Pessoa famously published under many heteronyms: around 75 different names, each with fully fleshed-out backgrounds, styles, appearances and philosophies. Taking this a step further, Não Sou Nada gives flesh to these characters, all working together under Pessoa, enacted by Miguel Borges, at the publishing house The Nothingness Club.
The evocation of light in the cinema leads the Character of the Man of Light to ponder over it, over its essence and its multiple manifestations in a revisitation of geographical places and memories.
A arte da memória é uma técnica clássica que associa imagens a lugares por meio de um processo de lembrança e significação. A partir da memória de locais e do seu contexto, o documentário mergulha no processo criativo de três artistas visuais contemporâneos: Daniel Blaufuks, Pedro Bastos e José Rufino. Apesar das diferentes abordagens de expressão de cada autor, encontramos pontos de comunicação na forma como a memória opera em suas obras. Ao vasculhar os acasos e a desordem, chegamos à mitologia pessoal do diretor, assumindo que a memória é uma ficção como qualquer filme.
A arte da memória é uma técnica clássica que associa imagens a lugares por meio de um processo de lembrança e significação. A partir da memória de locais e do seu contexto, o documentário mergulha no processo criativo de três artistas visuais contemporâneos: Daniel Blaufuks, Pedro Bastos e José Rufino. Apesar das diferentes abordagens de expressão de cada autor, encontramos pontos de comunicação na forma como a memória opera em suas obras. Ao vasculhar os acasos e a desordem, chegamos à mitologia pessoal do diretor, assumindo que a memória é uma ficção como qualquer filme.
'A Távola de Rocha' enables us to enter Paulo Rocha’s universe, to gather memories and find, within his personal and professional relationships, a key to decipher some of the unknown symbols and allusions contained in his films.
Há na montanha uma aldeia e na aldeia uma casa, onde Ema repete gestos e tarefas: trata da avó, caminha, lê, espera. Ali está ela, entre o isolamento e o cuidado. Até que um dia, o ciclo se quebra: o que aconteceu na casa da montanha?
Mãe de Caliban e prisioneira de Ariel, Sycorax permanece fora do palco em A Tempestade de Shakespeare, rejeitada por Prospero como uma “feiticeira maligna.” Aqui ela se torna o sujeito central, enquanto um diretor tenta dar um rosto e uma voz a esta personagem silenciosa.
Em Mar Infinito, num mundo paralelo, Pedro tenta fazer o seu caminho para se juntar a um êxodo para outro planeta. Enquanto vive nos seus sonhos e frustrações de ser deixado para trás, encontra Eva, que o desafia e o obriga a aceitar o seu propósito.
A couple retreat to an Atlantic island to rebuild their relationship, strained by changes through the years. In this strange landscape a lighthouse seems to exert power, and a strange woman appears on the beach after almost drowning.
Num velho cinema decrépito, várias histórias surgem como fantasmas. Uma compilação de filmes de diversos formatos projetam múltiplas versões de pessoas vencidas pela vida. “Para um homem, o ser vencido ou derrotado na vida depende, não da realidade aparente a que chegou —mas do ideal íntimo a que aspirava.” Assim afirmava Eça de Queirós no lema do Vencidos da Vida, grupo informal que reunia personalidades da vida cultural portuguesa no final do século 19.
Num velho cinema decrépito, várias histórias surgem como fantasmas. Uma compilação de filmes de diversos formatos projetam múltiplas versões de pessoas vencidas pela vida. “Para um homem, o ser vencido ou derrotado na vida depende, não da realidade aparente a que chegou —mas do ideal íntimo a que aspirava.” Assim afirmava Eça de Queirós no lema do Vencidos da Vida, grupo informal que reunia personalidades da vida cultural portuguesa no final do século 19.
Num velho cinema decrépito, várias histórias surgem como fantasmas. Uma compilação de filmes de diversos formatos projetam múltiplas versões de pessoas vencidas pela vida. “Para um homem, o ser vencido ou derrotado na vida depende, não da realidade aparente a que chegou —mas do ideal íntimo a que aspirava.” Assim afirmava Eça de Queirós no lema do Vencidos da Vida, grupo informal que reunia personalidades da vida cultural portuguesa no final do século 19.
