Rafael Urban


Tantas Almas
O pescador José atravessa o rio Magdalena, o maior da Colômbia, em busca dos corpos de seus dois filhos, assassinados pelos paramilitares. Apesar de sua dor, José está determinado a encontrá-los, para dar o enterro que merecem e, assim, impedir que permaneçam como almas errantes. Em sua jornada, José revela a magia de um país despedaçado, o que, de diferentes maneiras, evoca o Brasil de hoje.
Every day, 18-year-old Nori walks to the Bauta station to listen, watch, and feel the vibrations of the passing trains.
 His playful imagination leads us through the space as we witness his obsession and sensory experience of arrival and departure. A glimpse of adolescence in the Cuban countryside.
Se passa no ano de 2018 e conta a história da rainha Agontimé, que foi vendida para ser escrava no Brasil no início do século XIX. O filme mostra a sua volta à África, exatamente dois séculos depois de ter chegado à costa brasileira. O real e o fantástico caminham de mãos dadas nesta história, que pretende relacionar o tempo presente com o passado para refletir sobre as reminiscências do período escravagista aqui e lá.
Visit to Lloyd Hotel via Google Earth
In a documentary recorded on his computer screen, the Brazilian Antonio Urban revisits, through Google Earth, the steps of his Polish ancestors in Amsterdam, Holland, en route to Brazil.
Visit to Lloyd Hotel via Google Earth
In a documentary recorded on his computer screen, the Brazilian Antonio Urban revisits, through Google Earth, the steps of his Polish ancestors in Amsterdam, Holland, en route to Brazil.
A Última das Minas
In 2011, I visited Mrs. Deni Prata Jardim, the last representative of the Casa das Minas (House of Minas) in Northern Brazil. Among other things, Deni told me the story of the foundation of the house, during the slavery period. Among the slaves, there was a priestess from Dahomey, where she used to be a queen, and worshiped African voodoos. Lacking authorization to practice their worship, the slaves hid in a shed, which has become over the years the House of Minas.
A Última das Minas
In 2011, I visited Mrs. Deni Prata Jardim, the last representative of the Casa das Minas (House of Minas) in Northern Brazil. Among other things, Deni told me the story of the foundation of the house, during the slavery period. Among the slaves, there was a priestess from Dahomey, where she used to be a queen, and worshiped African voodoos. Lacking authorization to practice their worship, the slaves hid in a shed, which has become over the years the House of Minas.
O Touro
There’s a myth that suggests the ghost of the 16th-century Portuguese king Don Sebastiaan founded a magical kingdom on the island of Lençóis off the Brazilian coast after his defeat against the Moors. Five centuries later, a young Portuguese woman (and a small film crew) arrives there. The island is still enchanting.
O Touro
There’s a myth that suggests the ghost of the 16th-century Portuguese king Don Sebastiaan founded a magical kingdom on the island of Lençóis off the Brazilian coast after his defeat against the Moors. Five centuries later, a young Portuguese woman (and a small film crew) arrives there. The island is still enchanting.
O Rei
Assistant Director
A Portuguese king who disappeared in the desert of Morocco in the sixteenth century comes forward. Under the threat of having to return to Portugal in the XXI century, Dom Sebastian reveals his whereabouts and the secrets of the kingdom he built over all these years in faraway Ilha de Lençóis in Northeastern Brazil.
O Rei
A Portuguese king who disappeared in the desert of Morocco in the sixteenth century comes forward. Under the threat of having to return to Portugal in the XXI century, Dom Sebastian reveals his whereabouts and the secrets of the kingdom he built over all these years in faraway Ilha de Lençóis in Northeastern Brazil.
O Rei
A Portuguese king who disappeared in the desert of Morocco in the sixteenth century comes forward. Under the threat of having to return to Portugal in the XXI century, Dom Sebastian reveals his whereabouts and the secrets of the kingdom he built over all these years in faraway Ilha de Lençóis in Northeastern Brazil.
A Gente
Jefferson Walkiu é o novo chefe da Equipe Alfa de uma prisão com mais de 900 presidiários. É um trabalho perigoso e os guardas estão mal equipados. Walkiu estabelece várias resoluções para profissionalizar seu departamento, mas nem mesmo seu gerenciamento permanente de crise evita os contratempos.
A que deve a honra da ilustre visita este simples marquês?
Ovos de Dinossauro na Sala de Estar
An old woman attends classes of digital photography and editing. It is not a late hobby, but a project undertaken with a clear aim in mind. Ragnhild Borgomanero wants to be able to preserve the memory of her deceased husband Guido, the biggest private collector of fossils in Latin America.
Ovos de Dinossauro na Sala de Estar
An old woman attends classes of digital photography and editing. It is not a late hobby, but a project undertaken with a clear aim in mind. Ragnhild Borgomanero wants to be able to preserve the memory of her deceased husband Guido, the biggest private collector of fossils in Latin America.
Sound Recordist
Bolpebra, on the border of Bolivia, Peru, and Brazil, has 40 inhabitants and has just installed its central square.
Bolpebra, on the border of Bolivia, Peru, and Brazil, has 40 inhabitants and has just installed its central square.