Nolan Leary

Nolan Leary

Nascimento : 1889-04-26, Rock Island, Illinois, USA

Morte : 1987-12-12


Nolan Leary


A Family Upside Down
Mr. Willy
An elderly married couple find that as their physical and mental health deteriorates, they find themselves dependent more and more upon their grown children.
Alô, Dolly!
Workman (uncredited)
Dolly Levy é uma viúva socialite que trabalha como casamenteira. Ela viaja para Yonkers para encontrar uma parceira para o "meio-milionário" Horace Vandergelder. Dory insentiva os dois funcionário de Vangergelder a viajar para Nova Yorque para procurar garotas onde acaba se metendo em grandes confusões.
Charity, Meu Amor
Manfred (uncredited)
A Táxi-Girl Charity continua a ter fé na raça humana, apesar das decepções aparentemente intermináveis que vivencia, e a ter esperança de que finalmente ela encontrará o jovem simpático para afastá-la de sua vida desprezível. Talvez, apenas talvez, o belo Oscar seja o único capaz de fazer isso.
Volta Meu Amor
Judge Raskob (uncredited)
Uma série de mal-entendidos deixa um executivo de publicidade com uma campanha para o VIP, um produto que ainda não foi inventado. E começa um romance com sua rival sob o disfarce de ser o inventor do VIP. (e 14)
Mr. Thomas
Numa pequena cidade do interior americano vive a jovem Pollyana, uma pequena órfã que ilumina a vida de todos que a conhecem. Sua tia Polly, preocupada com aparências, política e posses, tem problemas em aceitar a alegria da sobrinha. Somente quando a cidade quase perde a sua habitante mais querida é que tia Polly entende a importância do amor e da esperança.
Falta Um Para Vingar
Job Kingman (uncredited)
Celebrated detective traces and finds beneficiaries to the will of a gold prospector murdered by bushwhackers.
A Mulher do Próximo
The marital difficulties of four couples living in a southern California housing development become intertwined. Among the unhappy couples are ne'er-do-well Jerry Flagg and his long-suffering wife Isabelle, flirtatious Leola Boone and her sadistic husband Troy, hard-working Herman Kreitzer and his understanding wife Betty, and newlyweds Jean and David Martin.
O Homem das Mil Caras
Pa Chaney
A turbulenta vida e carreira profissional do ator de vaudeville e estrela do cinema mudo de horror Lon Chaney (1883-1930), o homem das mil caras; homem de muitos infortúnios pessoais que nem mesmo seu grande sucesso conseguiu mitigar. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
The Abductors
Prison Warden
Two men (Victor McLaglen, George Macready) botch the kidnapping of a warden's daughter (Fay Spain), then plot to ransom Abraham Lincoln's corpse.
Once to Every Woman
At a particularly vulnerable time in her life, Carol is wooed by charming David. They fall in love, but Carol then learns that David is married. He says that he will get divorced for her, but Carol is visited by David's wife.
Dark Meeting
Billie hires an odd man as the new pin boy at her bowling alley, but quickly fires him because of his violent outbursts. Shortly thereafter, she finds out he's a murderer who escaped from prison, which makes his later, sudden, after hours appearance at the bowling alley feel more than a little threatening.
O Biruta e o Folgado
Pops (uncredited)
Em mais um filme da dupla Martin e Lewis, Bill Martin (Dean Martin) é um comediante sem sucesso que, para inovar seu show, coloca o comparsa Ted Rogers (Jerry Lewis) na platéia para interagir com ele durante a apresentação. Mas, rapidamente, Ted começa a se tornar a estrela do espetáculo.
Matar ou Morrer
Lewis (uncredited)
Para o xerife Will Kane (Gary Cooper), o dia do seu casamento será marcado não pela emoção, mas pela adrenalina e a perseguição com o perigoso bandido Frank Miller. Miller fugiu atrás de vingança, já que Kane o colocou na prisão. Mas, agora, nem a população local irá ajudá-lo.
A young crusading reporter in a small town tackles civic corruption.
The Lady Pays Off
The naive Evelyn Warren, elected school teacher of the year by Time Magazine, goes to Las Vegas, where she loses a lot of money. In order to pay her debts, casino manager Matt Braddock asks her to take care of his sad little daughter Diana.
O Príncipe Ladrão
Século XIII. Um político mal e ambicioso que busca proclamar-se rei de Tânger, encontra uma dificuldade, o Príncipe Hussein, uma criança que é o legítimo herdeiro do trono. Para elimina-lo contrata um assassino, mas este fica com pena da criança e ao invés de mata-lo o carrega com ele. Assim, o príncipe cresce no meio de um bando de ladrões que irão ajudá-lo quando adulto a recuperar o trono.
