Constance Purdy

Constance Purdy


Constance Purdy


Pretty Baby
Stout Lady (uncredited)
A young woman living in Manhattan pretends to be the mother of an infant in order to get a seat on the subway.
Blonde Dynamite
Second Dowager
While Louie is on vacation, the boys turn The Sweet Shop into an escort service, and soon find a group of beautiful girls as their first clients.
In the Good Old Summertime
Gushing Woman (uncredited)
Two co-workers in a music shop dislike one another during business hours but unwittingly carry on an anonymous romance through the mail.
The Scar
Mrs. Neyhmer (uncredited)
Pursued by the big-time gambler he robbed, John Muller assumes a new identity—with unfortunate results.
Jiggs and Maggie in Society
Mrs. Kelsey Chelsae Blackwell
Maggi continues her forever-ever efforts to crash Manhattan's top society, while Jiggs still mingles with his old construction cronies at the bar of Dinty Moore on 10th Avenue.
Marcada pela Calúnia
Ruth Laverty (uncredited)
Mary Hagen lives in a small town in Ohio and goes to Jordon Junior College. For years, there has been whispers, rumors and gossip about who are her real parents. When Tom Bates returns to town, he takes over the house and practice that Judge Merrivale left him when he died. As Tom has been away a number of years, this leads to more gossip and Mary believes that he is her father. The popular and rich Ken loves Mary, but his family and friends constantly remind him that she is 'not one of us'. Julia, a teacher at school encourages Mary but Mary cannot get a break in anything she does, or is accused of doing. Tom knows the answer to her true identity, and he is silent.
Merton of the Movies
Landlady (uncredited)
In 1915, Kansas theatre usher Merton Gill is a rabid silent-movie fan. When he brings Mammoth Studios free publicity by imitating star Lawrence Rupert's heroics, they bring him to Hollywood to generate another headline; he thinks he'll get a movie contract. Disillusioned, he haunts the casting offices, where he meets and is consoled by Phyllis Montague, bit player and stunt-woman. When Merton finally gets his "break," though, it's not quite what he envisioned.
The Shocking Miss Pilgrim
In the late 1800s, Miss Pilgrim, a young stenographer, or typewriter, becomes the first female employee at a Boston shipping office. Although the men object to her at first, she soon charms them all, especially the handsome young head of the company. Their romance gets sidetracked when she becomes involved in the Women's Suffrage movement.
Vacation in Reno
Eleanor's Mother
A hapless husband searches for buried treasure at a dude ranch; meanwhile, his wife wants a divorce and bank robbers want him dead.
O Pecado de Cluny Brown
Lady Outside Bookstore
Uma jovem menina Inglesa, com aspirações de se tornar uma encanadora, vem ajudar um jovem cuja pia fica entupida enquanto ele está dando uma festa. Ela conhece um escritor checo, e lhe são dados vários cocktails. Quando seu tio, o encanador, chega, ele fica horrorizado, e dá um jeito para ela ir num serviço em uma casa rica. Lá, ela conhece o escritor tcheco novamente.
Almas Perversas
Matron (uncredited)
Um homem na crise da meia idade se aproxima de uma mulher mais nova, e o noivo dela a convence a enganá-lo de forma que ambos consigam um pouco da suposta fortuna dele.
A Casa Encantada
Dr. Brulov's Housekeeper (uncredited)
O famoso médico Edwardes é o recém contratado diretor de uma clínica para doentes mentais. A Dra. Constance é a psiquiatra do local e percebe que os comportamentos de Edwardes estão bastante estranhos.
Her Favorite Patient
Mrs. Moriarty (uncredited)
A beautiful female doctor visits her small hometown on her way back to Chicago. Her overworked uncle, who is the town's doctor, wants her to stay and help him, and he and a macho test pilot who's fallen for her come up with a plan that involves the pilot faking an illness and being treated by her, with her uncle's "help".
Swing Out, Sister
Mrs. Bradstreet
Universal cowboy star Rod Cameron plays Geoffrey, conductor of a high-toned symphony orchestra. Secretly harboring the desire to become a swingin' jazz trumpeter, Geoffrey takes a job at a "hot" Broadway nightclub. Here he meets and falls in love with café songstress Donna (Frances Raeburn), who has led her family to believe that she's studying for a classical-music career. Meanwhile, a comedy-relief romance develops between Geoffrey's snooty valet Chumley (Arthur Treacher) and Donna's best pal Pat (Jacqueline De Wit). For those not interested in the plot (what there is of it), Swing Out, Sister includes specialty numbers by organist Selika Pettiford and the Lou Diamond Quintet.
