Art Direction
Um grupo de piratas, bêbados e devassos, volta à atividade quando um navio naufraga no litoral de uma pequena cidade francesa. O grupo, formado por três homens e uma mulher, chega até a praia esperando encontrar algo de valor nos destroços da embarcação , quando são surpreendidos por duas jovens. Elas sobreviveram ao naufrágio , estão exaustas, assustadas e vestidas com suas camisolas de dormir. Quando avistam o grupo pedem por socorro. Para as duas jovens era o início de um pesadelo marcado por violência e sexo. Os atos de selvageria, praticados pelo grupo de saqueadores, desencadearam um onda de violência e magia que marcará para sempre suas vidas e almas.
Sailor in Tavern
Um grupo de piratas, bêbados e devassos, volta à atividade quando um navio naufraga no litoral de uma pequena cidade francesa. O grupo, formado por três homens e uma mulher, chega até a praia esperando encontrar algo de valor nos destroços da embarcação , quando são surpreendidos por duas jovens. Elas sobreviveram ao naufrágio , estão exaustas, assustadas e vestidas com suas camisolas de dormir. Quando avistam o grupo pedem por socorro. Para as duas jovens era o início de um pesadelo marcado por violência e sexo. Os atos de selvageria, praticados pelo grupo de saqueadores, desencadearam um onda de violência e magia que marcará para sempre suas vidas e almas.
Man in orgy
The last film prohibited by Francisco Franco. Jean-Marie Buchet plays the role of a collector of used tampons in this avant-garde comedy-adventure film.
Uniformed Cop
A teen runs away from her home after attracting the sexual attention of her stepfather only to fall into prostitution.
Production Design
Quando um grupo de turistas (cada um dos quais associado a um dos sete pecados mortais) fica impossibilitado de prosseguir viagem pelo interior da Itália, um estranho lhes oferece abrigo para passar a noite em seu castelo. Mas sua família é amaldiçoada: A filha mais velha em cada geração está destinada a se tornar uma serva de Satanás. O horror começa quando a filha mais velha (Erica Blanc) aparece e começa a explorar as fraquezas dos convidados, fazendo com que amaldiçoem a si mesmos.
A bourgeoisie client is transformed into a mouse and cannibalized by a prostitute in flagrante delicto with the camera changing focus in time to her breathing.
Costume Design
A young man falls in love with a beautiful woman being chased by sinister masked figures at night. He tries to track her down, and learns she's being held captive by his father and colleagues who believe she's a vampire.
Art Direction
A young man falls in love with a beautiful woman being chased by sinister masked figures at night. He tries to track her down, and learns she's being held captive by his father and colleagues who believe she's a vampire.
Man in orgy
Shots of a car speeding down the road are intercut with kinky sex flashes (a woman with a whip rides a guy, for instance). Then the car crashes into a tree, the male driver (Christian Chaix) is decapitated and the bloody, injured female (Marie-Paule Mailleux) scoops up his head and returns to her home. There, she cleans herself and the head off, prepares dinner for herself and the head, buys the head a Ken Doll to keep it company, puts the head on a mannequin's body and then has a series of strange hallucinations, which include having sex with her bloodied lover, dancing in a room by herself with a spotlight, etc. Things culminate in her having sex with the head and then throwing it into the trash bin.
Art Direction
Shots of a car speeding down the road are intercut with kinky sex flashes (a woman with a whip rides a guy, for instance). Then the car crashes into a tree, the male driver (Christian Chaix) is decapitated and the bloody, injured female (Marie-Paule Mailleux) scoops up his head and returns to her home. There, she cleans herself and the head off, prepares dinner for herself and the head, buys the head a Ken Doll to keep it company, puts the head on a mannequin's body and then has a series of strange hallucinations, which include having sex with her bloodied lover, dancing in a room by herself with a spotlight, etc. Things culminate in her having sex with the head and then throwing it into the trash bin.
Two mysterious men dressed in black and with cigarettes dangling from their mouths drop a large, presumably heavy (since it takes two to carry it) package off on a doorstep and walk away. When the home’s owner returns he drags the package inside, then goes about doing a few more activities before deciding to finally open it. Upon removing the paper, he notices it’s a large steel barrel. Using a blowtorch, he gets the lid off and sees it’s full of oily water… but rising out of the water is a nude, voluptuous, smiling woman, who immediately starts to entice the man by massaging her breasts. Naturally, being in a barrel for who knows how long, she needs to get cleaned off and hops into a bubble bath. While she’s lounging in the tub, the man gets into bed, lights a cigarette and starts to remove him clothes in anticipation. We get to see fantasies from both the man and “the fairy.” —The Bloody Pit of Horror
A surrealist saga in four parts: 1.) The credit sequence in which title cards show successively larger foetuses pulsating on the screen until the baby is born and cries.
2.) Etoile-directly referring to Cocteau, Lethem shows an adolescent sucking a starfish and then giving birth to a smaller starfish. A statement of inadequacy. To give birth involves an emasculation and a loss of vitality.
3.) Corps-two images of a man on a couch groping for each other, watched by a mysterious peeping Tom. As the two superimposed images come together, the heavy breathing subsides…the statement that the birth of desire is a self – realisation.
4.) Hymen – The decaying body of a girl is shot through green filters, and the final image reveals her vagina crawling with maggots and overlain with a crucifix. A representation of Catholicism preventing the free expression of desire.