Paul Brill

Nascimento : , United States


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Original Music Composer
Este documentário mostra as aflições de alunos de três escolas dos EUA para conseguirem as melhores notas, ao mesmo tempo que ensaiam para um musical que leva ao palco essas mesmas angústias - até que a pandemia de COVID-19 irrompe.
Red Summer: Violência Racial
Em 1921, grupos brancos de Tulsa, Oklahoma, assassinaram, aterrorizaram e incendiaram o distrito de Greenwood, conhecido como "Wall Street Negro". Agora, a cidade revisita seu passado doloroso. DeNeen Brown, repórter do Washington Post, narra a descoberta de uma fossa comum em Tulsa e investiga o reinado do terror racial e o legado de violência que varreu os Estados Unidos no início do século 20.
In 1970, a group of young Puerto Rican activists took over a decrepit hospital in New York City, launching a battle for their lives, their community, and healthcare for all.
Love & Stuff
Seven months after helping her terminally ill mother during the end of her life in home-hospice, filmmaker Judith Helfand becomes a "new old" single mother at 50. Overnight, she's pushed to deal with her stuff: 63 boxes of her parent's heirlooms overwhelming her office-turned-future-baby's room, the weight her mother had begged her to lose, and the reality of being a half century older than her daughter.
Original Music Composer
In the heart of the American Midwest, three women take on entrenched political systems in their fight to reshape local politics on their own terms.
Murder in the Front Row: The San Francisco Bay Area Thrash Metal Story
Original Music Composer
Se podemos dizer que o thrash metal tem um berço, sem dúvida será a região de San Francisco Bay Area. Metallica, Megadeth, Exodus, Anthrax, Testament e Slayer saíram de suas garagens para tomar o mundo com guitarras rascantes, riffs complexos e letras politizadas herdadas do punk. Uma história que passou a se repetir ao redor do mundo, onde adolescentes de bairro se juntam para fazer um som rápido, pesado e ameaçador. Mas, no final, o que realmente importa é a amizade.
Os EUA e as Mudanças Climáticas do Planeta
Centrado no debate sobre o futuro energético dos Estados Unidos desde que o presidente Donald Trump anunciou a saída do Acordo de Paris, o documentário explora o impacto socioeconômico, muito real e tangível, dos desastres que são gerados por causa da mudança climática. A produção mostra os esforços da população que luta contra esse problema nos Estados Unidos, especialmente nas zonas que foram devastadas por desastres naturais como Porto Rico, Califórnia e Flórida.
Rigged: The Voter Suppression Playbook
"Rigged" shows viewers just what Republicans did – and continue to do – from creating new barriers to voter registration, to purging American citizens from the voting rolls without notice, to new and deliberate impediments to casting a vote. In addition, the film shows how GOP activists developed an elaborate but false narrative of widespread voter fraud in order to justify the necessity for new and draconian voting restrictions.
Roe x Wade: Direitos das Mulheres nos EUA
Um olhar histórico sobre uma das questões mais importantes e controversas de nossa época: o aborto. Defensores e opositores da legalização da prática nos Estados Unidos explicam suas razões e argumentos para estarem do lado que escolheram. Ao longo das décadas, o debate foi tomando cada vez mais corpo até chegar no ponto considerado por muitos como o mais decisivo da história.
Um Filho Perigoso
Acompanhe três famílias em crise, com crianças com algum tipo de doença mental grave. Elas tentam, desesperadamente, conseguir tratamento, mesmo contando com recursos e apoio limitados. Revela as falhas de um sistema que deixou muitas famílias sem perspectivas e com consequências devastadoras para os jovens.
Perfectly Normal for Me
Alexandria, Jake, Caitlin, and Veronica -- ages 5 to 15 -- want to change the conversation. They reveal in their own words what it’s like to deal with the literal ups and downs of a challenged life. In this intimate verité documentary, four charismatic kids strive for acceptance in a world that is often, at best, indifferent to them.
One Big Home
On the tiny island of Martha's Vineyard, where presidents and celebrities vacation, trophy homes threaten to destroy the islands unique character. Twelve years in the making, One Big Home follows one carpenters journey to understand the trend toward giant houses. When he feels complicit in wrecking the place he calls home, he takes off his tool belt and picks up a camera.
