Danial Donai


Like a Bat Outta Hell
Four documentary filmmakers find themselves in Nowhere Else, population 2, in the Australian outback, where the one remaining resident rents them trailers and warns them not to wander around outside at night. After stealing a book on cryptozoology from their host, the filmmakers get an idea of what they're dealing with. But will they heed the warning or risk getting something extraordinary on film?
Like a Bat Outta Hell
Four documentary filmmakers find themselves in Nowhere Else, population 2, in the Australian outback, where the one remaining resident rents them trailers and warns them not to wander around outside at night. After stealing a book on cryptozoology from their host, the filmmakers get an idea of what they're dealing with. But will they heed the warning or risk getting something extraordinary on film?
Matrix Revolutions
Após enfrentar os sentinelas no mundo real, Neo (Keanu Reeves) tem sua mente presa em um local que fica entre a Matrix e a realidade, do qual apenas poderá sair com a ajuda de Trainman (Bruce Spence). Após perceberem que as ondas cerebrais de Neo são idênticas as de uma pessoa conectada à Matrix, Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss) e Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) buscam a ajuda da Oráculo (Mary Alice) e Seraph (Sing Ngai). Trinity, Morpheus e Seraph vão em busca de Merovingian (Lambert Wilson), que possui controle sobre Trainman e pode libertar Neo. Após obterem sucesso no resgate, o trio se divide em duas missões: Enquanto Morpheus e a tripulação de duas naves parte rumo a Zion, na tentativa de ajudar no combate contra as máquinas, Neo e Trinity se dirigem à Cidadela das Máquinas.
Assalto ao Aeroporto
Blue Light Team
John McClane é obrigado a combater mercenários que se apoderam do controlo das comunicações de um aeroporto e ameaçam causar acidentes aéreos, se as exigências deles não forem cumpridas.
The Last Warhorse
Pop McKenzie, his grandchildren, and their beloved horse, Sam, live in a humble home in Sydney, Australia. When a Japanese developer decides to build a hotel, the McKenzie's find themselves threatened to become uprooted from their home.