Sergio Barrejón

Sergio Barrejón

Nascimento : 1973-12-30, Madrid, Spain


Sergio Barrejón


Lucas just lost his father and everything around him is starting to crumble. One day he meets Alvaro, who offers him money in exchange for some innocent pictures. Álvaro will use them to create fake accounts in social media to “just talk”, he assures, with underage girls. Desperate for money, Lucas takes the deal.
O Chefe
Um empresário rude e egocêntrico está prestes a perder tudo pelo que lutou até receber a inesperada ajuda de uma servente de limpeza do escritório.
Filho de Caim
Nico Albert é um adolescente personagem muito peculiar, com inteligência excepcional e uma obsessão única: xadrez. Seus pais, preocupados com a atitude anômala de seu filho, psicólogo infantil contrataram Julio Beltran. Através da terapia e do passatempo comum do xadrez, Julio se aprofundará no perturbador mundo de Nico e nas complexas relações dessa família aparentemente normal.
Every day, racist raids take place in Madrid. State policemen perform illegal racial profiling looking for unauthorized residents. Every day, thousands of citizen witness this blankly, while politicians simply deny the raids are even taking place. And every day, only a handful of people, connected by Twitter, try to help the victims.
Every day, racist raids take place in Madrid. State policemen perform illegal racial profiling looking for unauthorized residents. Every day, thousands of citizen witness this blankly, while politicians simply deny the raids are even taking place. And every day, only a handful of people, connected by Twitter, try to help the victims.
Lucas wants a motorcycle. He meets Alvaro, who will give him money for just some innocent pictures. With them Alvaro is able to create a fake online identity to contact young girls.
La media pena
An executive is on the point of committing suicide in his office early one morning. Just as he is about to pull the trigger, he is unexpectedly interrupted by the arrival of the cleaning lady. He can think of nothing better to do than hide... and spy on her.
The One in Charge
Martin, a child of nine years, is the one in charge in a class during the teacher’s absence. He has to write down at the blackboard the name of the students who talk. It seems an easy task ... until the bully of the class starts to speak.
The One in Charge
Martin, a child of nine years, is the one in charge in a class during the teacher’s absence. He has to write down at the blackboard the name of the students who talk. It seems an easy task ... until the bully of the class starts to speak.
Crimes Temporais
Associate Producer
Héctor (Karra Elejalde) um homem de meia idade, entra acidentalmente em um dispositivo que o faz viajar no tempo e retornar uma hora antes. Isso o faz encontrar a si mesmo, desencadeando situações e gerando conseqüências incontroláveis.
Foxy Lady
An attractive journalist attempts to interview a writer of ill reputation.
One Too Many
After his wife leaves him, Joaquín brings his mother-in-law back home to look after him and his son.