Adelaide Teixeira

Adelaide Teixeira


Adelaide Teixeira


Hands in the Fire
The young film student Maria do Mar is working on a documentary about the old manor houses along the Douro River. It is the final project in her thesis on “Reality in Cinema”. Maria has an unlimited confidence in what is visible. Her candour and her naivety allow her to see the bright side of life – such as the beauty of the landscape and the authenticity of the place, or what’s left of it. But when Maria enters the final manor house on her list, she soon realises that something is going on in this house that is not as innocent as it first seemed. The manor is truly a house of horrors.
Em um ambiente rural, um velho é informado de que sua falecida esposa foi vista no mercado. Rancoroso e triste, ele escolhe se esconder do resto do mundo. No entanto, seus amigos insistem que ele não deve ouvir boatos. Dizem que ele deveria tentar se recuperar e, quem sabe, até casar novamente. É uma história sobre a delicadeza da velhice, do que ainda resta para sonhar e amar quando você chega nesta fase da vida e o corpo enfraquece. Acontece num Portugal antigo e escondido que ainda existe apesar dos nossos esforços de modernização.
A Portuguesa
Aia de Portugal
A nova esposa de Lord von Ketten está determinada a transformar a residência familiar do marido, um castelo inóspito na Itália, num verdadeiro lar. Quando ele parte para a guerra, permanecendo ausente por 11 longos anos, ela cria sua própria vida através de várias atividades artísticas e esportivas.
Kinorama - Cinema Fora de Órbita
In 2016, Edgar Pêra released The Amazing Spectator, a playful investigation into cinema’s disquieting essence that had everything from negative film images of boobs and positively splendid interviews to a donkey hand puppet. The film and an accompanying book formed his PhD thesis. But as so often with him, projects turn into obsessions – especially when there are masses of notions not pondered, thoughts not elaborated upon. And so KINORAMA - Beyond the Walls of Cinema was born, a stand-alone continuation of The Amazing Spectator that looks at cinema’s future in cyberspace and, accordingly, perhaps the end of its enslavement to figurative representation, the 'stupid sacred in narrative cinema' (to use a Pêra’ism), realism and artificiality in 3D cinema, and many other aspects.
Caminhos Magnétykos
During a night of humiliation, Raymond lives an inner revolt and a kaleidoscopic journey in a country that is about to collapse.
Luísa, uma menina de 11 anos, é proibida de sair na rua por sua mãe depois de sofrer um assédio, dentro de casa, a imaginação é o limite.
The Amazed Spectator
A kino-investigation about spectatorship, a continuous conversation between different kinds of spectators: which one is more cinema: Citizen Kane on a mobile phone or a football game projected in a cinema theatre? What is the cinema of uncertainty? How many kinds of amazement exist? Does fear and belief precede amazement? What are the rights and duties of the spectator? Is the essay film a manifesto against voyeurism? Should spectators be paid? What amazes the spectator of this day and age?
Ornamento e Crime
I am the double of the shadow of my own image. An allegory that occupies my place. This is my act of contrition. Beyond good and evil, I stand as an equation: Its result cannot be manipulated By morals or ethics. In mathematics there is no place for beliefs Just as life and death Are a certain fate.
A Caverna
Um grupo de espectadores preso numa sala de cinema.
Dona Adelaide
On a spring night of 1999, two teenagers set out in an adventure to save the VHS.
A triptych of short stereoscopic films by Peter Greenaway, Jean-Luc Godard and Edgar Pêra. Includes "The Three Disasters" by Godard, "Cinesapiens" by Pêra and "Just in Time" by Greenaway.
O Coveiro
Inspired by popular cult, O COVEIRO is part light part darkness, a bedtime story and almost a nightmare. A child is born and his parents die of fright just to see him. André Gil Mata revisits the traditional Portuguese tale, in a fantastic movie where heads bounce, but you hear a song.
O que o oceano traz, o oceano leva embora.
Estrada de Palha
Esta é a história de um homem que após ter vivido longe do seu país durante mais de uma década, volta à sua aldeia para vingar a morte do irmão. Inspirado nos escritos de Henry David Thoreau, traduz Desobediência Civil para Português. Num país onde a corrupção e a extorsão são encaradas como normalidade, aqueles que materializam a representação do Estado prendem e matam impunemente. Alberto tenta combater esta tirania do estado e salvar o que resta da sua família. Mas este é um país onde nada muda.
O Estranho Caso de Angélica
A photographer, Isaac is asked by hotel owners to take portraits of their recently deceased daughter Angélica. When he looks at her through the lens of his camera, she appears to come back to life just for him. He instantly falls in love with her. From that moment, he will be haunted by Angélica day and night.
Esta Noite
Estação de Santamaria à noite. Ossorio, homem dos seus quarenta anos, sai de um comboio, por entre uma multidão de refugiados e de soldados derreados. É numa cidade sitiada que este herói de uma resistência em fuga tenta reencontrar os seus antigos aliados e aquela que ama. Mas a situação agora é outra, e os amigos de ontem já não têm o mesmo discurso. Enquanto uma milícia desenfreada aterroriza a cidade, cada um só quer é salvar a própria vida.
Cristóvão Colombo - O Enigma
Transeunte Cuba
A true story of a doctor and his wife who went on a journey in order to prove that discoverer Christopher Columbus was in fact Portuguese. Inspired by the book "Cristóvão Colon Era Português".
Free adaptation of Sophocles classic tragedy “King Oedipus” crossed with Jack Kerouac's classic “On the Road”. The starting point is the loss of identity of a generation of Portuguese emigrants. Tebas tells the story of a young man who, looking for his origins, departs from Paris to Portugal with a beatnik truck driver. The film is a voyage into the strange depths of Portugal in the form of surreal road-movie.
Espelho Mágico
Luciano, fresh out of jail, was taken by his brother, Flórido, to serve in the home of wealthy Alfreda. He was surprised when she told him that her greatest desire was to see the Virgin Mary. Now comes this rich land owner with her sublime pretensions. Isn't it enough for her to have an Aston Martin and a Jaguar in the garage and ten different dresses per season? It was all professor Heschel's fault. Or someone else's. Anyway, to go beyond the promise is heresy. Alfreda said that she wouldn't rest until she saw the Virgin and made her some questions. Filipe Quinta, the Forger, says he has a solution. Meanwhile, Bahia, her husband, listens do music.
O Princípio da Incerteza
Having lost her place among the social elite, a widow remarries and starts a family.
An anthology film drama featuring a poetic mirror structure based on existential identity. In "The Immortals," adapted from a Helder Prista Monteiro play, two famous doctors, an 80-year-old father, and his 60-year-old son, contemplate senility and death. "Suzy," from an Antonio Patricio story, is set in the '30s when a young courtesan dies on the operating table. "Mother of the River" is from an Agustina Bessa-Luis fable about eternal life.
Viagem ao Princípio do Mundo
Manoel is an aging film director who travels with the film crew through Portugal in search of the origins of Afonso, a famous French actor whose father emigrated from Portugal to France and in process remembers his own youth.
Relação Fiel e Verdadeira
The young girl, Antónia Margarida Castelo Branco, is handed over by her mother to Brás Telles de Meneses because of the obscure interests between rural aristocratic families in the North. Brás is a ruined man, a bohemian with a reputation for violence and erratic behaviour. Antonia’s fortune is the first sacrifice made by the young wife. Fascinated by the man who humiliates and ill-treats her, she follows him in a pilgrimage to increasingly barren lands, to increasingly less hospitable houses.