Vlad Păunescu

Vlad Păunescu

Nascimento : 1953-04-12, Bucuresti, Romania


Vlad Păunescu


The Ladder
Based on true events, The Ladder follows the spiritual journey of Andrei, a sensitive, socially awkward young man who turns to acting in his search for true happiness. After the fall of communism, he is blinded by the illusion of freedom and democracy and faces a series of brutal events that have deeply marked Romania's recent history. Finding comfort in playing the part of Aliosa in a stage adaptation of The Karamazov Brothers, he becomes closer and closer to his character, gradually discovering the way to understanding divinity.
The Ladder
Based on true events, The Ladder follows the spiritual journey of Andrei, a sensitive, socially awkward young man who turns to acting in his search for true happiness. After the fall of communism, he is blinded by the illusion of freedom and democracy and faces a series of brutal events that have deeply marked Romania's recent history. Finding comfort in playing the part of Aliosa in a stage adaptation of The Karamazov Brothers, he becomes closer and closer to his character, gradually discovering the way to understanding divinity.
The Ladder
Based on true events, The Ladder follows the spiritual journey of Andrei, a sensitive, socially awkward young man who turns to acting in his search for true happiness. After the fall of communism, he is blinded by the illusion of freedom and democracy and faces a series of brutal events that have deeply marked Romania's recent history. Finding comfort in playing the part of Aliosa in a stage adaptation of The Karamazov Brothers, he becomes closer and closer to his character, gradually discovering the way to understanding divinity.
O Caminho Difícil
Executive Producer
Depois de ficar sabendo que seu irmão morreu em uma missão na Romênia, um antigo soldado se junta a dois aliados para caçar e se vingar de um inimigo misterioso.
Girl Talk Confidential
Hear all the sizzling-hot secrets that young beauties share with each other behind closed doors. In this trilogy of confessions, erotic 'girl talk' is the focus of several seductive and sensual stories meant only for the ears of their sexy BF's and confidants! What girls talk about when they are alone will shock you!
Live With Ema
Ema is the successful TV anchor of a national TV broadcaster, the star of a popular tabloid show. A perfectionist, she has no hesitation in putting at steak her health or money for higher ratings.
Live With Ema
Ema is the successful TV anchor of a national TV broadcaster, the star of a popular tabloid show. A perfectionist, she has no hesitation in putting at steak her health or money for higher ratings.
Kira Kiralina
A movie adaptation of the eponymous novel by Panait Istrati, which tells the story of a mysterious, beautiful woman which, together with her mom, is selling her charms. The movie is filled with the atmosphere of Brăila in the 1900s
The Blind Squad
Matthew is a 23 years old young man who likes to spend his time doing nothing else than sleeping. He has no purpose in life, being a complete ignorant to everything around him. He lives with his mother, who tries her best to persuade him to get a job and make something of his life. After one fight, he finally decides to take the interview at the military unit his mother has arranged for him.
Academia de Vampiros: O Beijo das Sombras
Conta a lenda de Rose Hathaway e Lissa Dragomir, duas garotas de 17 anos que frequentam uma escola para Moroi (vampiros mortais e pacíficos) e Dhampir (meio-vampiros / meio-humanos e guardiões dos Moroi). Rose, uma Dhampir rebelde e guardiã em treinamento, e sua melhor amiga, Lissa – uma princesa Moroi – estavam em fuga e foram capturadas e devolvidas à Academia de St. Vladimir, o lugar que elas acreditam estar colocando suas vidas em risco. De volta aos perigos da sociedade Moroi e do colegial, Lissa tenta retomar seu status, enquanto Rose treina com seu guardião e mentor Dimitri, para garantir seu lugar como a guardiã de Lissa. Rose sacrificará o que for preciso para proteger Lissa dos que pretendem explorá-la dentro dos domínios da Academia e também dos Strigoi (vampiros maus e imortais), que caçam sua espécie.
Anaconda 3
Uma cientista trabalha no laboratório subterrâneo de um milionário realizando experiências de cruzamento entre duas espécies de cobras predatórias gigantes. No meio dos experimentos, algo sai errado e as criaturas conseguem fugir, começando a traçar uma rota de medo e destruição. Para reverter a situação, a pesquisadora pede ajuda a um mercenário.
