David Harris

David Harris

Nascimento : 1959-05-23, New York City, New York, USA


David Harris was born on May 23, 1959 in New York City, New York, USA.


David Harris


James White
James White is a troubled twentysomething trying to stay afloat in a frenzied New York City. As he retreats further into a hedonistic lifestyle, his mother's battle with a serious illness faces a series of setbacks that force him to assume more responsibility. With the pressure on him mounting, James must find new reserves of strength or risk imploding completely.
The Warriors: The Phenomenon
Features the editing and scoring processes, a proposed narration by Orson Welles, and some of the controversies inherent in the film's release.
The Warriors: The Way Home
An examination of the choreographed fight scenes and bizarre costuming.
On the Streets of L.A.
Drama, African-American Dramas, Made-for-TV Movies - As he approaches the end of a 15-year prison term, an embittered inmate crosses paths with a tough new prisoner and wonders whether he could be the son he left behind years ago. And if so, can the family chain of crime and violence be broken? Oscar winner Louis Gossett Jr., Blair Underwood and Rae Dawn Chong co-star in this made-for-television drama also known as Dangerous Relations.
Father & Son: Dangerous Relations
Lou Gosset Jr. is a boss-con. A new prisoner, Blair Underwood, is revealed as his long-lost son. When Underwood is released from jail, the parole board stipulates that Gosset live with him. Gosset gets a job as a car mechanic, and falls in with Rae Dawn Chong. Underwood falls in with his old criminal buddies, who decide to rob the dealership where Chong and Gosset work. Underwood gets cold feet, and the gang turns on him. Gosset stops a bullet meant for his son, who then builds a relationship with the daughter he never knew he had.
Under Cover
Lucas Morris
A cop goes undercover in a South Carolina high school. With the help of a local narcotics officer, he investigates the drug ring responsible for another cop's death.
Mercadores da Morte
Uma policial da divisão de narcóticos investiga a série de mortes causadas por uma remessa de cocaína envenenada. Ao mesmo tempo, conhece um homem que desconfia estar envolvido no caso.
Brincando com Fogo
Um rapaz interno em uma prisão-fazenda para delinqüentes juvenis, e uma jovem que se sente aprisionada em um colégio católico, se apaixonam e vivem um amor proibido.
Jack Casey used to be a hot-shot stock market whiz kid. After a disastrous professional decision, his life in the fast lane is over. He loses his nerve and joins a speed delivery firm which relies on bicycles to avoid traffic jams of San Francisco, is attracted to a fellow bicycler, Terri, and befriends Hector, a budding entrepreneur. Can Jack regain his nerve and his self-respect, and rebuild his life on a more sound basis?
O Prêmio do Assassino
Lester Bertram Day
Three black revolutionaries gun down two New York City police officers. The subsequent investigation puts a white assistant DA and a black police detective on the trail of the killers that leads from New York to San Francisco and down to New Orleans.
A História de um Soldado
Private Smalls
Um advogado negro, oficial do Exército, vai a uma base militar remota no interior da Louisiana para conduzir o inquérito sobre o brutal assassinato de um sargento negro. Ele desconfia de crime racial, mas enfrenta a resistência de oficiais brancos para identificar os culpados.
Marcados Pela Guerra
A Navy surgeon and a nurse fall in love while serving in Vietnam during the war. Their affection for one another provides a striking contrast to the violence of warfare.
Benny's Place
Ricky T.
Time begins to catches up to a tough factory worker who is feeling threatened by younger men at work and at play.
A House Divided: Denmark Vessey's Rebellion
Sandy Vessey
Story of Denmark Vesey, who was raised as a slave but bought his freedom. He organized a plot to seize the city and free the black slaves, but this failed and he and others were hanged. Set in Charleston in 1822.
Duane Spivey (as David D. Harris)
Na prisão sulista de Wakefield, Henry Brubaker, o novo diretor, chega disfarçado de prisioneiro e assim convive com os detentos, podendo apurar livremente todos os tipos de corrupções e ilegalidades que imperam na instituição. Quando ele se revela encontra uma oposição velada, pois suas idéias reformistas contrariam vários interesses políticos e financeiros.
Attica: A Rebelião Sangrenta
Acclaimed dramatization recreating the incidents surrounding the 1971 revolt in New York's Attica State Prison that lasted for 23 days and resulted in the greatest casualty toll between Americans since the Civil War.
Death Penalty
A strong-willed psychologist tries to rehabilitate a member of a Pittsburgh street gang who has been found guilty of the murder of two other teenagers in a playground rumble.
Os Selvagens da Noite
Em Nova York, as gangues de delinquentes juvenis se reúnem em uma convenção. O líder do principal grupo prega a união entre eles, pois juntos poderão controlar a cidade (o contingente deles é maior que a força policial). O líder acaba sendo assassinado, com a culpa recaindo sobre um bando da periferia, que nada teve a ver com o atentado. Assim eles se vêem obrigados a atravessar a cidade, enquanto são caçados pelos membros das outras gangues.
Judge Horton and the Scottsboro Boys
Haywood Patterson
In 1930s Alabama, nine young black men are accused of raping two white women. The judge in the case, unlike the rest of the town, comes to believe that the boys are innocent and, against all advice from his friends and family, sets them free, which turns the entire community against him.