Nos arredores de Londres, o casal português Bela e Jota e seus três filhos lutam para sobreviver. Quando surge um mal-entendido na escola com a sua filha surda, os Serviços Sociais britânicos preocupam-se com a segurança das crianças e inicia-se uma incansável batalha destes pais imigrantes contra a lei para manter a família unida.
In a village where time and space run out, a child dwells in the death vortex.
She has a large head and a small body. Her clothes are fitted to the size of her head. He has a small head and a large body. He wears a mask fitted to the size of his body. Both hide the features that they believe to make them weak. Their special defects… A chance encounter, or rather a bump-into-each other, and their “masks” fall off, and they realize they make a perfect match.
Over the dark and barren landscapes of a city somewhere in the Arctic Circle, we hear the story of a man who dreamed he was a woman, an oneiric reverie that allows him to be in two opposite places at the same time. It is a beautiful metaphor, as well as a eulogy, about accepting what seems illogical, instead of looking for meaning, one that finds comfort in the darkness and restlessness that disturbs sleep, turning it into a space for the subconscious to rise
Over the dark and barren landscapes of a city somewhere in the Arctic Circle, we hear the story of a man who dreamed he was a woman, an oneiric reverie that allows him to be in two opposite places at the same time. It is a beautiful metaphor, as well as a eulogy, about accepting what seems illogical, instead of looking for meaning, one that finds comfort in the darkness and restlessness that disturbs sleep, turning it into a space for the subconscious to rise
Em um ambiente rural, um velho é informado de que sua falecida esposa foi vista no mercado. Rancoroso e triste, ele escolhe se esconder do resto do mundo. No entanto, seus amigos insistem que ele não deve ouvir boatos. Dizem que ele deveria tentar se recuperar e, quem sabe, até casar novamente. É uma história sobre a delicadeza da velhice, do que ainda resta para sonhar e amar quando você chega nesta fase da vida e o corpo enfraquece. Acontece num Portugal antigo e escondido que ainda existe apesar dos nossos esforços de modernização.
Em um ambiente rural, um velho é informado de que sua falecida esposa foi vista no mercado. Rancoroso e triste, ele escolhe se esconder do resto do mundo. No entanto, seus amigos insistem que ele não deve ouvir boatos. Dizem que ele deveria tentar se recuperar e, quem sabe, até casar novamente. É uma história sobre a delicadeza da velhice, do que ainda resta para sonhar e amar quando você chega nesta fase da vida e o corpo enfraquece. Acontece num Portugal antigo e escondido que ainda existe apesar dos nossos esforços de modernização.
Associate Producer
Depois da crise, chega o turismo e a transformação da cidade de Lisboa. Alis Ubbo (“porto seguro”, em fenício) é uma narrativa que acompanha com ironia os dois últimos anos de mudança da paisagem urbana lisboeta.
Oscar is a child germinating in its parent’s garden. Its body is developping underground. Nobody knows its biological sex but he wants to be a boy. One day, Oscar gets out of the ground and discovers his female body. After this painful discovery, is his desired identity finally going to be accepted?
A mysterious shadow unveiling a female figure walking naked towards us in the desert. In another sequence, the same woman speaks on the phone, talking about the end of the world. In a third moment, a couple prepares breakfast in their apartment, with the same woman from the previous sequences embracing a baby. What will these three narrative moments have in common? What is the relationship between them? Everything and nothing. Is the answer in the woman’s emotional words on the phone? Or in her helpless expression when walking naked? Or in the happiness she seems to find in the domestic routine? Perhaps the charm is really not in trying to decipher, but in getting lost in this visual and impressionistic poem, this shake that slowly expands in our senses. Max Planck, one of the founders of the ancient quantum physics theory, said that energy has a discontinuous structure and can only exist under the form of fragments. These are the fragments that hide here an ethereal promise.
