Virginia Logan


When his wife Samantha suffers a brain embolism, Hadrian Beckett uses experimental stem cells to revive her. However, when Sam is transformed into a shape-changing creature, Hadrian must try restore her humanity.
Robot Revolution
Martial law reigns over the city. On a routine check for terrorist activity in a high-rise apartment building, Hawkins, a capable police officer, and Argus, her heavily armoured android partner, stumble on a transaction they assume is the illegal narcotic fleck. But then, strange things begin to happen to the building and its residents.
Android Insurrection
In the distant future, an elite group of soldiers are sent to a secret government research station to disable a supercomputer that rebelled against its creators. When they arrive, they discover that the computer has birthed a race of androids that now seek to destroy mankind.
Pavor na Cidade dos Zumbis
Mrs. Holden (uncredited)
Após o suicídio de um padre na pequena cidade de Dunwich, uma força maligna é libertada, abrindo os portões do inferno. Mary Woodhouse, uma jovem médium, tem uma visão da tragédia iminente durante a sessão espírita. Ela une forças com o jornalista Peter Bell para procurar a cidade e tentar deter as forças do mal antes que se espalhem pelo planeta.