addressed to all three from Addie who has just left town with one of their husbands. They won't know which one until that night.
O Toque Mágico
Following American reporter Stephen Fitzgerald from Ireland to New York, a grateful leprechaun acts as the newsman's servant and conscience.
Sitting Pretty
Tacey and Harry King are a suburban couple with three sons and a serious need of a babysitter. Tacey puts an ad in the paper for a live-in babysitter, and the ad is answered by Lynn Belvedere. But when she arrives, she turns out to be a man. And not just any man, but a most eccentric, outrageously forthright genius with seemingly a million careers and experiences behind him.
Scudda Hoo! Scudda Hay!
Light-hearted, old-style romance about a farm-hand who arranges to buy a pair of mules from his employer. No one is able to handle the mules and he must train them. Adding to his dilemma, he pursues his boss's daughter who gets her kicks out of keeping him guessing about her true feelings. Of course, at the end he tames both the mules and the girl.
Sublime Devoção
In 1932, a cop is killed and Frank Wiecek sentenced to life. Eleven years later, a newspaper ad by Frank's mother leads Chicago reporter P.J. O'Neal to look into the case. For some time, O'Neal continues to believe Frank guilty. But when he starts to change his mind, he meets increased resistance from authorities unwilling to be proved wrong.
O Beijo da Morte
An ex-con trying to go straight must face a crazed criminal out for revenge.
Mother Wore Tights
In this chronicle of a vaudeville family, Myrtle McKinley (class of 1900) goes to San Francisco to attend business school, but ends up in a chorus line. Soon, star Frank Burt notices her talent, hires her for a "two-act", then marries her. Incidents of the marriage and the growing pains of eldest daughter Miriam are followed, interspersed with nostalgic musical numbers.
O Fio da Navalha
Um jovem Bem-de-Vida de Chicago, Larry Darrell, rompe seu noivado com Isabel e viaja pelo mundo em busca da iluminação. Acaba encontrando o seu guru na Índia. Isabel se casa com Gray, e na sequência da crise de 1929, é convidada a viver em Paris com seu rico tio Elliot, um alpinista social. Durante uma temporada em Paris, Larry, tendo alcançado seu objetivo, está junto com Isabel. Quando numa noite resolvem passear por um bairro barra pesada. Larry, Isabel e acompanhantes ficam chocados ao descobrir Sophie, uma amiga de Chicago. Depois de ter perdido o marido e filho em um trágico acidente, Sophie está vivendo uma vida de submundo, com a ajuda de drogas e de um homem bruto e abusivo. Larry tenta reabilita-la, mas seus esforços são sabotados por Isabel, que tenta em vão reacender o interesse de Larry por ela.
Envolto nas Sombras
Investigador particular Bradford Galt mudou-se para Nova Iorque vindo de San Francisco depois de cumprir uma pena de prisão por culpa de seu parceiro advogado Tony Jardine. Quando ele descobre que alguém o está seguindo, e possivelmente tentando matá-lo, Galt acredita que Jardine está por trás disso. Ele descobre que é um pouco mais do que isso, e está cada vez mais feliz por ter sua atraente nova secretária Kathleen, por várias razões.
Conflito Sentimental
An actress becomes taken with Hitty, a young orphan prone to dreaming. Julie soon finds out that she is ill and has only a short time to live. She decides to adopt the child so that her husband Bill will not be alone when she dies. Unfortunately, Bill is not charmed by Hitty.
Corações Enamorados
Durante sua visita anual à Feira Estadual de Iowa, a família Frake desfruta de muitas aventuras. O patriarca orgulhoso Abel (Charles Winninger) tem grandes esperanças para seu campeão de suínos Blueboy, e sua esposa Melissa (Fay Bainter) entra no concurso de picadinho e picles... com resultados hilários. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
Fantasia de Amor
Bill wants to join the Army, but he's 4F so he asks a wizard to help him, but the wizard has slight problems with his history knowlege, so he sends Bill everywhere in history, but not to WWII.
The Lodger
In Victorian era London, the inhabitants of a family home with rented rooms upstairs fear the new lodger is Jack the Ripper.
Uma Asa e uma Prece
Um porta-aviões é enviado em uma missão de engodo pelo Pacífico, com ordens de evitar o combate, mantendo, assim, o estado de alerta japonês antes da batalha de Midway. Todos os homens têm os seus problemas e preocupações individuais, mas tornam-se cada vez mais frustrados com a sua proibição de combate, por razões desconhecidas para eles. Mas no final, todos vão ter a sua chance de lutar.
Dixie Dugan
Roger Hudson, a wealthy businessman who has moved to Washington to work for the government as a "dollar a year man," is late for a radio broadcast about his new department, the Mobilization of Woman Power for War. He takes a cab driven by Dixie Dugan, who hopes that being a cabbie while the country's men are away fighting will help the war effort. Her incompetent driving, however, results in an accident for which Roger must take responsibility in order to reach the radio station in time. Dixie then returns home, where she lives with her father Timothy, who is constantly practicing his air raid warden duties, her mother Gladys, an aspiring Red Cross worker, and cousin Imogene, who studies incessantly to become a "quiz kid." The Dugans rent out their spare rooms to Dixie's fiancé, Matt Hogan, and to blustering Judge J. J. Lawson. Matt, who works in a munitions factory, wants Dixie to settle down and marry him, but Dixie is determined to help her country.
Over My Dead Body
Berle plays a mystery writer who forever writes himself into corners and is never able to finish a story. While visiting his wife (Mary Beth Hughes) at the office where she works, Berle overhears several men discussing the suicide of a coworker. Struck with a brilliant notion, Berle decides to confess to the murder of the dead man, certain that he'll be able to wriggle out of the situation and thereby have plenty of material for a story.