Cine-diaries about rock bands and personalities from the eighties from the archives of Edgar Pêra.
Nora comes out of prison. She only has one thing in mind: finding a youg neo-punk artist she admires, Léa. Mirror of one another, these two soulmates will get to know each other and rebuild their lives together.
In 2016, Edgar Pêra released The Amazing Spectator, a playful investigation into cinema’s disquieting essence that had everything from negative film images of boobs and positively splendid interviews to a donkey hand puppet. The film and an accompanying book formed his PhD thesis. But as so often with him, projects turn into obsessions – especially when there are masses of notions not pondered, thoughts not elaborated upon. And so KINORAMA - Beyond the Walls of Cinema was born, a stand-alone continuation of The Amazing Spectator that looks at cinema’s future in cyberspace and, accordingly, perhaps the end of its enslavement to figurative representation, the 'stupid sacred in narrative cinema' (to use a Pêra’ism), realism and artificiality in 3D cinema, and many other aspects.
Esmagada contra o oceano pela encosta de um vulcão, a vila piscatória da Ribeira Quente na ilha de S. Miguel nos Açores vive os últimos dias de uma actividade piscatória tal como a conhecemos. A vida continua mesmo com o peixe a escassear enquanto todos lutam por dias normais.
Esmagada contra o oceano pela encosta de um vulcão, a vila piscatória da Ribeira Quente na ilha de S. Miguel nos Açores vive os últimos dias de uma actividade piscatória tal como a conhecemos. A vida continua mesmo com o peixe a escassear enquanto todos lutam por dias normais.
Esmagada contra o oceano pela encosta de um vulcão, a vila piscatória da Ribeira Quente na ilha de S. Miguel nos Açores vive os últimos dias de uma actividade piscatória tal como a conhecemos. A vida continua mesmo com o peixe a escassear enquanto todos lutam por dias normais.
During a night of humiliation, Raymond lives an inner revolt and a kaleidoscopic journey in a country that is about to collapse.
Production Assistant
Um investigador segue o rasto outonal de folhas que outrora agraciaram os ramos de uma árvore. Uma rapariga vagueia num labirinto de colagens arquitectónicas. Um homem rega o local que a árvore deixou para trás. Uma mulher vive esse Outono. Todos num palimpsesto de nome Jorge Listopad.
And then, a house will appear to be waiting you: as in a slope, this is a leaning story on the memory of places and things, on returns and new beginnings.
They manage a cultural venue. He believes in technological evolution. She believes that love is static. One last exhibition and one last show.
Um filme poético em celebração de Alberto Pimenta, autor de uma vasta obra poética e performática, insubmissa e desafiante. O ponto de partida do longa são os arquivos, filmados por Edgar Pêra entre 1994 e 2018, de performances, conversas e leituras de Pimenta, fruto de uma amizade e cumplicidade mantidas ao longo dos últimos 24 anos.
A vingança norteia duas histórias diferentes, que se passam em épocas e continentes distintos. Quando duas mulheres veem seus amados mortos, decidem se aproximar dos assassinos. Elas arquitetam uma estratégia de vingança que não é orientada pela violência, mas, sim, pelos sentimentos amorosos. Planejam seduzir aqueles que arruinaram suas vidas. Duas vinganças, iguais no plano, diferentes no modo. Portugal e Japão, séculos 18 e 21.
Um falso diário sobre a viagem de um homem que, mais do que desaparecer, procura chegar a nada, procura ser nada.
Jake e Mati são dois forasteiros na cidade do Porto, no norte de Portugal, que experimentaram uma breve conexão. Permanece um mistério sobre os momentos que eles compartilharam e, ao procurar nas memórias, eles revivem as profundezas de uma noite desinibida pelas consequências do tempo. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Bernardino Fernandes emigrated to Canada in the sixties. Over two decades he filmed hundreds of Super 8 reels, organizing them methodically and obsessively. The Everlasting Man ends an old process, transforming Bernardino's urge of cinema into a film about the images of his memory.
