Emmanuel Schwartz

Emmanuel Schwartz


Emmanuel Schwartz is a Canadian actor, musician, playwright and theatre director.


Emmanuel Schwartz
Emmanuel Schwartz
Emmanuel Schwartz
Emmanuel Schwartz


Adventures in the Land of Asha
Beau Tem Medo
Orphan Chorus Member
Um homem paranoico embarca em uma odisseia épica para voltar para casa e encontrar sua mãe.
The Dishwasher
Montreal, winter 2002. Stéphane, 19 years old, fan of Metal, student in graphic design, dreams of becoming an illustrator. But for months he has been caught in a threatening spiral: he is addicted to games. Indebted, without an apartment, avoiding his friends to whom he owes money, Stéphane takes a job as a dishwasher in a restaurant to get by.
The Wasp
Simone single-handedly runs a seedy motel, day and night, day after day. She is raising money for her 17-year-old daughter’s education. But when a stranger checks in, everything changes. He doesn’t fit in: he is well-dressed, he has money, and he wants a room for several days. But worst of all, this strangely familiar man seems a bit too interested in Simone’s daughter…
La Contemplation du mystère
Éloi, whose father was killed in a hunting accident a year ago, is called to take part in a strange tribute ceremony in the country. There, immersed in a disturbing world of strange mystical codes, he learns that his father was tracking a huge buck with awe-inspiring antlers alongside the “Indian”. After several outstanding short films, Aurtenèche delivers a first feature that obliquely references the legend of Saint Hubert, who encountered the Almighty while hunting a stag. A cryptic thriller, hidden manuscripts, the quest for self-knowledge, psychotropic drugs: La Contemplation du mystère boldly shifts between moods and genres.
Marco & Polo Go Round
Marco & Polo Go Round is a comedic love story with a very surreal twist. A couple confronts the difficulties in their relationship as gravity turns on its head and their world literally falls apart around them.
A Deusa dos Vagalumes
Adaptado do romance best-seller de Geneviève Pettersen, La déesse des mouches à feu, A Deusa dos Vagalumes se passa na década de 1990 e conta história de Catherine, uma adolescente que mora em Chicoutimi e está passando por um período difícil, em que descobrirá o sexo, drogas, amor e a morte.
The Twentieth Century
Lady Violet
Toronto 1899. Mackenzie King sonha em se tornar primeiro-ministro do Canadá. Na sua busca pelo poder, ele enfrenta sua mãe e uma governadora-geral belicista. Quando a corrida à liderança provoca uma batalha entre o bem e o mal, King descobre que a decepção é a única forma de sobreviver ao século XX.
White Noise
L'homme masqué
A reflection on the fate of humanity in the Anthropocene epoch, White Noise is a roller-coaster of a film, a whirlwind of sounds and images. The fourth feature-length work by Simon Beaulieu, this film essay plunges viewers into a subjective sensory adventure—a direct physical encounter with the information overload of daily life. White Noise transforms the imminent collapse of our civilization into a visceral aesthetic experience.
We Are Gold
Ten years after the tragic death of her parents in a mining disaster, Marianne returns to her hometown. She returns to GOLD, the rock band formed by her childhood friends, Kristoff and Kevin, who is the only survivor of the mining collapse. For GOLD's short-lived trio, commemorative week will slowly drag them into shocking and confusing areas.
The Far Shore
Navigating the treacherous social tides of high school, Marine is cut adrift by Océane, her older sister who’s caught in the thrall of an older man. Meanwhile, their mother struggles to keep her head above water.
While shooting her new film in New York City, a director begins questioning the origin of impulsion. As the shoot begins to fall apart, with her lead actor unable to complete the project, this hybrid film between documentary and fiction takes viewers on an unexpected and compelling journey.
When Sasha's mother arrives on her doorstep without warning the young musician is unable to hide her trepidation. As she tries to prepare for the most important concert of her career, the reasons for her mother's visit come to light and Sasha must find a way to survive the remaining 24 hours, confronting both the volatile woman and the past that Sasha had worked so hard to leave behind her.
Notre Famille
At 16, Pierre doesn't know who he is and fears he will never become the person he imagined. He escapes into the wilderness to meet Michel, a man who has mysteriously come to train him. In the depths of the forest, cut off from the world, Pierre lets himself be guided by the paternal authority and charisma of his new mentor.
Le Duc
Hochelaga, Terra das Almas
Étienne Maltais
Mohawk archaeologist Baptiste Asigny engages in a search for his ancestors following a tragic terrain slump in the Percival Molson Stadium.
Guillaume Rival
