Pascal Demolon

Pascal Demolon

Nascimento : 1964-09-02, Soissons, Aisne, France


Pascal Demolon


Ma langue au chat
And Yet We Were All Blind
Who has never heard of pregnancy denial? This condition, often caused by miscellaneous circumstances, escapes our understanding and even science. How can the mind of a pregnant woman hide a child growing in her body?
38°5 Quai des Orfèvres
A serial killer, nicknamed Le Ver(s) Solitaire (The Lone Worm) for the alexandrines left at the crime scenes, is spreading terror. Under the orders of a commissioner, Clarisse Sterling, a rookie in the crime squad, can only rely on her instinct, 200g of chouquettes and the virtues of a well-placed pineapple to solve this investigation and save her skin.
Le commissaire
Following a failed hold-up, leg-hurted Antoine is looking to hide at Elias's home. Nothing reserved the anarchist robber to meet this life-disciplined history teacher. Then, a strange balance of power set in, between ascendency and friendship, before the arrival of Lucie, investigator in charge of the case.
Un alibi
A group of friends who have known each other for many years meet at Max and Lucie's house to celebrate Lucie's birthday. When they arrive, the three guests discover Max kneeling in front of the body of his wife who has been murdered. He is sure that the police will charge him because everything accuses him. Convinced of his innocence, his friends decide to give him an alibi. But the investigation tightens around Max...
Homens à beira de um ataque de nervos
Ivan Lenoire
Sete homens, com idades entre 17 e 70 anos, que são completamente opostos, se não à beira de um colapso nervoso, se encontram embarcados em uma terapia de grupo no deserto. Este curso misterioso, "exclusivamente reservado aos homens", supostamente opera milagres.
Internet humor star Thomas the Lama gets out of hand in a video. He becomes the target of all haters and his life falls apart. To win back his girlfriend and his audience, he decides to go meet his 10 biggest detractors to see if they can say, face to face, what they write on his page - Each meeting promises to be epic.
On a Saturday night during lock down, a group of very good friends go online to share a virtual aperitif. Suddenly, one of them is attacked and kidnapped live by an unknown man in front of his friends who watch helplessly from behind their screens. They soon discover that this mysterious stranger knows all their worst secrets, which he intends to bring to light one after the other.
Brutus vs Cesar
Faced with the tyranny of Caesar who acts as absolute master over Rome, Senators Rufus and Cassius form a plot to assassinate him.
D'un monde à l'autre
How Mom Turned to Armed Robbery
Despite her best intentions and hard work, a single mom with two sons just can't make ends meet and is forced to depend upon credit just to get by. Desperate, she can see only one solution left to save her family: stage a hold-up.
A famosa Invasão dos Ursos na Sicília
Grand Duke (voice)
Nossa história começa com Tonio, o filho do urso Rei, sendo sequestrado por alguns caçadores nas montanhas da Sicília. Por causa da dureza de um inverno que ameaça seu clã de fome, o Rei Urso decide invadir a terra dos homens (na esperança de encontrar seu filho). Graças ao seu poderoso exército e à ajuda de um mago, ele terá sucesso em ambas as missões, mas logo descobrirá que os ursos não foram feitos para viver na terra dos homens.
La Source
Mr. Drollet
Samir lives in a suburban city. One day, he has a revelation when he sees the picture of an American surfer from suburbs who looks like him.
Roll the Drum!
In the spring of 1970 a small village in Valais experienced unusual turbulence. Is it because of the federal vote on women's suffrage? Or in the upcoming foreign infiltration initiative? No, it's worse: the brass band is falling apart! Half of the village blames Aloys, the other half blames Pierre. What begins as a musical conflict soon leads to a political conflict and even extends to love.
La Fête des mères
Le Rire de ma mère
A young boy has to deal with increasing family and school pressures as his mother's disease worsens.