One October
Reporter Clay Pigeon interviews New Yorkers in October, 2008.
The End: Inside The Last Days of the Obama White House
Original Music Composer
An inside view of Barack Obama's last days as the first African-American President, and the legacy he leaves behind.
O Ataque à Maratona de Boston
Original Music Composer
Documentário que relata a dramática história do ataque terrorista na maratona de Boston em abril de 2013, através das experiências de pessoas cujas vidas foram afetadas. O filme conta com vídeos de câmeras de segurança, entrevistas exclusivas com sobreviventes e familiares, com oficiais, investigadores e repórteres do The Boston Globe, que ganharam o prêmio Pulitzer pela cobertura do ataque.
Alias Ruby Blade
Original Music Composer
Kirsty Sword Gusmão went to Timor-Leste to document injustice in an area closed to Western journalists. Over the next decade, she became the lynchpin that sustained the nation’s harrowing struggle for independence and met the man who would redefine the cause for which she was fighting. Using astonishing footage of the years-long resistance, director Alex Meillier presents a highly personal account of the courage needed to create a new democracy in modern times.
Original Music Composer
Follows the Boston Red Sox' Tim Wakefield and the New York Mets' R.A. Dickey - the only two major league pitchers who use the unpredictable knuckleball - during the 2011 season.
Love Free or Die
Original Music Composer
In June 2003, the Episcopal Church in New Hampshire came under fire when it became the first to elect an openly gay man, Gene Robinson, as a bishop. Since that flash point, Robinson has been at the center of the contentious battle for LGBT people to receive full acceptance in the faith.
Cem Anos de Titanic por James Cameron
Line Producer
O cineasta James Cameron reúne o melhor time de engenheiros, arquitetos navais, artistas e historiadores com o objetivo de tentar finalmente desvendar os grandes mistérios que ainda giram em torno do naufrágio do Titanic.
Cem Anos de Titanic por James Cameron
O cineasta James Cameron reúne o melhor time de engenheiros, arquitetos navais, artistas e historiadores com o objetivo de tentar finalmente desvendar os grandes mistérios que ainda giram em torno do naufrágio do Titanic.
Sex for Sale: American Escort
Original Music Composer
The world's oldest profession is now a thriving black market economy, with an underground workforce that's just an Internet connection and a phone call away. National Geographic's Mariana van Zeller journeys to the heart of the American escort industry and uncovers the gritty reality behind the supply and demand of high-end sex work.
Page One: Inside the New York Times
Original Music Composer
Unprecedented access to the New York Times newsroom yields a complex view of the transformation of a media landscape fraught with both peril and opportunity.
Better This World
Original Music Composer
Set amid arrests and subsequent trials surrounding the 2008 Republican National Convention, this portrait of two young activists caught in the web of an opportunistic mentor and a desperate justice system poignantly describes both the problems of power and the power of forgiveness and love.
Burma Soldier
Original Music Composer
The story of Myo Myint, a political prisoner, who made the transformation from being a soldier in Burma's junta to a pro-democracy activist.
América à Direita: Contrariados - Algumas Vozes da Campanha
HBO documentary about interviews with conservatives in America regarding their opinion about Barack Obama during the 2008 presidential campaign and election.
Do No Harm
Original Music Composer
In 2003, surgeon Dr. John Bagnato and accountant Charles Rehberg stumble upon evidence that non-profit Phoebe Putney Hospital is overcharging uninsured and indigent patients, has stashed millions in offshore bank accounts and controls lucrative for-profit businesses. As Bagnato and Rehberg dig deeper, they find these practices at non-profit hospitals around the country. When these discoveries are made public, Bagnato and Rehberg become the targets of threats and intimidation, and are eventually prosecuted by local authorities for blowing the whistle on the hospital's practices. With their reputations and livelihoods on the line, Bagnato and Rehberg must confront what they're willing to sacrifice to bring about justice.
See Memory
"See Memory" is a 15 minute stop motion film made out of 10,000 painting stills. The film explores how our memories define who we are, how we remember, and the inextricable link between memory and imagination.