There is no New York without Broadway. It’s both a landmark and a community, an industry and a people, making magic in a dark theater, eight times a week. During the pandemic, over 96,000 people lost their jobs and an entire ecosystem of small businesses were brought to a standstill. Broadway Rising tells the story of the broadway community and its harrowing journey back to the stage following the COVID-19 shutdown. This feature documentary brings everyone into the spotlight - from the costume makers to the ushers to the producers to the stars.
14 de abril de 1865. Um tiro. Um assassino se empenhou em matar um tirano, como ele acusou o 16º presidente dos Estados Unidos. E em um momento, nossa nação foi mudada para sempre. Este é o crime mais dramático e ressonante da história americana: a verdadeira história do assassinato de Abraham Lincoln. Dos produtores executivos Ridley Scott e Tony Scott, e narrado por Tom Hanks, o primeiro docudrama do National Geographic Channel, Killing Lincoln, baseado no best-seller do New York Times, combina re-criações com insight histórico numa emocionante crônica dos últimos dias do presidente Lincoln e seu assassino, John Wilkes Booth.
Gettysburg é um documentário de 2011 dirigido por Adrian Moat, que foi exibido pela primeira vez em 30 de Maio de 2011 (Memorial Day) no canal History. Este documentário é narrado pelo ator Sam Rockwell, foi produzido em comemoração de 150º aniversário da Guerra Civil Americana. Gettysburg mostra o horror do pivot 1863 Batalha de Gettysburg, seguindo as histórias de oito homens, enquanto eles colocam suas vidas em risco para lutar por aquilo em que acreditavam..
Tom Mashberg
Heists do not solely exist in the movies. These high profile schemes are elaborately planned, artful in their Machiavellian plotting, and so meticulously coordinated that they are often referred to as "the masterpieces of the confidence game". Often aimed at impossibly ambitious targets - casinos, jewelry stores, or famous museums - the masterminds behind these crimes are often heralded as the ingenious magicians of the underworld. The mystery and magnitude of these real crime stories sparks an undeniable interest for us innocent onlookers - a sense of seduction, spectacle and entertainment.
Co-Executive Producer
Heists do not solely exist in the movies. These high profile schemes are elaborately planned, artful in their Machiavellian plotting, and so meticulously coordinated that they are often referred to as "the masterpieces of the confidence game". Often aimed at impossibly ambitious targets - casinos, jewelry stores, or famous museums - the masterminds behind these crimes are often heralded as the ingenious magicians of the underworld. The mystery and magnitude of these real crime stories sparks an undeniable interest for us innocent onlookers - a sense of seduction, spectacle and entertainment.
Associate Producer
Twelve men who belong to one of the world's most exclusive fraternities -- people who've walked on the surface of the moon -- are paid homage in this documentary. Using newsreel footage, rare NASA photographs, and digitally animated re-creations, Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon examines the Apollo missions between 1969 and 1972 which put astronauts on the moon.
Twelve men who belong to one of the world's most exclusive fraternities -- people who've walked on the surface of the moon -- are paid homage in this documentary. Using newsreel footage, rare NASA photographs, and digitally animated re-creations, Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon examines the Apollo missions between 1969 and 1972 which put astronauts on the moon.
Script Coordinator
Harry Dalton, um vulcanologista, e Rachel Wando, a prefeita de Dante, uma pequena cidade, tentam convencer o conselho dos cidadãos e outros geólogos a declarar estado de alerta, pois um vulcão muito próximo, que está inativo há vários séculos, entrará em erupção. Mas interesses econômicos são contrariados com a notícia, que pode afastar um grande empresário que pretende fazer investimentos que iram gerar 800 empregos diretos na cidade.