Baby Phone
During a dinner, the revelations made through the baby-phone of a child's room will create a real cataclysm within a family and a group of friends ...
Family Heist
A high-profile burglar reconciles with his two daughters (half-siblings) to help him retaliate against his ex-partner who betrayed him.
Je vous écoute
Pascal Demolon
Tudo Para Ser Feliz
Anthony vai ser brevemente quarentão. Diletante, egoísta e insatisfeito, nunca se deu ao trabalho de cuidar das suas adoráveis filhas. Infantilizado pela sua esposa Alice, Antoine não consegue encontrar um lugar na sua casa e de repente decide sair para uma história sem futuro. Quando Alice lhe confia de surpresa as filhas durante alguns dias, Antoine vai encontrar-se num mundo desconhecido. E enquanto ele não for capaz de assumir o papel de seu pai dentro da unidade familiar, acabará por se tornar uma verdadeira “mãe judia”.
Barnabé, le père de Sophie
Julia, Vadim, Nestor, Timothée e Samuel são cinco amigos de infância que sempre sonharam em morar juntos. Quando Samuel se oferece para pagar metade do aluguel, os outros quatro não pensam duas vezes e resolvem se mudar para um apartamento onde os cinco possam habitar. No entanto, assim que eles terminam a mudança, Samuel fica sem um tostão no bolso, informação que ele decide não partilhar.
Rock'n'roll Will Never Die
Vince is a 13-year-old drummer. His father, Fred, is 48, and a faded guitarist and singer rock "star." He’s going to play with him one of his old tunes at his middle school summer party. The trouble is chain-smoker Fred doesn’t really have a voice any more. Besides, Fred is not really his father…
Through the Air
Vincent, a former air rifle champion lives a quiet life with his wife and his daughter. Despite his happy family life he ends up with economic problems. One day at the shooting range he meets the mysterious Renaud who promises him a solution to his problems by offering him an unusual job. Suddenly Vincent finds himself in a very dangerous spiral which turns out to be even harder to get out of than finding a solution to his economic problems.
Au nom du fils
Michel is a welder working at a shipyard in Brest. His wife died of cancer over a year ago and their 19-year-old son, Etienne, went to pieces and made off for Bogota. He hasn't been in touch for 6 months and Michel is desperate to find him. He leaves - without much money - arrives to Bogota and is mugged on the first day but manages to strike up a friendship with a Belgian girl who - reluctantly at first - helps him on his quest and eventually becomes a close friend. In an unbelievably short time, and following the flimsiest clues, he finds his son who has tried to find a new family among a white-clad Indian tribe in a near-accessible place. I won't spoil it by telling you any more - but there isn't much more.
Asterix e o Domínio dos Deuses
Cordius (voice)
O imperador romano Júlio César sempre quis derrotar os irredutíveis gauleses, mas jamais teve sucesso em seus planos de conquista. Até que, um dia, ele resolve mudar de estratégia. Ao invés de atacá-los, passa a oferecer os prazeres da civilização aos gauleses. Desta forma, Júlio César ordena a construção da Terra dos Deuses ao redor da vila gaulesa, de forma a impressioná-los e, assim, convencê-los a se unir ao império romano. Só que a dupla Asterix e Obelix não está nem um pouco disposta a cooperar com os planos de César.
To fight against the introduction of automatic checkouts that threaten their jobs, staff members at Hard Discounts secretly create their own "Alternative Discount" outlet by salvaging products that would otherwise have been wasted.
Divorce French Style
Ariane, a young French violinist, accepts the marriage proposal of Christen, an irresistible conductor. Only problem: she's a little bit ... married! Separated for two years with Nino, an Italian teacher with a strong character, she manages to convince him to follow her to Paris to divorce in 8 days flat. But their trip in the city of love looks much more eventful than expected...
Ela O Adora
Muriel é esteticista. Ela fala muito, meio mentirosa, gosta de contar histórias um tanto bizarras. Há vinte anos, Muriel é, além de tudo, a fã número um do cantor Vincent Lacroix. Uma noite, o ídolo toca a campainha da sua porta...