A worker in a big city who feels uncomfortable around women meets a sex worker, and in an attempt to overcome his hesitations, he discovers his sexuality.
Nos anos 60, António (Pedro Frias), um agente da PIDE, é destacado para seguir Aurora (Ágata Pinho) até Paris, uma jovem suspeita de oposicionismo. Decorre o mês de maio de 1968 e, durante a revolta estudantil, os dois jovens apaixonam-se. De regresso ao Porto, a paixão proibida termina bruscamente. Durante décadas, António escreve a Aurora cartas que ela guarda sem abrir. Quando a correspondência é inesperadamente interrompida, ambos desistem de viver. Baseado no romance da realizadora intitulado "A Casa Azul".
The last habitants of a village refuse to let themselves sink into oblivion.
Azarias is a young orphan shepherd, keeper of a herd of oxen, where the ox Mabata Bata stands out. The oxen will be the basis of the "lobolo" payment, a traditional dowry that his uncle Raul must pay for his own marriage. Azarias’ dream is to be a normal child, to go to school, gold that is supported by his grandmother. One day, when Azariah is in the pasture, Mabata Bata steps into a mine - the result of the civil war in the country - and explodes. The young man fears his uncle's reprisals and flees to the forest, taking with him the remaining oxen. The grandmother and uncle leave in their quest to rescue him and persuade him to return.
New film directed by Edgar Pêra.
Penumbria was founded two hundred years ago, in a distant istmus - a place of arid soils, angry seas and violent weather. The city was due its name to the almost permanent shadows and cloudiness. One day, its inhabitants decided to leave, offering Penumbria to time. This is the story of an uninhabitable place.
Penumbria was founded two hundred years ago, in a distant istmus - a place of arid soils, angry seas and violent weather. The city was due its name to the almost permanent shadows and cloudiness. One day, its inhabitants decided to leave, offering Penumbria to time. This is the story of an uninhabitable place.
Um homem relata a sua procura por uma professora desaparecida há 16 anos na noite do Entrudo, em Trás-os-Montes. A sua busca revela um mal escondido na serra há séculos sob a forma de diabos.
A kino-investigation about spectatorship, a continuous conversation between different kinds of spectators: which one is more cinema: Citizen Kane on a mobile phone or a football game projected in a cinema theatre? What is the cinema of uncertainty? How many kinds of amazement exist? Does fear and belief precede amazement? What are the rights and duties of the spectator? Is the essay film a manifesto against voyeurism? Should spectators be paid? What amazes the spectator of this day and age?
I am the double of the shadow of my own image. An allegory that occupies my place. This is my act of contrition. Beyond good and evil, I stand as an equation: Its result cannot be manipulated By morals or ethics. In mathematics there is no place for beliefs Just as life and death Are a certain fate.
I am the double of the shadow of my own image. An allegory that occupies my place. This is my act of contrition. Beyond good and evil, I stand as an equation: Its result cannot be manipulated By morals or ethics. In mathematics there is no place for beliefs Just as life and death Are a certain fate.
I am the double of the shadow of my own image. An allegory that occupies my place. This is my act of contrition. Beyond good and evil, I stand as an equation: Its result cannot be manipulated By morals or ethics. In mathematics there is no place for beliefs Just as life and death Are a certain fate.
I am the double of the shadow of my own image. An allegory that occupies my place. This is my act of contrition. Beyond good and evil, I stand as an equation: Its result cannot be manipulated By morals or ethics. In mathematics there is no place for beliefs Just as life and death Are a certain fate.
Constantino works as a keeper of flocks during the day and as a keeper of a museum during the night. He works continuously since he has nowhere to live. Aurora passes by him every morning and end of the day. One day she is brave enough to talk to him.
Constantino works as a keeper of flocks during the day and as a keeper of a museum during the night. He works continuously since he has nowhere to live. Aurora passes by him every morning and end of the day. One day she is brave enough to talk to him.
