Elegant Gentleman
O casal liberal Erik e Anna são acadêmicos que decidem transformar a herança de Erik, uma casa extensa em Copenhague, em uma comuna. Tudo parece estar indo bem, até que a receptividade de Anna é colocada à prova quando Erik apresenta sua amante Emma à cooperativa.
Læge (uncredited)
O verão idílico da família Johansson chega à uma parada abrupta quando as mortes começam a acontecer por conta de variante do vírus da gripe. As autoridades começam isolando a vizinhança, mas logo entram em pânico e forçam os habitantes a permanecer em quarentena dentro de suas casas hermeticamente fechadas. Isolados do resto do mundo, o adolescente Gustav espia e percebe que a situação está ficando fora de controle.
Kunden ved pølsevognen
Frank and Casper's friendship is put to a test, when Casper decides to leave Denmark to pursue a solo career in Los Angeles. Determined to win his best friend back Frank chooses to follow Casper insuring an eventful trip.
Tommy is not doing much of anything with his life or the money he has inherited except smoking weed. His parents have high hopes for him and he is bound to disappoint them. Then one day a Thai prostitute on the run from criminal forces her way into his apartment and Tommy finds himself at a crossroad.
A whistle blower attempts to reveal the secret behind a nuclear disaster that occurred during the height of the Cold War.
Herluf lives a complacent life with his wife Inger-Lise. Their daily routines are only interrupted by their daughter's marriages, the third now about to take place. But Herluf's problems are more serious than an indecisive daughter, his wife is cheating on him and he's started forgetting things at work. And one day Herluf doesn't return home.
Akademiker til prisuddeling
Family film 'My Sisters Kids & the Gold Diggers' sends Uncle Erik and the kids on a new adventure. This time discovering the children that their great-grandfather emigrated from Denmark and was a gold digger in Canada. Even now, many years later, they still have family over there. So when the family comes in contact with an aunt, they travel across the Atlantic to visit her. In Canada awaits them a true treasure hunt, the wild and two greedy prospectors. At the same time they are joined by Mrs. Flinth which, as always, has a crush on Uncle Erik.
The General
'PROTO' is a sci-fi action adventure, about a child-like, experimental robot, set in the robotics lab where he has been built. Although PROTO has been made to fulfill the ambitions of his creator, Prof. Andrews, he learns to find his own dreams and ambitions, and also the strength needed to realise them. The main theme of the film is freedom, both literal and in the ability to choose one's own destiny - to break free of expectations. We wish for the film, while an exciting and fun science fiction, to also capture a magical sense of wonder. PROTO will overcome the expectations and restrictions placed on him and discovering his true self.
Funeral attendant
O policial Andreas (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) leva uma vida tranquila com a sua esposa. Um dia, é acionado para intervir em uma briga doméstica comum, de um casal que tem um histórico de violência e de uso de drogas. Na casa do casal, ele descobre um bebê preso no closet . Andreas fica indignado com o tratamento dado à criança, mas as leis não permitem que a família perda a guarda do filho. Cada vez mais obcecado pelo caso, ele decide sequestrar o bebê por conta própria, levando-o para a sua casa. Começam então as investigações sobre o paradeiro do pequeno desaparecido.
Onkel Preben
Thomas is finally getting married, and Andreas has arranged a bachelor party of the century... he thinks. But a shocking death during Thomas' bachelor party sends the three friends off on an unforgettable trip to a funeral; they probably won't be forgiven for. Speed-Dating, infidelity and near death experiences put their relationship on a serious test. The question is whether the three friends will survive the trip and the funeral - and will they make it home in time for Thomas' wedding.
Three 13-year-olds start a detective agency and in solving their first case, learn about friendship and courage.
Depois de um grande trauma, a aclamada atriz Emily Moore e seu marido Robert, curtem ferias relaxantes em uma linda ilha do mediterrâneo. Mas na primeira noite na casa uma jovem chega com as mãos sujas de sangue, histérica com a morte de seu namorado em um acidente. Robert se oferece para ajudar, mas o comportamento estanho da moça, faz Emily acreditar que ela possa ser uma ameaça a seu casamento ou ate sua vida.
The five days when Copenhagen was held in a panic grip by an intelligent activist and former elite shooter, who takes to arms when a woman journalist writes about the government’s broken promises in an environmental question.
