Robbie Bryan


The Eyes
6 strangers are kidnapped and through governmental technology have proof they have all killed before and are told 5 will die this night, one may walk, and the six have 2 hours to decide who gets to live.
De Repente Ela
Consulting Producer
An alpha New York City male is magically transformed into a beautiful girl, falls in love, and learns what it means to be a woman.
A mysterious love triangle leads to a tragic shooting. Months later, eight members of a MySpace-esque chat room are being gruesomely murdered in the privacy of their own homes.
O Homem da Terra
A obra se concentra no misterioso comportamento de John Oldman (David Lee Smith), um professor acadêmico que a cada dez anos muda de contexto, deixando tudo para trás. Cansado de guardar esse misterioso segredo, antes de partir, convida seus colegas de academia para uma reunião em sua casa onde irá revelar pela primeira vez o que está por trás desse comportamento obscuro.