Constantino works as a keeper of flocks during the day and as a keeper of a museum during the night. He works continuously since he has nowhere to live. Aurora passes by him every morning and end of the day. One day she is brave enough to talk to him.
Constantino works as a keeper of flocks during the day and as a keeper of a museum during the night. He works continuously since he has nowhere to live. Aurora passes by him every morning and end of the day. One day she is brave enough to talk to him.
Your past already is the projection of your future. However, it was never more than a light in the sky.
Abel Salazar, a scientist and an artist persecuted by the Fascist regime in the 40ies, is trying to finish a portrait, obsessed by the face of a woman. Ana, a young researcher in the present days, is dreaming about him. Or is it the other way round?
Your past already is the projection of your future. However, it was never more than a light in the sky.
Um grupo de espectadores preso numa sala de cinema.
A dreamlike journey seen through the eyes of a trans-human as well as a kino-symphony of voices from the multiple personas of Fernando Pessoa, Lisbon Revisited shows alternative ways of looking at and hearing the city. Celebrating its greatest phantom and confronting his ambiguous and pervasive sexuality, the film is spoken in the three languages in which Pessoa wrote, Portuguese, English and French.
Um homem prepara um velho ritual num templo há muito abandonado pelos fiéis.
Um homem prepara um velho ritual num templo há muito abandonado pelos fiéis.
Carrotrope is a new optical toy. It represents the cyclic movements of life. Meanwhile, a man drinks and the time passes at 24 frames per second.
In 1985, former oil rig worker Richard Linklater began a film screening society in Austin, Texas, that aimed to show classic art-house and experimental films to a budding community of cinephiles. Eventually incorporating as a nonprofit, the newly branded Austin Film Society raised enough money to fly in their first out-of-town filmmaker: James Benning. Accepting the invitation, Benning met Linklater and the two began to develop a personal and intellectual bond, leading to many future encounters. Starting in the 1960s, Benning had been creating low budget films mostly on his own, while Linklater had just begun to craft his first shorts. The filmmakers have remained close even as their careers have diverged. After the cult success of Slacker, Linklater went on to make films with Hollywood support. Benning, meanwhile, has stayed close to his roots and is mainly an unknown figure in mainstream film culture.
A survivor travels in search of the last bastion of civilization. Battling to survive, but never losing hope that something nostalgic from the past, which lives on in his memory, might still exist.
Two brothers, who haven't spoken in years, meet at their mother's funeral where they must deal with their mourning family, their obligations as sons and their own feelings of loss.
1960 is a home movie recorded as a super 8mm logbook. Based upon Diário de Bordo by Fernando Távora, its goal is to revisit the journey the architect made in 1960.
1960 is a home movie recorded as a super 8mm logbook. Based upon Diário de Bordo by Fernando Távora, its goal is to revisit the journey the architect made in 1960.
1960 is a home movie recorded as a super 8mm logbook. Based upon Diário de Bordo by Fernando Távora, its goal is to revisit the journey the architect made in 1960.
A carousel-esque pocket-movie set in a Florentine piazza.
A triptych of short stereoscopic films by Peter Greenaway, Jean-Luc Godard and Edgar Pêra. Includes "The Three Disasters" by Godard, "Cinesapiens" by Pêra and "Just in Time" by Greenaway.
Two childhood friends grew up and face strange feelings now. One of them tries to explore that feelings by words and their relationship becomes uncomfortable. When the words stay in silence they discover what they are looking for.
Inspired by popular cult, O COVEIRO is part light part darkness, a bedtime story and almost a nightmare. A child is born and his parents die of fright just to see him. André Gil Mata revisits the traditional Portuguese tale, in a fantastic movie where heads bounce, but you hear a song.
Four voices and their visions of Guimarães, cradle city of the Portuguese nation and European Capital of Culture in 2012.
A ghostly meeting with Luís de Camões, the one-eyed adventurer, widely considered Portugal’s greatest poet. Luís de Camões is considered Portugal’s national poet, an equivalent to England’s Shakespeare or Spain’s Cervantes. João Lopes’s film takes us on an otherworldly journey to Camões’s five-hundred-year-old epic Os Lusíadas, which he composed in Macau whilst he was stationed in the colony.
