Executive Producer
Este especial conta a história do trágico colapso da ponte de Morandi, em Gênova, em que 43 pessoas perderam suas vidas. A história começa com uma reencenação cronológica do desastre, cortada em várias cenas mostrando momentos críticos do colapso. Através dos testemunhos dos sobreviventes, o programa "rebobina" as cenas para analisar as causas e os eventos que levaram à tragédia. Ele encerra com os últimos testemunhos dos atingidos pela catástrofe, seguidos de um debate sobre os avanços tecnológicos realizados para evitar que desastres semelhantes aconteçam novamente.
Executive Producer
A história das jovens estudantes nigerianas que foram sequestradas em 2014 pelo grupo terrorista Boko Haram, registrando reuniões com membros da família que elas não viam desde a captura, bem como seu processo de reintegração à sociedade.
Executive Producer
Simon Reeve visits Colombia in the year of the pacification, at least on paper, between the government, 'aided' by right-wing death squads, and the Marxist FARC guerrilla, which was turning into an armed super-drug cartel and champion of ransom kidnappings. He speaks with people about the horror that hopefully nears its end and the prospects if both sides disarm.
Executive Producer
Laura Kuenssberg tells the inside story of how David Cameron's referendum plan backfired, and Vote Leave won. How will this political revolution reshape Britain's politics?
Executive Producer
Following the crisis in Ukraine and Russia's involvement in Syria, the world is closer to superpower confrontation than at any time since the end of the Cold War. Now, a war room of senior former British military and diplomatic figures comes together to war-game a hypothetical 'hot war' in eastern Europe, including the unthinkable - nuclear confrontation.
Executive Producer
In November 2015, when gunmen attacked Paris, France declared war on the Islamic State. But that war - and France's 'year of terror' - began a year ago with the attack on satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. With unprecedented access to the French authorities and previously unseen footage, five-time Bafta-winning director Dan Reed reveals the untold story of the massacre and of the first Islamic State strike in Paris at a kosher grocery store. Key witnesses, police officers and survivors - many speaking for the first time - piece together the dramatic attacks and the unprecedented manhunt that gripped the world for three extraordinary and terrifying days.
Executive Producer
In a unique experiment, five teachers from China take over the education of fifty teenagers in a Hampshire school to see whether the high-ranking Chinese education system can teach us a lesson.
Executive Producer
A documentary detailing an indiscriminate terrorist attack that left 71 dead in Kenya.