Almas em Fúria
Drunk Guest (uncredited)
A New Mexico cattle man and his strong-willed daughter clash over the man's choice for a new bride. Things get worse when the elder man has his daughter's lover hanged. With the help of an old flame, a gambler, the daughter puts into motion a plan to drive her father from his estate.
So You Think You're Not Guilty
Judge (uncredited)
Joe McDoakes pleads "not guilty" to a traffic violation but is convicted anyway. Handling this setback in his usual manner, the two-dollar fine quickly pyramids to a 10-year jail sentence.
A Grande Ilusão
Senator (Uncredited)
O filme conta a história de ascensão e queda de um político rebelde do interior que começa exigindo reformas e justiça social, mas acaba embriagado pelo próprio poder. O roteiro é uma adaptação do romance de Robert Penn Warren, publicado em 1946, e pelo qual o autor recebeu o Prémio Pulitzer de Literatura.
A Confissão de Thelma
Court Clerk (Uncredited)
Cleve Marshall is an assistant district attorney who falls for the shadowy Thelma Jordon. With her sordid past -- and her relationship with thief Tony Laredo kept secret from the married attorney, Jordon seduces the easily swayed Marshall, and uses him to cover up her misdeeds. When Jordon becomes the prime suspect for the murder of her wealthy aunt, she turns to Marshall, who goes to great lengths to clear her name.
Fúria Sanguinária
Russ (uncredited)
Um criminoso psicopata com um complexo-mãe (Complexo de Édipo) faz uma fuga ousada da prisão e depois lidera a sua antiga quadrilha num assalto à folha de pagamento de uma fábrica de produtos químicos. Após o assalto, os eventos tomam um rumo louco.
The Wyoming Bandit
Wyoming Dan (Trevor Bardette) returns home after 20 years evading the law for a crime he didn't commit, only to find his son on his deathbed. Seeking revenge for his son's murder, Dan enlists the help of Rocky Lane (Allan Lane), who poses as an outlaw to try to uncover the truth. When the duo manage to track down the killer, they find him armed to the teeth.
Commissioner Briggs (uncredited)
Carson e Drake descobrem uma caverna de ouro que pertence aos índios que não sabem disso, então eles tentam fomentar uma guerra que vai acabar com os nativos americanos e reivindicar o metal amarelo.
Riders of the Whistling Pines
Rancher (uncredited)
While trailing Forest Ranger Charles Carter, who is suspected of permitting lumber man Henry Mitchell to cut restricted timber, Gene fires at a dangerous mountain lion and apparently kills Carter. Actually, Bill Wright, Mitchell's associate, killed Carter because the ranger had discovered tussock moth infestation in the forest, and if the infestation was not reported, the trees would die and have to be cut, thereby profiting Mitchell and Wright. In order to compensate the best he can, Gene sells his sportsman's camp and gives the money to Carter's daughter Helen . En route to Texas, Gene discovers the infestation and is assigned by the Forest Department to supervise the program of spraying the area with DDT from the air. After the first day of spraying, the DDT is blamed by furious stock men for the many animals found dead of poisoning.
Coroner (uncredited)
O estudante universitário Bill se sente atraído pela professora de psicologia Wilma e tenta estuprá-la. Ela se defende e acidentalmente o mata. Então, move o cadáver para uma praia e faz com que sua morte pareça um acidente.
Falam os Sinos
Bethlehem Station Master (uncredited)
Two nuns arrive unannounced in the small New England town of Bethlehem, where they recruit various townspeople to help them build a children's hospital.
Outlaw Brand
Jimmy and his pal Cannonball are hired by a rancher and horse breeder to capture Midnight, a wild stallion that has been interfering with local herds and has a reputation as a killer.
The Scar
Newcomer (uncredited)
Pursued by the big-time gambler he robbed, John Muller assumes a new identity—with unfortunate results.
I, Jane Doe
Jury Foreman
While stationed in France during World War II, an American fighter pilot marries a French girl but leaves her behind when he returns to the U.S. The French woman follows him to America only to discover he’s already married to a successful lawyer.
Web of Danger
Dam Worker
Ernie Reardon, the superintendent, and Bill O'Hara, the foreman, of a construction company crew working on a bridge to a remote valley, are constantly quarreling over small and minor matter, especially when it comes to Peg Mallory, whom both men are romancing and Peg enjoys the attention. Thed work is suspended when a worker is killed, but a flood is approaching and the valley citizens are in dire straits unless the bridge is completed - in a hurry.
