Bill Malley


The Fear of God: 25 Years of The Exorcist
A behind-the-scenes retrospective made for the twenty-fifth anniversary of the classic horror film, The Exorcist. Includes interviews with Linda Blair and the other stars of the film, along with commentary from the director and writer on some of the deeper meanings behind the elements they used to terrify their audiences, and previously unreleased footage including make-up tests and deleted scenes.
12 Homens e uma Sentença
Production Design
Um jovem latino é acusado de cometer um crime. Para julgá-lo são convocados 12 jurados, sendo que 11 concordam que ele é culpado, porém apenas um discorda da decisão, que considera precipitada. Ele terá então que enfrentar a má vontade dos outros jurados e também a diferente interpretação dos fatos. No entanto, todos serão obrigados a rever os fatos e circunstâncias do crime para defender sua decisão.
Morte no Ar
Production Design
A distraught disc jockey seeks out a mystery caller who may be the killer of his girlfriend.
A Rainha do Ar
Production Design
In 1928, Amelia Earhart gains fame by undertaking a transatlantic flight as a passenger. In 1937, she and her navigator Fred Noonan undertake her longest flight: a round-the-world attempt. However, the plane disappears in the process.
Dr. Giggles
Production Design
In 1957, Evan Rendell flees after his father is lynched for killing multiple patients in his effort to find a replacement heart for his ailing wife. After 35 years, Evan escapes from a mental institution and returns to town for revenge, killing off residents one by one. When Jennifer and her friends break into the Rendell house out of morbid curiosity, Evan notices Jennifer has a heart condition similar to his mother and decides to make her his final victim.
Common Ground
Production Design
Fact based story about the racial tensions that occurred in Boston in the 1970's because of court ordered busing to end desegregation. The story focuses on an African-American mother determined to get her children a quality education and a white lawyer trying to deal with inner city problems.
Margaret Bourke-White
Art Direction
A biographical account of pioneering photographer Margaret Bourke-White's career.
Unholy Matrimony
Production Design
He's after a man who married for money. Insurance money.
Um Lobo Na Família
Production Design
Quando bebê, Bobo se separa de sua família durante uma viagem de acampamento. Depois de ser criado por cães selvagens por vinte anos, Bobo é descoberto pela pesquisadora de animais Penny, que o traz de volta à sua família e tenta ensinar Bobo a se reajustar à vida com humanos. Enquanto sua mãe se alegra em vê-lo novamente, o irmão mais velho de Bobo, Henry, está mais preocupado em perder sua parte da herança. Enquanto Bobo avança com as lições de Penny, Henry planeja eliminá-lo.
Em Busca da Vitória
Production Design
O colegial Louden Swain, é um praticante da luta livre e um rapaz obcecado, tentando perder cerca de 10 quilos num curto espaço de tempo, para desafiar Shute, um imbatível campeão, pesando quase 80 quilos, duro na queda e considerado o melhor lutador do estado. Até o dia em que uma sexy mulher, ameaça arrastar Louden, e seus sonhos para um amor não correspondido.
Trapalhadas na Casa Branca
Production Design
A garçonete Sunny Davis (Goldie Hawn) testemunha um atentado contra autoridade árabe e salva sua vida ao impedir o assassino. Por causa disso, vira celebridade no país inteiro. Políticos inescrupulosos resolvem aproveitar a fama da moça para convidá-la a integrar o Departamento de Protocolo - mas cheios de segundas intenções.
Something About Amelia
Art Direction
Counseling helps family deal with the discovery that their child was sexually abused by the closest relative.
The House of God
Production Design
Comedy about a couple of interns in a hospital named 'The House of God'.
Deal of the Century
Production Design
Arms dealers from several companies vie to sell the most expensive and highest tech weapons to a South American dictator. There are complications; understanding the exact nature of how 'gifts' are used to grease the wheels of a sale, a religious conversion from one of the salesman and a romance that begins to grow between two competitors.
O Esquadrão da Justiça
Production Design
As violence escalates in Los Angeles and heinous murders are committed, Steven Hardin, a young judge of the California Supreme Court, must struggle with his tortured conscience and growing despair as he watches helplessly as the ruthless criminals brought before his court go free because clever lawyers find obscure loopholes in the law.
Mamãezinha Querida
Production Design
Renowned actress Joan Crawford, at the height of her career, adopts two orphans — Christina and Christopher — to fill the lonely gap in her personal life. However, as her professional and romantic relationships sour, Joan's already callous and abusive behavior towards Christina intensifies. Christina leaves home to pursue an acting path of her own, only to find her mother's presence still overshadowing her.