Uma Complicada Situação Amorosa
Playboy lycée
Ben está de casamento marcado com Juliette, mas não parece muito animado com o casório. Para complicar mais a situação, Vanessa, uma antiga paixão do colégio, volta à cena, confundindo de vez o coração de Ben. Com a vida e o coração divididos, ele precisa decidir qual das duas é seu grande amor.
Baby Phone
Two buddies visit a friends couple-urban sophisticate, inhibited parents. While they meet with the baby in his room, the two buddies start on bad jokes about his physique. But they ignore that in the kitchen, everyone hears them through the baby monitor !
Divin enfant
Nunca na Primeira Noite
Julie (Alexandra Lamy), uma mulher alegre e com personalidade, nunca teve sorte no amor. Sua vida parece mudar quando ela conhece o livro “A felicidade pode ser aprendida”, que prega o pensamento positivo. Apesar do ceticismo de suas melhores amigas, Julie implementa seu novo mantra em todos os aspectos da da sua vida, conseguindo os resultados mais inesperados.
Our Heroes Died Tonight
Le finlandais
France in the early 60s. Simon, a wrestler, wears a white mask. In the ring, he is known as "The Specter". He suggests to his friend Victor who has just returned from combat to be his adversary in the ring and wear a black mask, and be known as "The Slaughterer of Belleville". But for Victor, still shaken from his experience in combat, this is too much; for once in his life he would like to be the good guy, the one people cheer on. Simon then suggests they switch masks. But it proves less easy to fool the rest of the wrestling crowd...
Lulu Nua e Crua
Após uma entrevista de emprego mal sucedida, Lulu decide não voltar para casa, deixando o marido e os filhos à sua espera. Ela não tem nada planejado e se dá alguns dias de liberdade, aproveitando plenamente o que vier em seu caminho. Neste caminho, ela acaba encontrando pessoas que também estão na beira do mundo e alguém que perdeu de vista há muito tempo: ela mesma.
Blanche Nuit
Le commissaire Moulinette
When Arthur decided to become a policeman it was most definitely not so that he would be put on the trail of a group of ultra-left wing artists, the Black Fist Collective. No, his real motivation was so that he could trace his father, Public Enemy Number One, La Malice. But, alas, it is Chief Inspector Moulinette who sets the rules, assisted by his faithful lieutenant Gégé. Arthur has no choice but to infiltrate the troublesome Collective, by posing as an actor...
Ben, who dreamed of himself as a comic in New York, is back in Paris, his professional and emotional life in complete disarray. He encounters Alex, the star host of the Breakfast Club, a popular morning radio show. With Cyril, a forty-something who'd prefer not to be, and Arnold, the charismatic leader of the gang, they call the shots on Blast FM. In next to no time Ben is hired to write for them. He's barely joined the team when a tidal wave hits the station: Breakfast Club listenership is in free fall. They set out on a bus to travel to every corner of France to meet and win over their public once again. For these arrogant Parisians, a real journey of initiation arises from this radio-phonic road trip, shaking up all their certainties.
Paule is pushing 50, as she repeatedly observes in her voice-over commentary. When she – a philosophy lecturer with a 10-year marriage and a 15-year-old daughter – learns that her husband is having an affair with a 28-year-old, this number takes on a special weight. The Internet site “L’âme-sœur” is supposed to help Paule get through her burgeoning midlife crisis...
L'ombre d'un flic
Durante uma operação fracassada contra Zohran um importante traficante de drogas, Comissário Bianco, diretor da DEA é morto. Sua equipe, composta por cinco membros, Sarah, Louvier, Rosier, Tony e Igor, que trabalhou a vida ea morte com ele, está devastada. É num clima de luto e vingança que o Comissário Ortéguy, um homem justo, é nomeado chefe da DEA para substituir Bianco. Por seu caráter, diferente legalista, zeloso, ao contrário desse limite de enxofre e Bianco, Ortéguy vê imediatamente rejeitado por sua equipe. Conforme os dias, Ortéguy deve tentar impor, esqueça Bianco cujo fantasma ainda assombra as paredes da brigada ...