A high-class prostitute by choice, Nelly Arcan’s colorful life is recreated in a multi-layered and stylish mix of make-believe and memoir, revealing Nelly’s alter egos: the neurotic writer, the vulnerable lover, the call girl and the star. Nelly shocked the literary world with her elegant writing and the lurid details of sex work in her autobiographical first novel, Whore, which became a critically acclaimed bestseller. Despite unprecedented success, Nelly’s remarkable life ended in tragedy.
The Clown
A trained actor, the protagonist is dreaming of playing tragic heroes of the classical repertoire, but his career is going nowhere. In order to earn a living, he becomes “Coquetti the Clown” and gets hired to entertain kids at birthday parties. In the film, we see him on his way to fulfill one of his usual contracts, or so he thinks, not yet knowing that a lifechanging experience awaits him.
Yes But No Thanks
On a winter evening, Émilie arrives unannounced at her neighbor Joëlle's house. As the evening goes by, Émilie longs for her neighbor who seems to be impervious to her charms. Exploration of an ambiguous relationship marked with admiration, power games, maternal tenderness and sexual attraction.
Une identité dans la diversité
Sigismond Imageless
Dr. Marleau
Sigismond Langlois is submitted to a psychiatric evaluation on account of his violent behavior. He just turned 18, and pretends he was born with no image. Throughout the questionnaire, he recounts the peculiar existence of a young man who never saw himself, neither in reflection nor on photo, to the point of sometimes doubting of his own existence. But today, Sigismond is determined to make himself heard.
Chasse-Galerie : La Légende
Théodore Gilbert
In 1863, a group of snow-bound travelers invokes the devil, who gives them a flying canoe for them to go home. When one of them finds his wife about to die in labor, he makes a pact with the devil to save her and his newborn daughter Liza. He then cheats the devil of his prize by sacrificing himself. 25 years later, Liza wants to marry her beloved Jos, who has to go away to a remote logging camp to earn money to save his farm, but the devil is determined to ruin her happiness.
Tartuffe de Molière
L'Affaire Dumont
Détenu Pee-Wee
Michel Dumont is charged, judged and sentenced for a rape he denies ever having committed. While he serves his time in prison, Solange, who he fell in love with during his trial, embarks on the colossal task of proving his innocence and having the court rehabilitate him.
Laurence Anyways
Baby Rose
Aos 30 anos de idade Laurence tem uma namorada que ama e um bom cargo de professor, mas algo ainda não está certo... Ele sempre se sentiu uma mulher presa no corpo de um homem, e acredita que já passou da hora de assumir sua identidade, mesmo sabendo que isso poderá despertar reações ruins de todos ao seu redor.
A young quebecer descends into alienation and depression.
Próximo Piso
Durante um banquete luxuoso com uma hordas de servidores e manobristas, onze convidados mimados participam no que parece ser uma carnificina gastronômica e ritualística. Neste universo absurdo e grotesco com uma sequência de acontecimentos.
Não Estou Lá
Gawky Teen
Bob Dylan (Christian Bale / Cate Blanchett / Heath Ledger / Marcus Carl Franklin / Richard Gere / Ben Whishaw), ícone musical, poeta e porta-voz de uma geração. Sempre viveu em constante mutação ao longo da vida, especialmente durante os anos 60. Musicalmente, fisicamente, psicologicamente, as alterações do seu personagem público dialogaram com acontecimentos sociais e ocasionaram múltiplas repercussões culturais. De jovem menestrel a profeta folk, de poeta moderno a roqueiro, de ícone da contracultura a cristão renascido, de caubói solitário a popstar.
Lonely Child
William is constantly shooting video journals of his life to have as souvenirs for himself. Feeling the end of his relationship with Médéric, his young lover, William spends two days camping with him, taking advantage of the situation by filming the trip and their time spent with another young gay couple. The camera never stops shooting, even when Médéric decides to get it on with another guy in a tent. As Canada's first Dogme95 film, the story is shot on location, with natural lighting and live sound, the camera is hand-held and all superficial elements are forbidden. Yet somehow, in spite of these harsh restrictions during the filmmaking process, the result is warm and beautiful.
Lonely Child
William is constantly shooting video journals of his life to have as souvenirs for himself. Feeling the end of his relationship with Médéric, his young lover, William spends two days camping with him, taking advantage of the situation by filming the trip and their time spent with another young gay couple. The camera never stops shooting, even when Médéric decides to get it on with another guy in a tent. As Canada's first Dogme95 film, the story is shot on location, with natural lighting and live sound, the camera is hand-held and all superficial elements are forbidden. Yet somehow, in spite of these harsh restrictions during the filmmaking process, the result is warm and beautiful.
Projet Pigeons