This sequel to the box office hit All for One finds the previously tight-knit trio dispersed: Nikolai is on parole, while brothers Ralf and Timo are planning a heist involving the unlikely combination of unsalted butter, a strict diet and a helicopter. When their seemingly impossible heist succeeds, Nikolai asks to borrow some money to start over. The brothers reject him, but when all three of them are tricked by a fish-loving banking executive, they are forced to team up again.
Lawyer (uncredited)
Lucas acaba de passar por um divórcio complicado e é professor em um jardim-de-infância de uma pequena cidade dinamarquesa. A filha de seu melhor amigo, Klara, uma garotinha de 6 anos, acusa Lucas de abuso sexual para vingar-se de um beijo que ele recusou; a menina usa como embasamento a foto de um pênis ereto mostrada pelo seu irmão mais velho. A diretora da escola acredita inteiramente na menina e todos os adultos tentam evitar o seu relato, a fim de supostamente preservá-la da lembrança, enquanto começam a hostilizar Lucas, tomando-lhe como culpado e maníaco.
Mark (Casper Crump) and Laura (Mille Lehfeldt) are lovers. He is a singer in a failed boyband. She is getting tired of playing second fiddle to the relationship. But one day Laura is measured by the talent seeker Aslan, and it turns out that she is unbelievably talented. Laura becomes confident and successful. At the same time, Mark’s career is going downhill. Mark discovers that talent can not only be measured but also stolen by Aslan’s machine. In the name of love Mark sucks all of the talent out of his unsuspecting girlfriend and shoots for the stars – with massive consequences at home.
Anne has given up trying to find a man who will fit into her sensible and controlled life. Therefore she has chosen to become pregnant with an anonymous sperm donor who has been carefully chosen. But as her hormones get the better of her she realizes that the child may come to resemble the father and possibly get his less flattering characteristics. Anne feels compelled to find the sperm donor and ensure that he is as perfect as she imagines.
The true story of the Fiils: a family of innkeepers who, during Nazi-Germany's occupation of Denmark, took up arms against the German occupiers. But in the fight for freedom, some must die so that others may live.
O navio cargueiro MV Rozen está se dirigindo para o porto quando é invadido por piratas somalis no Oceano índico. Os homens a bordo – entre eles o cozinheiro Mikkel (Pilou Asbæk) e o engenheiro Jan (Roland Møller) – são feitos reféns em um jogo de vida e morte. A demanda por um resgate de milhões de dólares agrava a tensão que se desenvolve entre o CEO da companhia de navegação (Søren Malling), os piratas e os marinheiros. Drama psicológico dinamarquês exibido no 69º Festival Internacional de Cinema de Veneza.
Professor Welling (uncredited)
Opening in the seductive style of the sixties, »A Funny Man« uncovers the perennial loneliness that comedian Dirch Passer (Nikolaj Lie Kaas) has found himself in after a fast-tracked rise to fame. He struggles between his own desire to gain critical respect and servicing the audience¿s needs. Costing his kindred friendship to on-stage partner Kjeld Petersen (Lars Ranthe) Dirch takes on Steinbeck's classic »Of Mice and Men«, only for the audience to break out in laughter at his first line. Dirch's Lennie becomes a running joke, and so has, Dirch believes, his own life.
Morten Arnfred's warm comedy Lykkevej (Move Me) begins with Sara (Birthe Neumann) being left by her husband of a quarter century. Sara gets a job and moves into a new home on a street populated by eccentrics. Neighbor Robert (Jesper Lohmann) showers in his backyard, has been in mourning since his wife's death, and annoys his neighbors by keeping junk on his front yard. Sara and Robert tentatively strike up a relationship, while a couple on the street, Sus and Bo (Ditte Grbl and Asger Reher), have their own marriage issues to deal with. Move Me was screened at the Gothenburg Film Festival.
Tilskuer til dans
The second film of the trilogy, "It is forbidden for children". The family is pushed into depression and the heavy drinking mother Skrubsak does not help.
A série acontece na enfermaria de neurocirurgia do hospital "Rigshospitalet" de Copenhagen, o principal hospital da cidade e do país, apelidado de "Riget". "Riget" significa "o reino" ou "o reino" e leva alguém a pensar em "dødsriget", o reino dos mortos.
