Marko Ilić


Out of the Woods
Specijalac 2
60 year old woman leaves urban life and goes to live in a village to take care of her grandchildren whose parents now live in America. There she faces lots of financial hardships as the family doesn't send any money, and tries her best to provide all for their happier childhood.
Mama's Boy
Čovek na štulama
Middle-aged cinephile and film projectionist Pera still lives with his mother - and best friend - Mara, in Belgrade. It's 1999 and when NATO bombs start raining down on Serbia, the two of them become refugees. After a surreal journey, they end up in New York, where Pera realizes that he can no longer do the old job he loved so much. While he and Mara were struggling to survive, the new age of digital projection was born. Then Pera stumbles upon some discarded projectors and his new mission in life becomes clear: he will travel around and show people the magic of Real Cinema - the magic that can only be created by celluoid, mechanical projectors, the silver screen and flickering light.
A Armadilha
"A Armadilha" é um filme noir moderno que reflete a verdadeira face da "sociedade sérvia em transição". É uma história que pode acontecer com qualquer um de nós. É um filme sobre um homem comum, que é forçado a escolher entre a vida e a morte de seu próprio filho.