David J. Francis

Nascimento : 1970-12-02, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


Reel Zombies
Three film directors make a documentary about the undead in an invested world, he filmed in a time of real zombies. The crew filmed the backdrop of the zombie apocalypse, the real zombie invasion is underway
Reel Zombies
Three film directors make a documentary about the undead in an invested world, he filmed in a time of real zombies. The crew filmed the backdrop of the zombie apocalypse, the real zombie invasion is underway
A new deadly virus is transmitted to humans via mosquito bites and then learns to control their corpses. A bunch of survivors let their guard down once they find shelter and sex in each other.
A new deadly virus is transmitted to humans via mosquito bites and then learns to control their corpses. A bunch of survivors let their guard down once they find shelter and sex in each other.
Zombie Night
Pakistan and India exchange nukes. Other countries join the fray, and the nuclear fallout causes a plague of the living dead. David attempts to lead a band of survivors from safe house to safe house, hoping to outlast the zombies, while also trying to protect the group from the machinations of a survivor and former member of his party bent on revenge.
Zombie Night
Pakistan and India exchange nukes. Other countries join the fray, and the nuclear fallout causes a plague of the living dead. David attempts to lead a band of survivors from safe house to safe house, hoping to outlast the zombies, while also trying to protect the group from the machinations of a survivor and former member of his party bent on revenge.
Zombie Night
Pakistan and India exchange nukes. Other countries join the fray, and the nuclear fallout causes a plague of the living dead. David attempts to lead a band of survivors from safe house to safe house, hoping to outlast the zombies, while also trying to protect the group from the machinations of a survivor and former member of his party bent on revenge.
Drácula 2: A Ascensão
Drácula não morreu. Depois de ficar anos desaparecido, o Príncipe das Trevas retorna em mais um filme de terror arrepiante. Um corpo totalmente carbonizado chega ao necrotério. Ao começar a autópsia, a Dra. Elizabeth nota que está de frente para um corpo completamente sem sangue. Inicia-se uma série de experiências que despertam o vampiro enfurecido e sedento. Ele quer secar as veias daquele grupo de homens e mulheres, mas Drácula não sabe que o padre Uffizi está à sua procura. Conhecido caçador de vampiros, ele não descansará enquanto não eliminar mais este sanguessuga. Uma luta desesperada está para começar..
Drácula 2000
Um jovem caçador de vampiros, ainda em treinamento, enviado de Londres até Nova Orleans para proteger Mary Van Helsing do vampiro Drácula, que pretende capturá-la.