O Concerto
À época de Brejnev, Andrei Filipov era o maior maestro da União Soviética e dirigia a célebre Orquestra do Bolshoi. Mas, após recusar se separar de seus músicos judeus, entre os quais estava o seu melhor amigo, Sacha, Andrei foi demitido em plena glória. Trinta anos depois, ele continua a trabalhar no Bolshoi... como faxineiro. Uma noite em que Andrei fica até mais tarde, para polir a escrivaninha do diretor, ele se depara com um fax encaminhado à direção do Teatro: trata-se de uma mensagem do Teatro de Châtelet, convidando a orquestra do Bolshoi para tocar em Paris. Subitamente, Andrei tem uma ideia louca: por que não reunir seus antigos companheiros músicos, que vivem hoje de pequenos biscates, e ir com eles a Paris, fazendo-se passar pelo Bolshoi? Enfim, a ocasião tão esperada de ter a sua revanche.
Anaconda 4
Um cientista testa um soro regenerativo em um filhote de anaconda que sofre uma mutação e acaba matando pessoas. Com isso, Amanda e sua equipe tentam destruir a poção para impedir que a espécie faça novas vítimas.
Silent Wedding
Esta celebração sofre uma reviravolta invulgar quando a morte do líder soviético José Estaline marca o casamento de um jovem casal romeno com um luto silencioso.
Espelhos do Medo
Ben Carson (Kiefer Sutherland) é um ex-detetive que, há um ano, foi suspenso do Departamento de Polícia de Nova York por ter atingido com um tiro um policial infiltrado. O caso fez com que se tornasse alcóolatra, o que o afastou de sua esposa e filhos. Tentando retomar sua vida em família, Ben aceita o emprego de vigia noturno nas ruínas de uma loja de departamentos. Porém enquanto patrulha o local ele começa a notar algo estranho nos espelhos usados como enfeite, já que refletem imagens horripilantes.
Pumpkinhead 4 - Maldição Sangrenta
During a bitter family feud, Jodie Hatfield, and her boyfriend Ricky McCoy, decide to leave town to avoid being found out, but are soon caught in the act. Wanting vengeance, he seeks out the monster Pumpkinhead, and resurrects it seek revenge on the family. Despite being warned away by the ghost of Ed Harley, his vengeance plan starts out, and the Hatfield family is soon under siege by the powerful demon. Not accepting the legend of the creature and believing their arch-rivals are the real cause, the two families attempt to go to war, only to be stopped when Pumpkinhead attacks the Hatfield house. Putting aside their differences, they band together to stave off the creature before it's vengeance pact is completed.
Força de Ataque
Marshall Lawson é um comandante da marinha que perdeu sua equipe após um ataque a sangue frio e, aparentemente aleatório. Disposto a descobrir os culpados, ele decide investigar as estranhas circusntâncias dos assassinato.s O que ele não esperava era descobrir a CTX Majestic, uma secreta operação militar envolvida com o tráfico de drogas. Com muitos militares na sua cola querendo impedir que esse segredo seja descoberto, Lawson terá que enfrentar uma imperdoável batalha para salvar sua própria vida.
Em Perfeito Desacordo
Abanville d'Alice, famosa atriz de teatro de Londres, e Louis Ruinard, diretor cult francês, foram o casal mais famoso dos anos 70. Os cinco filmes nos quais atuaram juntos fizeram enorme sucesso e tornaram-se cultuados mas a história de amor termina de repente. Trinta anos depois Alice é convidada a entregar um prêmio a Louis quando este vai a Londres filmar uma comédia sobre hipocrisia e frustração.
Pumpkinhead: De Volta das Cinzas
Quando os moradores de um pequeno vilarejo do sul descobrem que o médico da cidade tem vendido os órgãos de seus entes queridos e jogado os corpos em um pântano, eles pedem para a velha feiticeira, Haggis, invocar a fúria do demônio conhecido como Pumpkinhead e vingar os parentes profanados.
Um funcionário de uma usina nuclear se expõe a uma dose letal de radiação. A empresa recusa-se a indenizar a família e, para garantir-lhes um bom futuro, ele decide roubar uma perigosa substância e vendê-la com a ajuda de um incompetente criminoso.
Força de Proteção
Um ex-soldado reúne um time de guarda-costas para proteger um ex-boxeador. De campeão a um empresário de sucesso, ele é alvo de um magnata do rap que foi recentemente liberto da prisão. O ex-prisioneiro acusa o boxeador de tê-lo colocado atrás das grades e nada vai impedi-lo de se vingar.
Executive Producer
Um grupo de estudantes decide investigar o estranho suicídio de uma colega. Alguns dias após sua morte, ela entra em contato através de e-mails, solicitando ajuda. É o início de uma série de contatos através da tecnologia existente, incluindo celulares e internet, que permite acesso a um mundo desconhecido e perigoso.
