Patxi Barko


Oferenda à Tempestade
Padre de Jonan
Amaia investiga rituais macabros e a morte de vários bebês enquanto as pessoas ao seu redor ficam em perigo. Parte 3 da Trilogia Baztán.
Dragon Hunter
Gorka has long postponed again and again the answer to the pressing questions that his son Aitor asks about his past. Gorka, a member of ETA political-military until its dissolution in the early eighties, ends joining the guerrillas in Central America. A life experience shared with Maddalen, a nurse and committed Christian, with José, an indigenous guerrilla member, and Andrés a former military, head of the insurrection. An experience that will transform them all.
Todos estamos invitados
Spain. The Basque Country. Sometime in the 90s. Josu Jon, a young member of a terrorist organization, has suffered an almost complete memory loss after being wounded in a shooting with the Spanish police. As he awaits for his trial, his condition is being treated at the prison hospital. Other inmates belonging to the same organization try to make him remember how brave a "gudari" -a Basque soldier- he is and how he must go back to the armed fight for the independence of their country as soon as he gets out of prison. Meanwhile, Xabier, a college professor who has been death-threatened by the terrorists due to his political views on the Basque situation, is having an affair with Francesca, a young psychologist who happens to end up trying to help Josu Jon recover his memory. A warm feeling of mutual affection grows between her and her patient. At a point, it doesn't seem to be clear whether Josu Jon really wants to recover his memory or rather forget forever who he actually is.
The End of the Night
After the death of the last survivor of a multiple murder, which remained in a coma, a journalist is asked to make an infographic about the case. Her personal involvement with the event will give clues to unexpected connections that shed new research data.
El zoo d'en Pitus
In a neighborhood of Barcelona two conflicting gangs all kind of tricks to get better off than the opponent.
La monja alférez
O Traidor
Young Basques
Ex-gangster Willie Parker has betrayed his former "colleagues" and now lives in Spain where he thinks he can hide from their vengeance...