Silvia Planas


Adorables mentiras
Jose Luis, a young boy with aspirations to become a scriptwriter and director of cinema, is dazzled on having known the beautiful Sissy. To impress her, he appears as the director who looks for a not professional actress. She, that the whole life has dreamed of being 'discovered' but that it is not naive with men, pretends not to be interested. They begin a relationship in wich both are not as they wanted to be.
Tables Turned
A young couple find out that their parents (her father and his mother) are having a romance. A series of problems arise because the young couple can't accept that relationship.
In 1914, during World Ward I, Amada, a bourgeois wife, falls in love with her cousin Marcial, a young idealist who is fighting against the Cuban regime in power.
The Survivors
A bourgeois Cuban family of aristocratic origin locks itself into its mansion when the Cuban Revolution comes to power, waiting for the new regime to be overthrown. As time passes, they regress to older and older systems of policital order, from capitalism to feudalism to "primitive savagery."
One Day in November
It is the story of a young man named Esteban, who was totally devoted to the cause of the Revolution against Fulgencio Batista. One day, Esteban is diagnosed with a cerebral aneurism, which causes him to take stock of his life as a revolutionary and to reconsider his relationships to his family--to his mother and brother, particularly--and his friends.
A história de três mulheres (com mesmo nome) que vivem em momentos históricos diferentes em Cuba. A primeira, vinda de familia rica, vive na Cuba do final do séc XIX em meio das lutas da independência, onde se apaixona por um rico espanhol, que dará inicio a um pesadelo pessoal. A segunda, de familia de classe média, vive na Cuba da década de 30 sob a ditadura do ditador Machado e se apaixona por um militante de esquerda. A terceira, já na cuba revolucionária, é uma camponesa que trabalha nos campos coletivos e que se casa com um homem machista e autoritário.
A Morte de um Burocrata
Um trabalhador exemplar morre em um acidente e é enterrado com a sua carteira de trabalho. Para conseguir o direito de pensão para a sua tia, Juanchín sofre os percalços de uma odisseia provocada pelos absurdos da burocracia.
The Twelve Chairs
When her country is taken over by socialist revolutionaries, a wealthy woman can't bear to give up all of her wealth and possessions to the new government, so she hides all of her treasures in the 12 chairs of a dining-room set. After her death her nephew finds out what she had done and, since the chairs had been "nationalized" and are now in the possession of a dozen different people, he sets out to track them down and get the treasures he believes rightfully belong to him.