O Ovo e Eu
Announcer (Uncredited)
World War II veteran Bob MacDonald surprises his new wife, Betty, by quitting his city job and moving them to a dilapidated farm in the country. While Betty gamely struggles with managing the crumbling house and holding off nosy neighbors and a recalcitrant pig, Bob makes plans for crops and livestock. The couple's bliss is shaken by a visit from a beautiful farm owner, who seems to want more from Bob than just managing her property.
Out California Way
George Sheridan
Newcomer Monte Hale is tying to just get a job in western films when he meet young Danny McCoy and his sister Gloria. Danny is trying to get his horse, "Pardner" into films. Monte sings a song and "Pardner" does some tricks and a casting director notices. Monte gets a singing-cowboy role and the horse gets a bit, but there is an accidental explosion, engineered by western star Rod Mason, who is jealous of Monte, and the horse is badly scared and blows his lines.
Os Assassinos
Green Cat Waiter (uncredited)
Pistoleiros matam uma vítima que não resiste, e o investigador Reardon descobre seu envolvimento passado com a bela e mortal Kitty Collins. Dois assassinos profissionais invadem uma pequena cidade e matam um atendente de posto de gasolina, "o sueco", que os espera sem opor nenhuma resistência. O investigador de seguros Reardon investiga o caso contra as ordens de seu chefe, que considera o caso trivial. Juntando os fios da vida do sueco, Reardon descobre uma complexa história de traição e crime, tudo ligando com a deslumbrante e misteriosa Kitty Collins.
Queen of Burlesque
Pop, the stage doorman
Various performers and backstage crew come under suspicion when a dancer is found murdered at a burlesque theatre.
That Texas Jamboree
With the backing of the Mayor, Brady is running a crooked gambling operation. When Sheriff Curt shuts him down, he reopens when the Mayor charters his place as a private club. When Curt decides to run for Mayor, he is made to shut down the popular Warren medicine show. With Curt now out of favor the Warrens decide to run their daughter for Mayor and Brady has a plan to stop her also.
Devil Bat's Daughter
Dr. Elliot
Wishing to dispose of his wife, psychiatrist Dr. Elliott makes his patient Nina think that she suffers from a compulsion to kill. He drugs Nina, murders his wife and leaves evidence that points to Nina. The latter, pre-conditioned by Elliott, also thinks she is guilty.
Mr. Noisy
One-Eyed Connolly (uncredited)
This All-Star Comedy (production number 7437, and a remake of 1940's "The Heckler" with Charley Chase) has Shemp Howard, noise-maker and heckler deluxe, hired by two gamblers to rattle a ball team while the gamblers bet on the opponents. The gamblers are more than a little bit vexed when Shemp loses his voice.
Up Goes Maisie
Bookstore Proprietor (Uncredited)
A showgirl working for an inventor battles crooks, who want to steal his ideas.
Strangler of the Swamp
Pete Jeffers
A number of swamp land men have died by strangulation and the inhabitants believe that an innocent man they hanged is seeking revenge on all of the male descendants of those responsible for his death. Maria, granddaughter of the innocent ferryman, decides to operate the ferry service. Chris Sanders, a son of one of the men who did the hanging, and Maria fall in love. The "strangler" seizes Chris and Maria offers her life if Chris is spared.
Bud Abbott and Lou Costello in Hollywood
Director's Assistant (uncredited)
When two bumbling barbers act as agents for a talented but unknown singer, they stage a phony murder in order to get him a plum role.
Blazing the Western Trail
Bill Halliday
Stage line owner Brent has his men robbing Halliday stages and when his manager Waring learns of it, Brent has him killed. Jeff Waring arrives and takes his uncle's job. He soon learns what's happening and the Durango Kid goes into action. This keeps Halliday going and gives them a chance to get the mail contract by winning the stagecoach race.
Marujos do Amor
Milkman (uncredited)
Dois marinheiros, um ingênuo, e outro experimentado nos caminhos da vida, em liberdade, e em Los Angeles, é o cenário para este filme musical. E encontram uma simpática garota que tem uma bela voz. E também tem um filho, um garoto de 7 anos, que é um verdadeiro fanatico pela marinha. E para emoldurar tudo o grande maestro José Iturbi. Nas ondas da música... Risos e Romance! Dois marinheiros perdidos de amor em uma licença de quatro dias de diversão e frivolidade!