Esta é a história de um homem que após ter vivido longe do seu país durante mais de uma década, volta à sua aldeia para vingar a morte do irmão. Inspirado nos escritos de Henry David Thoreau, traduz Desobediência Civil para Português. Num país onde a corrupção e a extorsão são encaradas como normalidade, aqueles que materializam a representação do Estado prendem e matam impunemente. Alberto tenta combater esta tirania do estado e salvar o que resta da sua família. Mas este é um país onde nada muda.
Esta é a história de um homem que após ter vivido longe do seu país durante mais de uma década, volta à sua aldeia para vingar a morte do irmão. Inspirado nos escritos de Henry David Thoreau, traduz Desobediência Civil para Português. Num país onde a corrupção e a extorsão são encaradas como normalidade, aqueles que materializam a representação do Estado prendem e matam impunemente. Alberto tenta combater esta tirania do estado e salvar o que resta da sua família. Mas este é um país onde nada muda.
Esta é a história de um homem que após ter vivido longe do seu país durante mais de uma década, volta à sua aldeia para vingar a morte do irmão. Inspirado nos escritos de Henry David Thoreau, traduz Desobediência Civil para Português. Num país onde a corrupção e a extorsão são encaradas como normalidade, aqueles que materializam a representação do Estado prendem e matam impunemente. Alberto tenta combater esta tirania do estado e salvar o que resta da sua família. Mas este é um país onde nada muda.
Delegated Producer
Posfácio works at the factory of Madam Cannon and dates her daughter Claudete. Everything would be going great for Posfácio, if it wasn't for terrorist plans from his work buddies Marques and Mendes.
A simple can of ravioli propels this spectacular 30,000-kilometre, eight-country journey through all phases of food production and the far flung sources of international ingredients. A dream-like voyage with glimpses of disconcerting realities, the story begins with a single mother toiling in one of the biggest open pit mines in Brazil and ends on the shelf of a grocery store in Finland. Along the way, the workers whose calloused hands mine, raise and harvest each ingredient reveal their dreams and hopes, like the Danish pig farmer who loves his sows but longs for a girlfriend, and the Portuguese tomato picker who wants to stay healthy long enough to pay her daughters way through university. Sumptuous photography and impressive sound design make an eloquent statement about our modern, globalized world, making us aware of the hundreds of invisible people who prepare the food we eat every day. -Gisèle Gordon (
An effervescent painterly film tribute – replete with driving organ soundtrack – to 18th-century poet and satirist António Lobo de Carvalho, otherwise known as The Wolf of Madragoa.
An effervescent painterly film tribute – replete with driving organ soundtrack – to 18th-century poet and satirist António Lobo de Carvalho, otherwise known as The Wolf of Madragoa.
The story of a vigilante friar, zealous caretaker of goodness and order who, after suffering unrequited love for an engaged woman, becomes a terrifying villain in a quiet town.
Homens das cavernas seguem com o seu dia-a-dia, mas nem tudo é o que parece
A história de um vampiro marialva que aterrorizava os habitantes duma região montanhosa. O Barão é um camaleão emocional. Ora se apresenta dócil, ou irascível, um homem-javali, “uma pura besta”. Vive um amor aprisionado, dentro e fora de si. Um amor inatingível. Um ideal corrompido. Idalina, criada aristocrata paira pelo castelo...
Based on the installation Santa Paz Domestica, Domesticada by Ana Vieira (1977) and excerpts from the September 22nd, 1956 issue of the magazine O Cruzeiro.
Based on the installation Santa Paz Domestica, Domesticada by Ana Vieira (1977) and excerpts from the September 22nd, 1956 issue of the magazine O Cruzeiro.
Um filme micro-cósmico sobre uma cidade-fortaleza portuguesa, fundada em 1514 em Marrocos.
It is not the landscape that changes. Every service station is a service station. What changes is being in movement.
