Francesc Garrido
Nascimento : 1969-09-07, Barcelona, España
Olivia Brontë, a movie star, travels to Switzerland for a photo shoot with a major fashion magazine. There she will meet Tristán del Val, a Spanish philosopher whom she met years ago. This reunion will lead them to revisit the past and reconsider their future.
A fugitive film director in exile, called H, returns to the industrial city of which he fled in the past, in a time and place unknown. Gloria, the working woman who loved and left behind lives subjected to routine. But H, unable to adapt, convince her to run away together to a place that no one remembers the outside of civilization.
Louise loved Adam. Adam loved Louise. That is how it used to be. But a child has disappeared. Their child. The police said it was a drowning accident. Yet the truth is that their little boy’s body was never found. Lucas, ten years old. How easy it all would have been if the ocean had taken the trouble to throw up a little-swollen child’s corpse onto the beach. Or if a local with alcohol in his blood and blood on his hands had ploughed him down at full speed. An indescribable pain. No more living, no more happiness, but at least no unanswered questions. Unfortunately, that is not how it is for Adam and Louise.
This film is Álex Montoya's first feature film: an interesting adaptation of the play La gente by Juli Disla and Jaume Pérez, also screenwriters of the film. The emergence of assembly groups after the political movements after 2011 served their authors to cast a comic look at decision-making processes and the capacity for dialogue of the human being.
Tocho e Jean Pierre refazem sua viagem de carro da Espanha ao Mali para reencontrar um velho amigo à beira da morte e levam junto a filha que ele não vê há muito tempo.
German Torres
The sudden reappearance of the young Vera in a coastal village makes Jordi decide to undertake the search for his father, who has been presumed dead for over twenty years.
Maria wants to make her deceased mother's last wish come true. Nevertheless, in her family, nobody supports her.
Colonel Solano
Num futuro não muito distante, uma família ligada às forças armadas aceita fazer parte de um programa científico secreto. Eles são realocados para o espaço e vão participar de uma experiência inovadora de evolução genética do ser humano.
Dan Atenas (segment 'They Will All Die In Space')
Preso em uma cápsula criogênica danificada, um homem é forçado a assistir a uma série de horríveis histórias de ficção científica enquanto seus sistemas de suporte à vida se esgotam. Apresentando oito histórias intensas do desconhecido e do outro mundo, igualmente maravilhoso e aterrorizante.
Vicenç is a politician with mayor aspirations married to Carme. She is unhappy with their marriage and lives obsessed about having children. A young boy who was a part of their lives fifteen years ago starts a process that will destroy Vicenç in a professional and personal way.
A Spanish couple travels to a country in Eastern Europe to adopt a child. However, things do not work out as they had expected.
A girl on the run, a villain in the making, a faux cowboy, and Claudia Cardinale as Claudia Cardinale starring in a post-modern homage to cinema.
Dan Atenas
The starship Tantalus drifts through space.
Stage actor
A group of Spanish friends meet a girl who speaks English called Rachel. Victor is one of them but his English is not good enough to talk with Rachel.
Javier Falcón, Chief of the Sevilla Homicide Division, must solve two different cases in a short time. In the first case he is personally involved. An old friend of his infiltrated an Islamic terrorist cell and now the group is trying to recruit his young son for their cause. The same case hits even closer at home. A war is raging between two clans in the Russian Mafia. When an important mobster tries to defect, he gets killed in a car crash. On the scene, the police find an encrypted USB stick with highly explosive information. Then the son of Falcon’s girlfriend Consuelo is kidnapped. They are contacted by both Mafia clans claiming they have the kid and wanting to get their hands on the information. And both say they will kill him if Falcon doesn’t give them the stick
Minister Serrano
During a brief rule towards the end of the 19th century, the Italian duke Amadeo of Savoy occupied the Spanish throne. However, confined to the safety of life within the palace walls, the lonely, frustrated king and his servants succumb to playful adventures focused more on pleasure than his duties.
A fragmented view of contemporary Spain, drawing conclusions about the persistence of the human condition, strangeness, and the chaos within relationships.
Comisario Guitérrez
Desde a morte da esposa, Sr. White se mudou com os filhos pequenos para um novo apartamento. Eles começam a perceber presenças estranhas no local, e decidem chamar parapsicólogos para investigar o caso. Quando visitam a casa antiga, eles percebem que estes fenômenos estão ligados à família, e não à casa. Assim que as câmeras dos peritos em atividades paranormais são ativadas, provas assustadoras começam a aparecer.
