Ognjen Popić


Sound Designer
Antonio and Nikola are inseparable friends who live across the road from each other, and share a love of pyrotechnics and mobile phones. Their families have been in dispute for years over an easily resolvable problem: the water that flows from the top house to the bottom house. The boys’ friendship, as they are about to enter puberty, is put to the test at Christmas time when their families uncover much more dangerous secrets and interests, and the water just carries the hate of the adults to the children. Debut film.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
28-year-old Aleksi is stuck living with her parents. Desperate to escape the safe but boring bourgeois life her family has intended for her, she shirks her duties and becomes entangled with various romantic interests.
Sound Editor
Um político, uma jovem condessa e um general e sua esposa se reúnem na mansão do proprietário de terras Nikolai no Natal. Eles jantam e discutem temas como progresso e moralidade. À medida que o debate fica mais intenso, as diferenças culturais se tornam cada vez mais aparentes.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Half-sisters from a small coastal town who were never that close are forced by circumstance to share a flat in Ljubljana.
The Books of Knjige: Cases of Justice
Sound Designer
Who left a dead body on a farm of truck driver's of which the best quality milk is made? Who smuggles illegal Betangin tablets? Who set on fire policemen's hands? Why does the ominous rabbit shows up? Two brave but incompetent police inspectors are trying to find out all of this.
The Rift
Sound Designer
The satellite has vanished and the only clue is a trail leading to a small village nestled on the outskirts of forest line. As the team begins to investigate they quickly discover that something else came back from space, something not of this world. As their time runs out, the team must battle to unlock the terrifying truth behind the ill-fated mission.
Dialogue Editor
Kosovo 2004, cinco anos após a guerra. Nenad, dez anos, um rapaz cristão de um enclave sérvio, decidido a realizar um verdadeiro funeral comunitário para o seu extinto avô, cruza as linhas inimigas e faz amizades entre a maioria muçulmana, num Kosovo devastado pela guerra.
A Sereia Assassina
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Duas jovens turistas americanas viajam para uma ilha em Montenegro. Numa fortaleza militar abandonada, um velho pescador revela que há perigos, pois as águas do Mediterrâneo escondem uma assassina metade peixe, metade mulher: uma sereia.
Sound Designer
Um jovem, do ensino médio de Belgrado, fica seduzido pelo mundo dos skinheads e por seu líder, Relja. Ele junta-se à gangue na tentativa de superar o status de nerd na escola, mas logo é sugado para dentro de um mundo de violência, racismo e vandalismo.
Sheitan Warrior
Sound Designer
Trouble usually starts when the power falls into the wrong hands. That's how the book that hides an ancient evil fell to Stanislav. It does not matter whether Stanislav is a nice guy who helps old ladies cross the street, a psychopath, nerd, or a blood-thirsty young man.
Sheitan Warrior
Trouble usually starts when the power falls into the wrong hands. That's how the book that hides an ancient evil fell to Stanislav. It does not matter whether Stanislav is a nice guy who helps old ladies cross the street, a psychopath, nerd, or a blood-thirsty young man.