All That Glitters
Le chauffeur de taxi
Best friends Ely and Lila share everything together, including their dream of a life beyond the Paris suburb they've lived in since childhood. One night they venture into the capital and meet a pair of wealthy young friends at a night club. Ashamed of their working-class background, and seeing an opportunity to escape, Ely and Lila begin to lie their way into this glamorous new world. Falling deeper into their web of lies, the young women begin to lose sight of themselves as their friendship is pushed to the limit.
Myriam's choice
The arrival in France of the first generation of Algerian immigrants. In the early sixties, Kader, soon joined by his wife Myriam, tries to build a new life on French soil. Like many other couples, they soon find themselves torn between the dream of returning to their homeland and that of prospering in a land that is not always welcoming.
Há Tanto Tempo que te Amo
L'homme du bar
Juliette retorna à sua família e à sociedade, após 15 anos de ausência e rejeição. Apesar de uma separação familiar drástica no passado, sua irmã mais nova, Léa, decide abrigá-la em sua casa, onde mora com o marido, as duas filhas e o sogro. Aos poucos, a trama revela a aparente amoralidade por trás da tragédia que manteve Juliette afastada por tanto tempo da vida real.
Fragments of Antonin
le lieutenant Ferrou
A psychiatrist who probes the mind of traumatized soldiers attempts to unlock the secret that drove a gentle but deeply-disturbed World War I veteran to the edge of insanity.
Hanging Offense
Dalton 1
A strange investigation doesn’t erase the regrets of a grieving woman cop. Every four years, the past catches up with her. Every four years this woman is very afraid. Her fear is such that she feels it could kill her because in her dreams reality begins.
The Pharmacist
Junkie pharmacie
An ecological pharmacist uses ancient Celtic techniques to murder industrial magnates whose practices harm the planet.
Stéphane Sarafian
Léa is a strong person, but when she comes out of prison, she decides to get a fresh start. She would like to forget her cold and aloof father Vittorio Pastore, her young and irresponsible brother Samy for who she went in jail and the Zach's gang, the thug she used to love. But nothing elapses as she expected.
No happy end
A man and a little girl taken hostage during a bank raid end up trapped in a claustrophobic closed environment. This is the start of a painful prychological confrontation between the two prisoners...
Inspecteur Lefèvre
O carismático criminoso Dobermann (Vincent Cassel), que teve sua primeira arma quando foi batizado, lidera uma gangue de ladrões brutais, com sua bela namorada surda Nat the Gypsy (Monica Bellucci). Depois de um complexo e brutal assalto a banco, eles estão sendo caçados pela polícia de Paris. A caçada é liderada pelo sádico policial Christini (interpretado por Tchéky Karyo), que tem apenas um objetivo: pegar Dobermann. A qualquer custo.
When you have nothing to lose, you have everything to gain! Léo and Al become friends as our century draws to a close. On the onehand, Al admits that he is "a virgin but a man of science". On the other, Léo innocently follows his impulses. Both develop an eccentric complicity that isolates them from the outside world. Time passes and Leo and Al continue to live happily on the fringe. Our two friends meet another guy, Ed, who is pretty ordinary. He works for the national electricity company, has bought a house on a twenty-year mortgage and is stuck in traffic every night on his way home from work. That morning, when Ed comes to read the meter in Al's apartment,they tell him the news: the world is due to end at 11:58 tonight!...
Zone Bleue
In a neighborhood threatened of destruction and where a majority of marginalized people live, Violette, a painter finds her friend Pierre.
Passer au large
La 3ème Voie
Capitaine Riboire