This ghost story, set at the turn of the century, centers on the plight of elderly dowager Marianna, who is tormented by the alleged specter of a young man roaming the corridors of her mansion. After spotting a face in an old photograph that seems to match the old woman's description of the "visitor", Marianna's sister decides to check things out and see if any of this is for real.
A hospital nurse is possessed by an evil spirit, and proceeds to kill off the hospital's patients.
A hospital nurse is possessed by an evil spirit, and proceeds to kill off the hospital's patients.
No ano de 2047, o sexo é proibido e o Big Brother usa robôs para ficar de olho em todos. Uma jovem tenta enganar o governo para que ela possa ficar com o homem que ama.
Kicks Carter is a streetwise policeman whose beat is Las Vegas. A crime gang is running guns, selling drugs, loan-sharking, and running a prostitution ring out of an upscale hotel in the city and Kicks is trying to put them out of business. But the interference of a woman reporter is making his job more difficult.