André-Line Beauparlant


Os Pássaros Bêbados
Production Design
A busca de Willy para encontrar seu amor há muito perdido o trouxe do México para Montreal, Canadá, como trabalhador sazonal. Destinos se cruzam, momentos de realismo mágico surgem, mundos colidem e tensões aumentam em meio aos longos dias de trabalho físico. Representante do Canadá no Oscar 2022 de Filme Internacional. Seleção do Festival de Toronto 2021.
Petit Tom
Tom is 6 years old. With his camera, he films his mother, the dog, and the alley. Tom has difficulties with studying; he is hyperactive; he has anger issues at school; moreover, he eats crisps for supper. Tom is the son of Nathalie, a loving drug-addicted bipolar mother; the brother of Caroline, an escort who would like to go back to school; and the grandson of Madeleine, the grandmother tired of taking care of everyone. Petit Tom is a film about life and childhood in the setting of chaos, flowing time, family heritage, and motherly love.
A Deusa dos Vagalumes
Production Design
Adaptado do romance best-seller de Geneviève Pettersen, La déesse des mouches à feu, A Deusa dos Vagalumes se passa na década de 1990 e conta história de Catherine, uma adolescente que mora em Chicoutimi e está passando por um período difícil, em que descobrirá o sexo, drogas, amor e a morte.
14 Dias, 12 Noites
Art Direction
Isabelle Brodeur embarca em uma viagem ao Vietnã, o local de nascimento de sua filha adotiva. Ao longo desta linda jornada, Isabelle descobre o país de sua filha através dos olhos da mulher que a trouxe para esta palavra.
Art Direction
Após um apocalipse que transformou grande parte da população em zumbis, os moradores de uma pequena vila do Canadá lutam para continuar vivos. Os sobreviventes unem forças e refugiam-se na floresta para que todos consigam chegar em segurança na cidade grande. Mas será a cidade o santuário que procuram?
Eric toured the world, he worked on boats. It seems to live the life he always dreamed when he was imprisoned in Brazil, awaiting deportation to Canada. Between the calls to the Embassy, ​​the unexpected intervention of a stranger seeking to incriminate him and the announcement of the news to distraught parents, PINOCCHIO gradually pierces the mystery surrounding Éric over conversations, memories Travel to South America and confidences.
Eric toured the world, he worked on boats. It seems to live the life he always dreamed when he was imprisoned in Brazil, awaiting deportation to Canada. Between the calls to the Embassy, ​​the unexpected intervention of a stranger seeking to incriminate him and the announcement of the news to distraught parents, PINOCCHIO gradually pierces the mystery surrounding Éric over conversations, memories Travel to South America and confidences.
Eric toured the world, he worked on boats. It seems to live the life he always dreamed when he was imprisoned in Brazil, awaiting deportation to Canada. Between the calls to the Embassy, ​​the unexpected intervention of a stranger seeking to incriminate him and the announcement of the news to distraught parents, PINOCCHIO gradually pierces the mystery surrounding Éric over conversations, memories Travel to South America and confidences.
Eric toured the world, he worked on boats. It seems to live the life he always dreamed when he was imprisoned in Brazil, awaiting deportation to Canada. Between the calls to the Embassy, ​​the unexpected intervention of a stranger seeking to incriminate him and the announcement of the news to distraught parents, PINOCCHIO gradually pierces the mystery surrounding Éric over conversations, memories Travel to South America and confidences.
Acorda, Nicole
Production Design
Aproveitando que seus pais estão fora de casa, Nicole (Julianne Côté) passa tranquilamente o verão de seus vinte e dois anos com sua melhor amiga, Véronique (Catherine St. Laurent). As férias se desenvolvem sem grandes surpresas, até que o irmão mais velho de Nicole chega com sua banda para a gravação de seu álbum. A presença dele vai rapidamente minar a relação entre as duas amigas.
The 4 Soldiers
Production Design
A climate of civil war, a fight that has made them lose everything including their youth, four soldiers aged 13 to 20 years, will meet and build friendships. In the grip of an adult conflict, which they do not understand, Matéo, Dominique, Big Max and Kevin will keep recreating, round a pond and a cabin, a family.
Production Design
Chloé é uma médica canadense que trabalha na Palestina e mora em Jerusalém. Diariamente ela passa pela fronteira para visitar o campo de refugiados e monitorar as mulheres grávidas.
An allegory of mankind heading for disaster, this animated short is a tragic vision inspired by the 4th movement of Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition. Drawing on the composer’s brilliant ability to evoke work and labour in his music, animator Patrick Bouchard brings earth to life through animated clay sculptures, creating a tactile nightmare in which man is his own slave driver.
Production Design
Nawal, uma mulher moribunda do Oriente Médio que vive em Montreal, deixa cartas para seus filhos gêmeos para serem lidas quando ela falecer. Jeanne deve entregar a dela para o pai que nunca conheceu e Simon deve entregar a dele para o irmão que nunca soube que tinha. Os irmãos viajam para o Oriente Médio separados e vivenciam atos de brutalidade, descobrem uma história familiar surpreendente e têm revelações sobre si mesmos.
Montcerf, the last village before Abitibi. The forest, the night, the silence... twigs snap, big black boots make their way forward cautiously. The hunter on the hunt. With tenderness and simplicity, documentarian André-Line Beauparlant plunges into this world and paints the portrait of six hunters. Alternating between interviews and hunting sequences, the film overflows with breathtaking authenticity as it touches subjects such as love, death, and religion.
Baby Jesus
This is the story of a miracle that never happened... This is the story of a family... This is the story of my disabled brother... In fact, I think it's the story of a storm... I was 11 when my brother was born. It was August 30, 1977. It was the first time I saw my father cry. It was necessary to pray and above all, to be very wise. That's when my dad stopped talking and my mom stopped laughing.
Baby Jesus
This is the story of a miracle that never happened... This is the story of a family... This is the story of my disabled brother... In fact, I think it's the story of a storm... I was 11 when my brother was born. It was August 30, 1977. It was the first time I saw my father cry. It was necessary to pray and above all, to be very wise. That's when my dad stopped talking and my mom stopped laughing.
Trois princesses pour Roland