Yvann Thibaudeau

Yvann Thibaudeau

Nascimento : 1973-04-04, Montreal, Quebec, Canada


Yvann Thibaudeau


Target Number One
In order to strengthen his connections on the street, a young man has to participate in a violent robbery. But, after surviving the war between street gangs, he becomes the main target of law enforcement and a ruthless mobster.
Miraculous: As Aventuras de Ladybug - O Filme
Marinette Dupain-Cheng, de dezesseis anos, está temendo o primeiro dia de aula, onde ela sofre bullying, não tem amigos e não se encaixa, mas seu mundo vira de cabeça para baixo quando ela é escolhida para se tornar a super-heroína Ladybug e ela conhece seu parceiro Cat Noir.
Snow Angel
In the aftermath of a fatal accident in a snowy village at the Eastern tip of Quebec, a screwed-up ex-pro snowboarder decides to pack up her cabin and leave town for good, but someone, or something - seems intent on stopping her.
Notre Dame de Moncton
Anna (Laurie Gagné) is going through a particularly stressful time: she is preparing to reconnect with Jason (Thomas Lapointe), the son she was forced to place for adoption almost 20 years ago. Unable to go through with this meeting, she takes refuge, clandestinely, in the house of an elderly couple. A dramatic event changes everything and forces Anna to forge an impromptu relationship with Victorine (Louise Turcot). The strange cohabitation of these two women will help them find the courage to face their trials.
A comedy drama about the fall, mourning and rebuilding of oneself around three brothers in their fifties who will have to reconnect after the death of their father who died prematurely from an unfortunate Ice Bucket Challenge.
Katherine Levac – Grosse
Katherine Levac has just given birth to two babies, but also to a new show. Nearly 60 minutes of unpublished material, recorded at the end of the summer in front of an audience, she tackles with sharpness and authenticity subjects such as assisted reproduction, grossophobia, sperm banks, climbing Everest, cows, La Vie d'Adèle and eating rubber. A tribute to the most productive, grandiose and constipated 9 months of her life.
O Guia da Família Perfeita
Um casal no Quebec lida com as armadilhas, as pressões e as altas expectativas de criar os filhos em uma sociedade obcecada pelo sucesso e pela imagem nas redes sociais.
In the not too distant future, a lonely man conceives a twisted plan to fulfill his desire to have a child.
Alvo Número Um
Ex viciado em heroína, Daniel Léger, se envolve em uma transação de drogas com as pessoas erradas e pelas razões erradas. Quando o negócio vai mal, Daniel é jogado em uma prisão tailandesa com a sentença de 100 anos. Enquanto ele tenta sobreviver a notícia chama a atenção do jornalista Victor Malarek, que decide ir atrás dos policiais responsáveis pela erronea acusação de Daniel.
Delphine é uma ode à infância, mas também um exame das feridas que pode causar.
Do you remember your first trip? Not the one you made at 5 years old with your parents to the East Coast of the United States. I mean the first time you traveled alone!? The great adventure. In 1991, I was a 21-years-old student. I went to Europe. Not because I wanted to visit all the great capitals, but because I wanted love... I wanted Marie-Ève Bernard.
Os Portões do Inferno
Em busca de uma mulher desaparecida no Dakota do Norte, uma agente do FBI e um xerife suspeitam do seu marido, um fundamentalista religioso, mas acabam por descobrir algo bem mais sinistro.
A Extraordinária Jornada do Faquir
Baseado no best-seller homônimo de Romain Puértolas. Em uma trama mágica, sobre amor e aventura e que percorre três continentes, um narrador conta a história de quando se apaixonou por uma mulher europeia e como acabou deportado para um lugar isolado do continente, junto com um bando de refugiados africanos.
O Último Suspiro
Em um futuro próximo, a cidade de Paris é sitiada por uma névoa misteriosa capaz de matar seus moradores. Um jovem casal precisa garantir a sobrevivência de sua família dentro do caos que se instaura na região. Sem eletricidade, comida ou água, fica evidente que eles não receberão nenhum tipo de ajuda e para sobreviver será necessário deixar o local e enfrentar a terrível fumaça.