La Casita Blanca is about to close its doors. What still on any given day in any of the forty rooms? Meublé tells six stories about desire, the game, the need for companionship and madness, as necessary to live and they do not understand the crisis.
Jordi Puigmartí
Em meio à pior crise econômica da Argentina, Jordi tenta conseguir um contrato multimilionário com o governo. Para obtê-lo, ele deve colocar sua ética de lado e entrar em um jogo perigoso. Ele pagará um preço mais alto do que qualquer coisa que o dinheiro pode comprar.
Domingo Jr.
"Conexão" é uma ficção inspirada na realidade cuja acção começa quando uma traineira, carregada de haxixe vindo de Marrocos, é apreendida no alto mar pela polícia portuguesa. O caso acaba por ser entregue a dois inspectores da Judiciária cuja integridade deixa muito a desejar.
Abel is a boxer turned debt collector who is struggling to provide for his young son. When he falls in love with beautiful car thief Kay, the couple plan for a new crime-free beginning. To fund their new law-abiding life, however, they conspire for one last big score. The resulting fiasco takes them on a rough ride through the gritty Barcelona underworld. Winner of Best Film at the 2009 Málaga Spanish Film Festival.
José Luis
Tricked by a former college rival (Guillermo Toledo), two juvenile brothers (Santiago Segura, Javier Gutiérrez) travel to a concert that's not taking place.
Marriage of Vienna, theater director, and Daniel, a geriatric physician, is in crisis. Both cling to their professional activity to fill the void in their lives agonizing. Their worlds seem antagonistic, their needs, different. Account of the worst loneliness: loneliness in the company, and on promises unfulfilled desires can not be met, but it becomes a good excuse to continue living despite everything.
A dramatic thriller about a couple who own an advertising agency. The husband apparently commits suicide, but the police and the insurance company decide to investigate his death.
Cavalier Martelli
The tumultuous and adventurous life of Michelangelo Merisi, controversial artist, called by Fate to become the immortal Caravaggio. A violent genius that will dare to defy the ideal vision of the world imposed by the Renaissance painters. A provoker that scandalized patrons and institutions, raising the altars the outcast figures he knew so well: drunkards, vagrants and prostitutes.
In the 16th century, the daughter of a Spanish nobleman joins a convent and becomes a spiritual leader.
Martín Saldaña
O espadachim do século XVII Diego Alatriste é contratado para matar o Príncipe de Gales e o duque de Buckingham sem saber que se trata deles. Ao descobrir a identidade de seus alvos, entende que terá que enfrentar pessoas muito poderosas.
A man is consumed with the idea of acquiring a chair from a bric-a-brac shop.
What if ... you let a stranger into your house to use your phone, but while you've been patiently waiting in the kitchen, he just disappears ... or does he? Félix, an architect who has just split up with his girl-friend and inhabits a huge mansion in Barcelona, finds out how many hiding places there really are in his house. But are there enough to hide another person, a strange parasite of living space? Or is Félix really going insane?
Ramón Sampedro (Javier Bardem) é um homem que luta para ter o direito de pôr fim à sua própria vida. Na juventude ele sofreu um acidente, que o deixou tetraplégico e preso a uma cama por 28 anos. Lúcido e extremamente inteligente, Ramón decide lutar na justiça pelo direito de decidir sobre sua própria vida, o que lhe gera problemas com a igreja, a sociedade e até mesmo seus familiares.
One winter night, Pilar runs away from home. With her, she takes only a few belongings and her son, Juan. Antonio soon sets out to look for her. He says Pilar is his sunshine, and what's more, "She gave him her eyes"...
Paul Éluard (voice)
Tour of the life of Elena Dmitrievna Diakonova Gala from Kazan Russia, where she was born, to Davos, where she met Paul Éluard, and continues in Paris and New York down to Cadaqués, where she died.
The Spanish branch of an American company is obliged to enforce the ban on smoking in their offices. From now on, those who want to smoke during working hours must do so in the street. Ramirez, one of the employees of this small office composed mainly of men, decides to begin collecting signatures against what he considers unfair. What Ramirez intends is to be use an unoccupied office as smoking room
Victor and Gloria entry workers form a relatively stable marriage. But one day Victor loses a leg due to an accident, granting him permanent disability. Consequently, his life changes and, among other things, the relationship with his wife deteriorates progressively.
Arián, a young Basque girl, idealistic but naive, joins a ruthless terrorist gang and, hoping to prove her commitment, volunteers to participate in the kidnapping of the daughter of an important businessman.
Four adults in Madrid do not cross paths but often frequent Club Mingus in the city's centre. There is also urban construction going on in the city.