Sara Marković


The Blacklisted
O que acontece quando um homem comum é declarado inimigo do estado? Quando um alto funcionário chinês visitou a Sérvia, Dejan foi tratado como um inimigo público do seu país. Desde então os seus telefones ficaram sob escuta e tanto ele como a família são vigiados. A razão é porque pratica Falun Gong. Este documentário explica do que se trata e porque é que as autoridades chinesas declararam a prática do Falun Gong “herética”.
The Brazilian
A young girl, naked on the table, for waxing, tries to solve the mystery of male-female relations.
The Brazilian
A young girl, naked on the table, for waxing, tries to solve the mystery of male-female relations.
A father-to-be faces "the temple of order" which he dislikes - by going shopping in a hypermarket.
A father-to-be faces "the temple of order" which he dislikes - by going shopping in a hypermarket.
Through the intimate stories of seven young directors, October is the generational attitude towards Serbia today, shown in different perspectives and through different genres - from black comedy to melodrama, poetic portrait to the socially engaged horror. Motif that binds all of the stories together is the tenth anniversary of the democratic revolution. Each film is taking place on that day, 5th of October in 2010, and each film is differently related to the anniversary and what that event means 10 years after. The film brings fresh visions of the seven young directors who were teenagers at the time of the overthrow of president Milosevic and his regime. On a personal and emotional way they show a complex picture of modern Serbia.