A Bailarina
Felicie é uma menina órfã apaixonada pela dança. Ao lado do seu melhor amigo Victor, que deseja se tornar um grande inventor, eles desenvolvem um grande plano de fuga para conseguirem o que querem. Eles fogem do orfanato em que vivem para Paris, a Cidade Luz, onde a torre Eiffel ainda está sendo construída. Felicie terá que se superar e aprender com seus erros para tornar o seu grande sonho em realidade: ser uma grande bailarina da Ópera Nacional de Paris.
Celebrated European actor Sophie Bernard is in Montreal shooting a movie, and she's taking the opportunity to visit her gay son Thomas in the hope of bridging the rift that's grown between them. But Thomas has his own agenda for their time together; he intends to finally get some answers as to the identity of his father. Meanwhile, at Ville-Marie Hospital, paramedic Pierre struggles with PTSD, and though he has support in Marie, a nurse who keeps the overflowing emergency room running, it's uncertain whether he'll remain able to cope with the high intensity of his work. Each of these four characters is dealing with emotional damage — and on one dark Montreal night, their lives will all intersect in a fateful occurrence at Ville-Marie.
The Mirage
Le Mirage is the perspective of a man in his thirties asking himself "what am I chasing?" Our society has become all about consumerism, if not excess. Success is determined by what and how much we have and "stuff" becomes the band-aid to a meaningless existence. Stuff fills the void of the existence we weren't meant to lead.
In 1987, Ricardo is 17 years old. This summer, Ricardo has a busy schedule: loose his virginity, find a way to get into bars, have a car, spend time with his friends. In order to rapidly make money, Ricardo decides to use his italian inheritance and take a shortcut in the medium of crime. But things will go wrong...
A woman finds out she's pregnant and returns home when the expected father wants nothing to do with her.
Será Que?
Wallace e Chantry são amigos muito próximos, mas a relação entre os dois passa por dificuldades quando eles começam a se apaixonar um pelo outro.
Louis Cyr : The Strongest Man in the World
Biopic of Louis Cyr, strongest man in the world at the end of the 19th Century.
Filhos da Escuridão
Certo dia, BrianCarter recebe uma inesperada herança, um centro de recuperação para viciados, no qual sua mãe desenvolveu um misterioso tratamento experimental. Du­rante uma visita, ele percebe algo sinistro no prédio aban­donado e então encontra um equipamento utilizado para a cura dos internos, que tinha como efeito colateral gerar crianças que se alimentam de vidas humanas, crianças mu­tantes que ainda vivem entre aquelas paredes. Com os mu­tantes à caça de suas novas vítimas, Brian e seus amigos lu­tam para sobreviver ao inacreditável e logo percebem que é melhor que certos segredos nunca sejam descobertos.
The Canadiens, Forever
Neglected by his father, William, a star college hockey player, also suffered harassment from his coach and some teammates. By chance of a visit to Sainte-Justine hospital, the young man, whose morale and motivation are at its lowest, meets ten-year-old Daniel, awaiting a kidney transplant. Their passion for the Habs unites them instantly and William tries, by all means, to give him hope in the face of the disease.
Filmmaker Ricardo Trogi recalls the events surrounding his family moving to a new neighborhood when he was 11 years old.
Everything Is Fine
Josh is an ordinary teen living in an ordinary suburb. One morning he finds his friend's dead body. Next, he discovers that three more friends also have killed themselves, leaving him out of their pact. As the sole survivor, Josh becomes more and more detached from the world around him. It is a modern portrait of today's teens: invincible yet fragile, clear-thinking yet confused...
Dodging the Clock
The passage of time is probably the only concrete proof we have that justice exists in this cruel world. Some people would like to stop time in its tracks, while others choose to follow its path. In this story, three men in their early thirties have reached that age when it's time to start thinking about "getting a life", perhaps starting a family. But how do you handle the fact that your friendships are changing? That, slowly, your new family is becoming the center of your ever-shrinking world? What do you do when you realize your youth is a thing of the past?
Love and Magnets
Back in Montréal after spending five years in Guatemala, Julie moves in with her elder sister, Jeanne, a chronic liar and woman of rather loose sexual morals... Disillusioned with love, Jeanne is nevertheless engaged to Noël. However, Jeanne and Noël lead separate lives, and only communicate by leaving each other messages on the fridge.Everything suddenly becomes very complicated. Jeanne compels Julie to take up with Noël so she can have a fling with a passionate musician. Noël, meanwhile, sets Julie up with Michel -- without Jeanne's knowledge. Julie mixes things up even further. Egged on by her friend Marie-Ève, she alters the contents of the messages on the fridge in an attempt to breathe new life into Jeanne and Noël's relationship. Along the way, she also begins to fall for the seductive Michel. The tables are turned on everyone... In the game of love and truth, illusion leads to betrayal, but love conquers all.
