Franco Marletta


Franco Marletta is an actor.


Death Falls Lightly
Malvestiti - Film Director
A drug trafficker discovers his wife dead with her throat cut. He has no alibi so he takes his mistress to an abandoned hotel. As they become claustrophobic, the panicked criminal discovers more murders, one after another until strangers appear in the night and a sinister web of lies and secrets escalate out of control.
Two Males for Alexa
Curd Jurgens as the betrayed husband is incredibly expressive and believable; Rosabla Neri, as the philandering Alexa, delivers her usual thoughtful performance and, in doing so, makes her potentially cardboard cut-out character multi-dimensional, and Juan Luis Galiardo, as Alexa'a heartthrob Pierre, also cares enough about his craft that he avoids the trappings of a potentially stereotypical character and, like Neri, makes him real and full of depth
African Story
African set action thriller
Hours of Terror
A group of dodgy businessmen and their girlfriends/mistresses discover a container drifting next to their yacht with 3 escaped prisoners inside,all are brought aboard and procede to terrorise and humiliate their hosts until rather predictably the victims begin to fight back and turn the tables on their crackpot captors.
O Decameron
O legendário diretor italiano Pier Paolo Pasolini nos traz nove contos exuberantes neste filme. Baseado nos eternos clássicos de Boccaccio Decameron é uma "irreverente travessura"! Freiras devassas que realizam "milagres" sexuais, uma esposa traiçoeira com habilidade para negócios, um artista tuberculoso à beira da morte que tenta trapacear com o Céu, jovens amantes apanhados com as calças na mão, um criado que perde a cabeça por amor e um simplório fazendeiro que tenta transformar sua esposa numa égua. Estas são apenas algumas das histórias que Pasolini traz à vida com maestria.
Um Homicídio Legalmente Perfeito
Gas station attendant
A speed-boat racer suffers amnesia after an boating accident and goes to his isolated villa to recuperate. His relationship with his wife is troubled, so he starts an affair (sort of) with the another woman, which results in one of the three of them being shot. But there are several more twists--and more murders--to come.
Slaughter Hotel
Male Nurse
A masked killer stalks an institution for mentally disturbed rich women.
Million Dollar Eel
An heiress (Piccolo) fakes her own kidnapping in order to get money from her parents and hides in the river Po's delta among eel fisherman and is helped by a small time smuggler (Toffolo).
Cold Eyes of Fear
Against a backdrop of Swingin' 60s London a young playboy type "steals" a beautiful Italian girl from her elderly date and suggests she comes back to his place for some good times. "His place" being owned by his father, a rich and respected solicitor. Unfortunately a couple of criminals have plans of their own, one for money, the other for revenge, and the lovers end up prisoners in a tense siege situation
Nights and Loves of Don Juan
Film inspired on the character from "Don Juan Tenorio".
Trinity é o Meu Nome
Trinity (Terence Hill) é um andarilho e pistoleiro que acaba chegando à cidade na qual Bambino (Bud Spencer), seu irmão e ladrão, está disfarçado atuando como xerife local. Eles tentam passar despercebidos, mas tudo dá errado quando eles acabam se envolvendo em um conflito de terras entre um grupo de mórmons e um grande barão local, que deseja se apropriar dos territórios dos colonos.
Inquérito a um Cidadão Acima de Qualquer Suspeita
Em um momento de perturbação política interna na Itália, o inspetor de polícia recebe a tarefa de reprimir os dissidentes políticos. Dentre eles esta sua amante Augusta Terzi. Ele começa a testar os limites da polícia, vendo se irá ser acusado pelo crime. Assim, começa a plantar pistas óbivias que o identificam como o assassino da mulher, e vê seus colegas ignorando-as, seja intencionalmente ou não.
Por Amor ou Por Vingança
A 16-year-old Sicilian becomes the target of a mafia-hit man after refusing to go through with her prearranged marriage.
La banda de los tres crisantemos
Franco, Ciccio e il pirata Barbanera
Franco and Ciccio embark on a journey to find Pirate Flint's lost treasure, hunted by the fearsome Pirate Blackbeard.
Don Juan in Sicily
Giovanni Percolla lives in Catania surrounded by the attentive cares of his three sisters. He permanently acts like a Don Giovanni to hide his real poor "knowledge" of women. With his friend he moves also to Rome but women still continues to remain part of his fantasies. But Giovanni succeeded to build anyway a fame of "tombeur de femmes". One day he meets the real love of Maria Antonietta and decides to marry. Will things change?
People of Honor
In an operation aimed at hitting the mafia, the Sicilian police hunt down several assassins to trace their bosses. The hunted, with the help of the mafia, try to escape from the island.