Anton is 10 years old. Anton's father was a jet fighter pilot who died in an accident. Anton's mother told Anton that his father is flying angels around in heaven. Anton is obsessed with aeroplanes (his bedroom is full of models and posters) and is (re-)building a full-size aeroplane in the Garage. He plans to use this aeroplane to fly up to his father. The film is about Anton coming to terms with his father's death and about friends, enemies and first love.
Pouco tempo após o Dr. Helmer chegar ao hospital dinamarquês Reino, acontecimentos estranhos surgem repentinamente - uma ambulância fantasma surge durante a noite, vozes são ouvidas no elevador, fetos desenvolvem-se de forma sobrenatural, uma loja maçônica realiza seus cultos ali, entre outros casos - abalando qualquer fé na ciência. E pacientes, médicos e funcionários terão de conviver e trabalhar nesse ambiente sinistro e totalmente incompreensível.
Blackpool, a dancing contest, a dead woman. This is the opening scene of this movie, which then continues by telling us the story preceding this sad accident - or is it a murder? We will get to know the tensed relationship of the dancing contestant couple Tove and Claes, and see how there lives are affected by Liselott and Lennart, their opponents and friends.
It's the early 20s, just after World War I. In Sweden, restrictions on alcohol are harder than most people like and so, smuggling is abundant. In this particular little town, smuggling is ruled by one man, who is the king of smugglers. The smugglers who work for him don't get to keep much of the profit themselves, but if they don't work for him, they get in trouble, which his henchmen make sure. However, Albert Jansson arrives in town and starts taking up the competition with the smuggler king. Meanwhile, the police, together the customs office, try to catch the smugglers.
Police Officer (uncredited)
Criminal genius Egon Olsen presents his accomplices Benny and Keld with yet another infallible plan that can only end badly. The booty is a red suitcase containing values worth five million. The sinister mastermind Bang-Johansen carries the suitcase. The Olsen Gang follows him to Paris, where they put their cunning and carefully organized plan into motion.
Stunt Driver
Criminal genius Egon Olsen presents his accomplices Benny and Keld with yet another infallible plan that can only end badly. The booty is a red suitcase containing values worth five million. The sinister mastermind Bang-Johansen carries the suitcase. The Olsen Gang follows him to Paris, where they put their cunning and carefully organized plan into motion.
Policeman (uncredited)
Egon plans to exploit knowledge gained during his latest term of incarceration. By stealing the unmanipulated financial records of DanInvest he obtains the majority of the stocks in the department store Magasin du Nord, just in time for their closing sale. The attempt to get the red suitcase that will save the day they rob the main vault at the EEC headquarters in Brussels and end up hijacking a tank.
Policeman (uncredited)
Some criminal EU ministers plan to turn Denmark into a gigantic fair ground and holiday paradise. Egon gets his hand at some important documents which could both make him rich and take care of Denmark's future.
Policeman (uncredited)
Egon and the gang are hired to stage a robbery of an antique Chinese vase for an economically challenged baron. Naturally they fooled, which infuriates Egon. The gang tries to get back at the baron by switching the vase with a cheap Hong Kong copy. One attempt is made during the barons hunting party, where Egon ends up being bricked up in the catacombs. In another attempt, the gang has to coordinate breaking through several walls at The Royal Theater in Copenhagen with the "Elverhøj" overture.
Car Driver (uncredited)
Egon and his two cronies managed to sneak a fortune with them to Spain. Here they live a life in a whirl of pleasures, but they are not truly happy. While Egon always has the money chained to him, Bøffen still manages to steal them. Egon ends up in jail once again, and when he comes out, he has a brilliant plan.
Stunt Driver
Egon and his two cronies managed to sneak a fortune with them to Spain. Here they live a life in a whirl of pleasures, but they are not truly happy. While Egon always has the money chained to him, Bøffen still manages to steal them. Egon ends up in jail once again, and when he comes out, he has a brilliant plan.
A middle aged married woman suffers from depression. Her husband suggests she get a dog, but instead she gets a job. Treatment of the women workers leads her into a hilarious fantasy in which roles are reversed and bearded men sit behind typewriters worrying about their looks and what to buy for dinner. She gets involved in a strike and loses her job, but has found some friends and a more positive attitude to life.