Pietro Biondi

Pietro Biondi

Nascimento : 1939-10-13, Spoleto, Umbria, Italy


Pietro Biondi


Delitto di mafia - Mario Francese
Where the Shadows Fall
Nurse Anna and her assistant Hans work in an old folks’ home that was once the orphanage where they were imprisoned as children, and they still seem trapped in time and space.
O Divo
Francesco Cossiga
Drama biográfico de um dos personagens mais polêmicos da política italiana, Giulio Andreotti, conhecido como 'Il Divo'.
Italian Dream
London-based Italian Antonio bets on everything, from the lottery to horses and soccer matches without ever winning or losing the hope of winning; so convinced that his luck is going to turn that his betting companions have started to call him "Win tomorrow". One day Antonio notices that he's being followed by a suspicious looking stranger, well - dressed and obviously rich. This happens frequently, causing Antonio to become very concerned. Alarmed, he tells wife and gambling companions about the situation, but they all just make fun of him, convincing him he's the victim of his imagination.
The Embalmer
Deborah's Father
Peppino is an aging taxidermist constantly ridiculed for being short and somewhat creepy. He meets Valerio, a handsome young man fascinated by Peppino's work. Peppino, in turn, becomes entranced by Valerio and offers him a large salary to come work as his assistant. But when Valerio meets Deborah, their fledgling romance is threatened by an insanely jealous third wheel.
La Voce del Violino
Il giorno del giudizio
A 1994 Italian film.
Giovanni Falcone
Bruno "U Dottore" Contrada
La posta in gioco
Il sindaco
1st Judge
Por conta do falecimento da mãe, três irmãos voltam à fazenda da família, no sul da Itália. Raffaele (Philippe Noiret), que vive em Roma, é um juiz às voltas com um caso de assassinato político, Rocco (Vittorio Mezzogiorno) é conselheiro de menores infratores em Nápoles e Nicola (Michele Placido) é operário em Turim. Reunidos após um longo período de afastamento, os três relembram o passado e projetam o futuro.
Louise has left her husband, launched a career as a dress designer, and together with her son, Roby, moved in with John, a lawyer. Despite this emancipated exterior, she still encounters the same problems - a son who demands her attention, a dominating lover, and jealousy.
The Suspect
Dirigente dell'OVRA
Fascism has forced the leadership of the Italian Communist Party to settle in Paris. In Italy arrests of militants are decimating the organization, so Emilio is sent on a mission in the area of Turin, to put out of harm whistleblowers.
O Delito Matteotti
Filippo Filippelli
How the Italian Fascist Party managed to turn the physical elimination of a political enemy into a test of strength fundamental for the ascent into the totalitarian regime.
We Want the Colonels
Professor Pube
Italy 1973. Giuseppe Tritoni (Ugo Tognazzi) is an ultra-right-wing congressman that doesn't agree anymore with his fascist party policy. He contacts many Italian Army officers and built a net of relationship in order to organize a Coup d'Etat (Golpe). Something goes wrong and the Interior Minister (Home Secretary) Mr. Li Masi (Lino Pugliesi) got the all information about the attempted Golpe. So the Minister organizes a counter-Golpe. Tritoni desperately, to save his project, kidnaps the Italian Republic President (Claude Dauphin) that immediately dies for heartache. Now Minister Mr. Li Masi is free to lay down the law to the rest of the country, realizing basically the actual Golpe! Tritoni surrenders and will spend rest of his time trying to sell his ideas about managing Golpe in Africa!
Ipotesi sulla scomparsa di un fisico atomico
Brodo di pollo con l'orzo
Monty Blatt
London, family Kahn, Unghery