White Skin
Two roommates discover that the family of one of their girlfriends is populated with vampires.
Questão de Lealdade
Logo após a 2ª Guerra Mundial, o mundo se divide entre dois grandes blocos: o capitalista e o comunista. Em plena Guerra Fria vive Sally Tyler (Sharon Stone), uma americana solitária que vive em Beirute devido ao trabalho de seu marido. Lá ela conhece Leo (Rupert Everett), por quem se apaixona e faz com que se divorcie. Até que inesperadamente Leo desaparece, com o governo o acusando de ser um desertor e seguir uma "lealdade diferente". Sem saber em quem acreditar e sendo perseguida pelas ruas, Sally recebe uma carta que pode mudar os rumos de sua vida para sempre.
Fear of the Dark
Twelve year old Ryan Billings has been diagnosed with an acute fear of the dark. He spends each night lying awake in torment, waiting and watching as the evil in the darkness grows stronger, feeding off his fear. His older brother Dale, suspects that there is nothing wrong with Ryan and that this is just a ploy for more attention. Regardless, he promises to watch over his little brother as their parents head off to a party for the night. Outside a storm rages and when the power goes out, darkness envelops the house. Ryan knows that tonight the evil has finally come to claim him. Dale desperately tries everything to try and calm him down, until the horrors in the dark make him realize Ryan had good reason to be so afraid!
A Problem with Fear
A young man in Calgary, Alberta is multiphobic: nonetheless, he believes that he is the cause of the fear which is killing people around him.
Quebec-Montreal: 250 km (150 miles) of asphalt, nine thirtysomething travelers, four cars, one destination. The journey becomes an opportunity to share points of view about life and to discuss troubling questions about our existence.
Three childhood friends graduate from university and try, against steadily increasing odds, to enjoy one last summer of immaturity.
Dead Awake
An insomniac who walks the streets at night witnesses a murder which triggers a strange chain of events.
O Eliminador
Jason Price é um ex-agente do governo que ganha dinheiro ajudando pessoas a desaparecer por meio de um programa que ele criou. Quando seu amigo de infância Sonny e o gângster Paul Elker chegam pedindo ajuda, as coisas começam a se complicar. Alguém se infiltrou na rede de Price e seus clientes estão sendo mortos.
Teste Fatal
Uma detetive investiga a morte da ex-esposa de um médico e descobre que além dela, mais nove mulheres morreram. Todas foram usadas como cobaias por uma empresa farmacêutica em testes com seus produtos químicos. A detetive, junto com um promotor público, começa a investigar a empresa e muita coisa vem a tona.
O Guerreiro do Futuro
Um corpo de 1500 anos de um dos Cavaleiros Templários é descoberto abaixo do metrô de Nova York. Logo, um servo demoníaco e um Cavaleiro Templário moderno são atraídos por seus segredos. Assim começa uma batalha por nada menos do que o destino do mundo inteiro.
The Boys
Every Monday evening, at the arena, eleven men get together to lovingly put on the jersey of the Boys, the hockey team of a "garage" league to which they belong. As Stan, their revered trainer, would affectionately say, they have the "puck" tattooed on their hearts. It doesn't matter if they are lawyers, policemen, mechanics or unemployed, as soon as they enter the locker room, everyone forgets their age, their work and their problems.
The Kid
Jimmy Albright is a young athlete with a passion for boxing. His mentor, Harry Sloan, an aging trainer and former boxer, sees Jimmy's potential, not only as a boxer but as a young man. With Harry's guidance, Jimmy trains and fights his way to the top of his division. All things appear to be on track, except for one small twist: Jimmy's parents, Don and Doreen, don't know he's a boxer...
French Girl
Sweet Gordon, an affable English teacher in Brooklyn, has beaten the odds; a French Girl has fallen in love with him and he’s fallen even harder back. But their future is thrown into limbo when she interviews for an executive chef position in her hometown of Quebec City. To Gordon’s dismay her future boss also happens to be her former lover, a celebrity Chef with oceanic eyes and a hit TV show. Good luck Gordon.