Nikolay Khmelyov


Bezhin Meadow: Sequences from an Unfinished Film
Bezhin Lug (Bezhin Meadow) was to be a Soviet film about a young farm boy whose father attempts to betray the government for political reasons by sabotaging the year's harvest, and the son's efforts to stop his own father to protect the Soviet state, culminating in the boy's murder and a social uprising. Assigned to Soviet film-maker Sergei Eisenstein, the filming followed the same path as with his previous effort, "Que Viva Mexico", into cost overrun and over-shooting of footage. Furthermore, Eisenstein's usage of forbidden experimental film techniques outraged his government superiors, who ordered the film destroyed before it was even completed. All that survives are the first and last frames of each shot, preserved by Sergei Eisenstein’s wife, Pera Atasheva. The 1967 reconstruction, by Naum Kleiman of the Eisenstein Museum and Sergei Yutkevich of Gosfilmofond, places these frames in order, approximating the original film.
House of the Dead
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Soviet film based on Dostoevsky's autobiographical novel of his prison experiences in Tsarist days.
O fim de São Petersburgo
Stock Broker
Um camponês vai para São Petersburgo à procura de trabalho. Sem ter a intenção, ele acaba ajudando na prisão de um antigo amigo de seu vilarejo natal, que agora é líder sindical. Mais tarde, o camponês também é preso e enviado para lutar na Primeira Guerra Mundial. Quando retorna, três anos depois, ele está pronto para participar da revolução.