Entreter os outros nem sempre é fácil. Um actor nem sempre está disposto a ser o bobo da corte.
Entreter os outros nem sempre é fácil. Um actor nem sempre está disposto a ser o bobo da corte.
In a lake surrounded by buildings, a man builds a boat.
Ele é mineiro, todos os dias tenta deixar-se ir com a corrente do rio. Ela sonha ir também, mas está presa. Estão todos, presos por uma corrente. São dominados pela força da montanha. É de lá que saem todos os dias e para onde voltam a entrar. Um dia a corrente parte-se.
Ele é mineiro, todos os dias tenta deixar-se ir com a corrente do rio. Ela sonha ir também, mas está presa. Estão todos, presos por uma corrente. São dominados pela força da montanha. É de lá que saem todos os dias e para onde voltam a entrar. Um dia a corrente parte-se.
Ele é mineiro, todos os dias tenta deixar-se ir com a corrente do rio. Ela sonha ir também, mas está presa. Estão todos, presos por uma corrente. São dominados pela força da montanha. É de lá que saem todos os dias e para onde voltam a entrar. Um dia a corrente parte-se.
Free adaptation of Sophocles classic tragedy “King Oedipus” crossed with Jack Kerouac's classic “On the Road”. The starting point is the loss of identity of a generation of Portuguese emigrants. Tebas tells the story of a young man who, looking for his origins, departs from Paris to Portugal with a beatnik truck driver. The film is a voyage into the strange depths of Portugal in the form of surreal road-movie.
Free adaptation of Sophocles classic tragedy “King Oedipus” crossed with Jack Kerouac's classic “On the Road”. The starting point is the loss of identity of a generation of Portuguese emigrants. Tebas tells the story of a young man who, looking for his origins, departs from Paris to Portugal with a beatnik truck driver. The film is a voyage into the strange depths of Portugal in the form of surreal road-movie.
Free adaptation of Sophocles classic tragedy “King Oedipus” crossed with Jack Kerouac's classic “On the Road”. The starting point is the loss of identity of a generation of Portuguese emigrants. Tebas tells the story of a young man who, looking for his origins, departs from Paris to Portugal with a beatnik truck driver. The film is a voyage into the strange depths of Portugal in the form of surreal road-movie.
A journey through the 80’s music scene in Portugal, gathering archive material shot and edited by Pêra, showing the filming process of music videos, concerts, band rehearsals and the last concert presented at the Rock Rendez Vous. Echoing the revolution, art is, at last, in its free form.
Documentary about 4 large architectural landmarks that projected Portugal abroad.
Camera Operator
Adaptação cinematográfica do espectáculo de teatro homónimo da companhia Visões Úteis, é a história de um homem que começa por observar com curiosidade os hábitos do vizinho e acaba por ficar obcecado. Abandona o emprego, negligencia a família e será necessário um homicídio para reencontrar a paz.
"Estadio Novo is about Portugal, its football and its fans. As hordes of supporters descend on the ten brand new stadiums for Euro 2004, this lively and informative documentary takes a look at their impact. Examining the role of football in Portugal before and the revolution of 1974 it asks... what's really going on?"
Camera Operator
"Estadio Novo is about Portugal, its football and its fans. As hordes of supporters descend on the ten brand new stadiums for Euro 2004, this lively and informative documentary takes a look at their impact. Examining the role of football in Portugal before and the revolution of 1974 it asks... what's really going on?"
Sound Designer
Vanitas is the new feature film by veteran Portuguese director Paulo Rocha. With a script by Regina Guimarães, the film brings together actresses Isabel Ruth and Joana Bárcia – no strangers to this director's world – in a story about a depressed fashion designer who falls in love with the daughter of one her tailors.
On All Saint’s Day 1755, around 09:40 hours, Lisbon was hit by an earthquake which eradicated almost the entire city. 345 years later (D.T. = depois de terramoto) means 2100 AD. Will Portugal’s capital be a Garden of Earthly Delights when we reach the year 2100? Pêra’s animation classic provides unexpected (in)sights about it.