Laços Humanos
Undetermined (uncredited)
In Brooklyn circa 1900, the Nolans manage to enjoy life on pennies despite great poverty and Papa's alcoholism. We come to know these people well through big and little troubles: Aunt Sissy's scandalous succession of "husbands"; the removal of the one tree visible from their tenement; and young Francie's desire to transfer to a better school...if irresponsible Papa can get his act together.
Adventures of Kitty O'Day
Woman in Ladies Spa (uncredited)
A telephone operator plays homicide detective with her boyfriend, making it harder for the police.
One Mysterious Night
Woman in Daley's Office (Uncredited)
After a rare gem is stolen from an exhibition at a posh hotel, Inspector Farraday decides to recruit former thief Boston Blackie to find the stone. Along with his assistant, "The Runt", Blackie focuses his investigation on the hotel manager, George Daley, and his sister, Eileen. Through disguises and ruses, Blackie and the Runt try to trick their way to discovering the thieves.
Summer Storm
Dinner Guest (uncredited)
It's a tale of power and passions when a Russian siren, who wants the finer things in life, sinks her hooks into a judge, a decadent aristocrat and an estate superintendent, with surprising results.
Pagos a Dobrar
Fat Shopper in Market (uncredited)
Uma fria e ambiciosa mulher, encoraja o seu extremamente rico marido a assinar uma apólice de seguros proposta por Walter Neff, um agente de seguros seduzido por ela. Mas enquanto os amantes planeiam o assassinato do marido, eles são vigiados de perto por uma indesejada figura. É uma corrida contra o tempo para executar o crime perfeito.
O Bom Pastor
Mrs. Quimp's Neighbor (uncredited)
Jovem padre chega em vilarejo onde um velho pastor é o responsável pela paróquia. Tudo corre bem até que a igreja local é incendiada.
Double Up
Mother (In Law)
Leon hires a lookalike to take his place at home every night while he goes out partying.
True to Life
Woman in Subway (uncredited)
A writer for a radio program needs some fresh ideas to juice up his show. For inspiration, he rents a room with a typical American family and begins to secretly write about their true life antics. The show becomes a big hit, but he begins to feel guilty about his charade when he falls in love with the family's pretty older daughter.
White Savage
A native boy plays Cupid for a shark fisherman and a South Sea Islands princess.
A Sombra de uma Dúvida
Mrs. Martin (uncredited)
O Tio Charlie vai visitar seus parentes na cidadezinha de Santa Rosa. Mas sua sobrinha, também chamada de Charlie, começa a suspeitar de que ele é o famoso Assassino de Viúvas Alegre, um criminoso que está sendo procurado pela polícia e fugiu da Filadélfia para a Califórnia.
The Powers Girl
School Board Member (uncredited)
Two small-town sisters who've come to New York City for very different reasons find themselves competing for the affections of a brash magazine photographer. Comedy.
A Estranha Passageira
Rosa (uncredited)
Uma filha é controlada pela mãe, que lhe determina tudo que deve fazer. Um dia um famoso psiquiatra vai na sua casa e a vê prestes a ter um ataque de nervos. O psiquiatra lhe recomenda algumas semanas em uma casa de repouso, que ele administra. Quando ela sai da clínica faz uma viagem de navio até o Rio de Janeiro e, na viagem, sente-se altamente atraída por um homem casado, que tem sentimentos recíprocos. Ao voltar para casa ela é uma mulher muito diferente, que agora age e pensa por conta própria, não aceitando mais as imposições da mãe.
The Bashful Bachelor
Widder Abernathy
Lum Edwards is annoyed with his partner in Pine Ridge's Jot-'em-Down general store, Abner Peabody, because Abner has swapped their delivery car for a racehorse. Lum is also too timid to propose to Geraldine, so he involves Abner in a "rescue" effort which nearly gets both of them killed. They try again, and this time Geraldine is impressed. Lum writes a proposal note, but Abner, by mistake, delivers it to the Widder Abernathy, who has been ready to remarry for years. This puts Lum in a peck of trouble until the sheriff appears with the Widder's long-gone and hiding husband.
Thunder in the Night
Cafe Owner's Wife
A whodunit set in Budapest, starring Edmund Lowe as a detective investigating the murder of an unemployed vaudeville actor.