Hitchhike to Happiness
In this drama, an aspiring playwright gets a job in a New York City restaurant favored by celebrities in hopes of getting a break. Unfortunately, most of them believe that the waiter lacks the talent to make it big. Only an aspiring songwriter, and a former waitress who has become a famous Hollywood radio star, really believe in him. When the ex-waitress drops by the restaurant to say hello, she and the others decide to play a trick on an arrogant producer by making him believe the waiter has written a sure-fire hit. They succeed and the producer puts on the show. The singer gets to be the star. When the show becomes a smash, everyone is surprised. Songs include: "Hitchhike To Happiness," "For You And Me," "Sentimental," and "My Pushover Heart."
Circumstantial Evidence
A man waits on death row while his son and friend try to prove that he did not kill a grocer with an ax.
Crime, Inc.
Board Member (uncredited)
A crime reporter writes book to expose names and methods of the criminal leaders. He is held on a charge after refusing to explain how he got his information, but is released and helps to expose the syndicate.
The Phantom Speaks
Theatre Watchman (Uncredited)
A reporter learns that an executed killer has taken over a scientist's mind.
Experiment Perilous
Bellhop (uncredited)
In 1903, Doctor Huntington Bailey meets a friendly older lady during a train trip. She tells him that she is going to visit her brother Nick and his lovely young wife Allida. Once in New York, Bailey hears that his train companion suddenly died. Shortly afterward, he meets the strange couple and gets suspicious of Nick's treatment of his wife.
Faces in the Fog
Man in Hospital
Tom and Cora Elliott love their active social life so much that they neglect their daughter Mary and son Les. Fred Mason, Tom's neighbor and the doctor at the defense plant employing Tom, worries about the effect that Tom and Cora's drinking and socializing have on the children....
Code of the Prairie
Just after the Oklahoma Panhandle was annexed into the united states an ex-lawman turned newspaper man arrives to town to civilize it. He brings along Frog, a photographer and Sunset Carson as muscle. The seedy element in the territory doesn't want law and order and they plot against them and try to stop Sunset Carson being sheriff.
Call of the Rockies
Cowboy Sunset Carson teams up with Frog Millhouse on a routine supply trip to Placer City. Before long, the duo find themselves ambushed by a team of dastardly highwaymen embroiled in an extortion ring. Sunset and Frog must then go undercover to set things right for a mining town under siege. Galloping hooves, spittin' six shooters, and all manner of disreputable behavior ensue.
Jungle Woman
Inquest Juror (uncredited)
Paula, the ape woman, has survived the ending of CAPTIVE WILD WOMAN and is running around a creepy old sanitarium run by the kindly Dr. Fletcher, reverting to her true gorilla form every once in a while to kill somebody.
The Tiger Woman
Captain Scott [Ch. 9]
Greedy oil speculators, led by Morgan, are trying to force Tiger Woman and her band of warriors from their jungle home. Allen Saunders of Inter-Ocean Oil wants to develop the oil, too, but fights with Tiger Woman to stop the bad guys.
Outlaws of Santa Fe
Mayor Ward
After bank robber Bob Hackett (Don "Red" Barry) learns that his real father was a marshal, he reforms and travels with his pal Buckshot (Wally Vernon) to Santa Fe, where his father was killed. When he stands up to rustlers working for Henry Jackson (Herbert Heyes), Hackett is made the new marshal.
The Ghost Ship
Captain Stone's newly recruited officer, Tom Merriam, idolizes his senior who treats him like a friend. But when a couple of his crew members die mysteriously, Tom starts doubting Stone's authority.
The West Side Kid
Millionaire Sam Winston is an unhappy man. His wife Constance lives a gay life, devoting all her time to parties; his daughter Gloria is in one scandal after another, changing husbands as often as her moods, and son Jerry spends his time getting drunk and chasing women. Sam hires gangster Johnny April to bump him off but Johnny, liking the old man, defers the killing and sets about making the family appreciate Sam.
Riders of the Rio Grande
A banker struggles to keep his bank solvent and his town from going bankrupt after the bank is robbed and all its money taken. The Three Mesquiteers ride into town and set out to help.
Senhorita Ventania
Music lover (uncredited)
Small-town soda-jerk Peggy Evans quits her dead-end job and moves to New York where she invents a new identity.
Days of Old Cheyenne
Clint Ross's skill at fisticuffs earns him the town marshal's job in Cheyenne. Thanks to the string-pulling of political boss Big Bill Harmon, Ross makes it all the way up to the governor's office. But when Ross figures out that Big Bill is a big crook, it's showdown time.
A Cruz dos Anos
Theatre Play
Quando perde sua casa, um casal de idosos é obrigado a se separar temporariamente e se dividir nas casas de seus filhos.
The Girl on the Front Page
The heiress to a powerful newspaper owner gets a job at the paper under an assumed name and helps break up a blackmail racket.