Oskar Rodriguez

Oskar Rodriguez

Nascimento : 1986-10-03, San Juan - Puerto Rico


Oskar Rodriguez was born on October 3, 1986 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. His parents, Dr. Oscar Antonio Rodriguez and Wanda L. Ramos, raised him and his older brothers Oscar Antonio and Oscar Alberto in a warm and loving environment. Oskar and his siblings attended school at the American Military Academy in Guaynabo, where Oskar was taught under the Military pedagogy the importance of responsibility, dedication, organization, and integrity.


Oskar Rodriguez
Oskar Rodriguez
Oskar Rodriguez
Oskar Rodriguez


Reboot Camp
After finding out that his wife has blown their life savings on self-help gurus, Seymour teams up with his brother Danny, a filmmaker, to document how easy it is to start a fake self-help group and con people into believing just about anything. But once started, the Reboot Camp takes on a life of its own, and grows into a full-blown cult.
Teen Beach Movie
Vida é sinônimo de praia para os surfistas Brady e McKenzie, até que uma onda inesperada os transporta num passe de mágica para o clássico dos anos 1960 "West Side Story", onde a acirrada rivalidade entre ciclistas e surfistas ameaça explodir. Lá, em meio a um mar de surfe, canto e dança, Brady e Mack, sem querer, trocam o enredo, fazendo o herói e a heroína do filme a se apaixonarem por eles, ao invés de um pelo outro!
Sou Só Eu?
GoGo Dancer #3
Frustrado por sua incapacidade permanente para encontrar o amor de sua vida, Blaine se depara com o que poderia ser seu par ideal numa sala de chat, Xander, um homem doce que recentemente se mudou para Los Angeles.
The Invisible Chronicles
A brilliant young college student named Griffin goes to his psychologist, Dr. Kemp, with a strange and frightening tale. A few days earlier, at the local university, he made an incredible breakthrough with his experiments involving invisibility. Not content to experiment on inanimate objects, he injected his invisibility serum into himself. At first, he reveled in achieving his life-long dream of becoming invisible ... but once he realized that the effects were permanent, his harmless excursions into eavesdropping and voyeurism turned murderous. Now, his enemies will suffer and even his friends are no longer safe as he hunts them down, one by one, within the confines of the deserted university campus.
The Brotherhood V: Alumni
A year after a mean-spirited prom prank turned deadly, the most popular students of Sunnydale High are summoned back for a surprise reunion, only to find themselves at the mercy of a relentless killer.
Dirty Dancing 2 - Noites de Havana
Em 1958, logo após a mudança para Cuba com seus pais, Katey Mille (Romola Garai), uma garota 18 anos, desafia seu círculo social ao encontrar-se com Javier (Diego Luna), um garçom cubano apaixonado pela dança.