Souls - Liderança Desafiada
Production Design
Tommy takes up temporary housing in a New York neighborhood plagued by a violent gang called the Souls. Tommy is waiting for his next assignment as a seaman and though he tries to avoid the gang and his neighbors, it does not work. Soon he is battling the Souls and not only changing their attitudes, but the attitudes of his previously intimidated neighbors as well.
O Crepúsculo dos Heróis
Production Design
Um astronauta que sofre um colapso mental em plena contagem decrescente de lançamento é enviado para um castelo isolado, onde funciona uma unidade psiquiátrica experimental do Exército dos EUA. Ali, vai desafiar o comandante das instalações a provar-lhe que existe um Deus e que há bondade no ser humano.
A Fúria
Production Design
Um elaborado jogo de controle mental inicia-se quando o filho de um agente do governo é sequestrado por causa de seus poderes psicocinéticos. Desesperado para encontrá-lo, seu pai contata uma garota com habilidades psíquicas semelhantes às de seu filho. Ela logo descobre que o rapaz é prisioneiro de um órgão secreto do governo dos EUA e que está sendo utilizado para perigosas experiências mentais - e programado para matar.
Citizens Band
Production Design
The interlaced stories of several characters in a small town united by their use of CB (citizen's band) radio.
Alex e a Cigana
Production Design
A bail bondsman falls in love with one of his "customers" — a gypsy girl, who's been accused of attempted murder.
Griffin and Phoenix
Art Direction
Griffin has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Instead of quietly facing his death, he decides to have fun in the time remaining. At a college class on death, he meets Phoenix, who has terminal leukemia.
Roll, Freddy, Roll!
Art Direction
A man determined to impress his son--and show up his son's stepfather--decides to try to get into the Guinness Book of World Records by setting a record for staying the longest time on roller skates. (IMDb)
The Great Ice Rip-Off
Art Direction
A retired cop goes up against a slick jewel thief and his gang, who have pulled a diamond heist and are trying to smuggle the diamonds cross-country.
The Day the Earth Moved
Art Direction
An aerial photography team tries to alert a small town about an impending earthquake, but no one believes the duo until the tremors start and the walls begin to collapse.
Art Direction
Travelling through the West right after the Civil War, two con men hatch a scheme to try to collect the fifteen thousand dollar bounty offered for the capture of an outlaw.
Twice in a Lifetime
Art Direction
A tugboat operator and a waterfront cafe owner clash with a dock foreman who is trying to change the way things on the piers have been done.
Rezemos Pelos Audazes
Art Direction
Three ad agency executives are pressured into taking a motorbike trip to Baja by a big-ticket client. Along the way, the client is spurned by a young woman whose boyfriend sticks up for her. The client later disables their van, leading to their deaths in the desert. When the executives piece together what has happened, it leads to a showdown.
O Exorcista
Production Design
Em Georgetown, Washington, uma atriz vai gradativamente tomando consciência que a sua filha de doze anos está tendo um comportamento completamente assustador. Deste modo, ela pede ajuda a um padre, que também um psiquiatra, e este chega a conclusão de que a garota está possuída pelo demônio. Ele solicita então a ajuda de um segundo sacerdote, especialista em exorcismo, para tentar livrar a menina desta terrível possessão.
Art Direction
One man decides to wage war against a gang of teenage punks besieging an affluent California community. Based on a true incident.
A Marca da Brutalidade
Art Direction
Mary Ann é o dono de um matadouro e tem ligações com Jake, um grande da Máfia. Seu negócio é apenas fachada para comércio de drogas e prostituição. Ele deve uma grande quantia a Jake mas os primeiros cobradores viraram linguica (literalmente). Assim, Nick Devlin é contratado pelo mafioso para receber a dívida.
Get to Know Your Rabbit
Art Direction
A young businessman goes to a magic expert to learn hardness and skill with his cynical and greedy collaborators. He becomes a very good tap dancer, but will he be able to get free of his old boss?
Fireball Forward
Art Direction
A hard-nose general takes over a division with a bad combat record.
Art Direction
Two San Francisco detectives investigating a murder committed on one of the city's famous cable cars discover that the victim was the son of a shipping tycoon. The trail leads to a drug dealer, a shady physician and a nervous police captain
The Steagle
Art Direction
In the midst of the Cuban missile crisis, a mild-mannered professor decides to live out all of his daydreams, travelling across the country and adopting a different persona in each city.