Duilio Scarozza


Jennifer on My Mind
Makeup Artist
A rich American boy meets a rich American girl in Venice and tragically leads her into drug abuse.
Puro siccome un angelo papà mi fece monaco... di Monza
Makeup Artist
A noble family assigns their younger son to the convent. The youngster has an affair with a novice, who becomes pregnant. The brothers, exasperated by his arrogance, denounce him to the Inquisition. As a punishment, the boy is walled up alive and released after fifty years. Due to a mysterious miracle, however, he remained as he is, just like the novice he impaled.
Gli infermieri della mutua
Makeup Artist
A comedy about the Italian National Health System based on a doctor who owns a private clinic and manages it more like a con man than a follower of the Hippocratic oath.
Makeup Artist
A humble scientist from Padua proves that the Earth revolves and that it is not the center of the universe.
Um Homem, Um Cavalo, Uma Pistola
Makeup Artist
Tomando a identidade de um inspetor postal encontrado morto na trilha, um estranho pistoleiro caçador-de-recompensas, cavalga numa pequena cidade do oeste quando de repente, se vê em meio a um assalto à diligência executado por uma quadrilha de 20 sanguinários pistoleiros. Descobrindo que o objeto do ataque não era um cofre cheio de ouro, mas sim a própria diligência que foi construída em ouro, ele convoca a ajuda de um velho pregador vigarista e vai atrás da perigosa quadrilha e seu precioso produto de roubo.
Crazy Westerners
Makeup Artist
Little Rita has a dream: she dreams of a better world and she believes that all the evil in the world originates from gold. So she has decided to blow up all the gold she can put her hands on. In her mission she is assisted by the Indian Chief Bisonte Seduto and by her friend Francis. Little Rita kills Ringo and Django, but she is taken prisoner by the Mexican bandit Sancho who wants to steal her gold. Black Star rescues her and seems determined to help her, but does he?
Io non protesto, io amo
Makeup Artist
Caterina, a young teacher, has a hobby of singing and occasionally delights her students.
Bloody Pit of Horror
Makeup Artist
A photographer and his models go to an old, abandoned castle for a photo shoot. Unbeknownst to them, the castle is inhabited by a lunatic who believes himself to be the reincarnated spirit of a 17th-century executioner whose job it is to protect the castle against intruders.
Challenge of the Gladiator
Makeup Artist
Hercules Against the Barbarians
Makeup Artist
The eternal Hercules in this film has gone way beyond his usual time and place in ancient Greece and is now helping Poland free itself of Mongol invaders in the 12th century. Mark Forest is the star of this peplum epic, Hercules Against The Barbarians.
The Swindlers
Makeup Artist
A day in a tribunal where the defendants are: the manager of a soccer team, charged with bribery, two Sicilians who have sold fake archaeological findings, two nuns who have offended a public servant and an industry manager.
Gerarchi si muore
Makeup Artist
Now in bankruptcy, the industrialist Merletti seeks the help of Mr. Frioppi, a rich ex-fascist with a real mania for ancient castles.
The Vengeance of Ursus
Makeup Artist
The evil King Zagro has designs on the beautiful Princess Sira. He wants to marry her so he can take over her kingdom and add it to his own. When Sira is kidnapped, Ursus leaves his farm to rescue her and to eventually lead a revolt against King Zagro.
Drakut the Avenger
Makeup & Hair
5 marines per 100 ragazze
Makeup Artist
Five GIs end up in a female college during their military manouvers. They are very welcome by the girls and since one of them has also a beautiful voice they take part in a show organized by the college.
Caccia al marito
Makeup Artist
Italy, Sixties. A four-storey beach resort, and they look for the man of their life. Will they succeed?
The Loves of Hercules
Makeup Artist
Hercules decides to avenge the death of his wife, murdered at the hands of Éurito, king of Ecalia, but everything is a plot of an ambitious courtier. Hercules ends up falling in love with Deyanira, who is now a good queen.
Il mio amico Jekyll
Makeup Artist
Professor Fabius has found a way of transferring his personality to another person and he transfers his to the body of Giacinto Floria, a nice teacher in a women's college. Poor Giacinto becomes a sex maniac to the puzzlement of his girlfriend Mafalda.
Terror of the Red Mask
Makeup Artist
In 16th century Italy, mercenary Marco is hired by cruel duke Astolfo whose unjust reign is threatened by the notorious outlaw the Red Mask.
A Longa Noite das Loucuras
Makeup Artist
As façanhas de três jovens criminosos romanos são narradas neste drama socialmente consciente. Os jovens cometem crimes mesquinhos o dia inteiro, começando com o roubo de armas e culminando com uma noite com três prostitutas. Depois do prazer, os meninos tentam trapacear as meninas, mas elas são mais espertas do que isso e roubam o dinheiro deles antes. Os malandros então retornam à cidade para mais crimes. As façanhas incluem o assédio de três homossexuais e tentativas de seduzir algumas mulheres. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
The Jukebox Kids
Makeup Artist
When a promising record company president is arrested, his daughter takes over his company to promote her own rock and roll music by promoting various young singers.
Fantasmi e ladri
Makeup Artist
Tina, an old lady and detective stories buff, moves to town in the house of a god-daughter of hers whose husband is a private dick. She thinks she will be able to help him with his inquests. He does not agree with her and tries to discourage her by any possible means.
Mia nonna poliziotto
Makeup Artist
Tina, an old lady, is in town for the wedding of her grandson when a medallion left to her by her late husband disappears. Dissatisfied with the police effort to find it, she sets on the tracks of the thieves herself.
There Is a Path in the Sky
Makeup Artist