Extinção em Fúria
Executive Producer
Durante o verão na pequena cidade de Blackwater, na Louisiana, um meteorito cruza o céu e acaba caindo no teto do Museu de História Natural da cidade, bem aos olhos de vários moradores. O que eles não desconfiam é que não se trata de um meteorito, mas sim de uma nave alienígena. A forma de vida parasita que está ali dentro, para se adaptar ao clima terrestre, logo assume a forma do primeiro corpo que ele encontra, e se trata justamente do orgulho exposto na cidade: um enorme mamute. Agora, essa fera revivida pela força alienígena está a solta e espalhando o terror pelo local, até que as autoridades juntam forças com um historiador de filmes B e o curador do museu para derrotar o alienígena e, quem sabe, recuperar a carcaça da fera.
A Volta dos Mortos Vivos 5 - Rave
Um estudante universitário destilou uma droga usada em festas de um composto usado para criar zumbis com fome de cérebro.
Profecia: Renegados
Executive Producer
Os anjos desertores procuram aqui na Terra o livro que revela o nome daquele que dará início ao Armagedon. Sabe-se apenas que é um homem com quatro marcas distintas no corpo, o Anti-Cristo. O guardião deste livro tão poderoso é a bela Allison que é perseguida sem dó por forças diabólicas. São cenas arrepiantes entre o bem e o mal.
7 Segundos
Um esquema aparentemente perfeito de roubo de carros se transforma numa louca escapada quando o ladrão profissional e ex-militar Jack Tolliver fica acidentalmente com um quadro de Van Gogh e entra na mira de uma quadrilha russa.
O Filho de Chucky
O boneco assassino está de volta! O descendente descobre onde seus pais estão, e vai a Hollywood ressuscita-los da morte. Mas para o horror do delicado Glen, Chucky e Tiffany estão sedentos de sangue. A dinâmica familiar está longe de ser perfeita, porque Chucky não consegue entender que seu filho não quer seguir seus passos assassinos, e Tiffany está enfeitiçada pelo sucesso do mundo artístico, com o filme que irá estrelar com a sua atriz predileta, Jennifer Tilly (representada por ela mesma), que logo se torna inconscientemente, anfitriã para esta nova família de muitas maneiras...
A Profecia dos Anjos
Uma mulher problemática é enviada para uma região afastada da França para limpar um velho e desativado orfanato. Chegando ao local, ela descobre que não está sozinha e que o orfanato não está tão solitário e desativado quanto achava. Lá ela encontra uma das internas que ainda vive no local, junto com a antiga cozinheira. Tudo o que aparentava normalidade vai se transformando conforme estranhos acontecimentos se sucedem. A mulher passa a achar que está sendo perseguida e começa a duvidar de sua própria sanidade. Ao mesmo tempo, a cozinheira também pensa que a hóspede está ficando completamente louca. Para descobrir o que realmente está acontecendo, a hóspede vai mergulhar em segredos dos quais jamais imaginou e vai descobrir que certas coisas estão muito além de seu alcance.
A Marca
Executive Producer
A linha entre fantasia e realidade se confunde quando uma atriz começa a se comportar como a assassina do século 19 que está interpretando.
Executive Producer
O sonho de um casal de ter filhos é realizado quando uma clínica oferece um tratamento de fertilidade gratuito. Mas eles descobrem que algo pode estar saindo muito errado com os gêmeos que esperam.
Mutação 3: O Sentinela
Executive Producer
A terceira parte não segue a trajetória dos anteriores. Desta vez,jovens moradores de um bairro suburbano começam a acompanhar o dia a dia da vizinhança quando notam estranhas presenças na escuridão. É quando percebem que algo perigoso está à espreita,algo inimaginável e mortal. "O Terror Foi Reinventado".
Sherlock: Case of Evil
Executive Producer
Early in his crime-solving career, Sherlock Holmes attempts to prevent Moriarty from cornering the heroin market.
Wolf Girl
Associate Producer
Tara Talbot is afflicted with the rare genetic condition hypertrichosis: she is covered head to toe in hair. She lives her life in Harley Dune's Travelling Freak Show, on display as the 'Terrifying Wolf Girl', but underneath she is just a teenage girl who longs to be normal.
Train Quest
A fifteen-year-old model train geek's date with his dream girl suddenly derails when a sinister hobby store owner shrinks and imprisons them in an elaborate, unearthly train set.
Prison of the Dead
Kristof, an eccentric rich kid, tricks his high school friends into getting back together for a reunion of sorts, under the pretense of a funeral. The group of twenty-somethings is forced to spend the night in an old abandoned witches' prison. During a Ouija Board séance, the schoolmates accidentally unearth three dead executioners from their graves. A little confused, and quite a bit angry, the Crypt Keepers initiate a killing spree that will only end when everyone is dead. Fortunately, the schoolmates all wore black. Too bad it's for their own funerals...
Frankenstein & the Werewolf Reborn!
Edited versions of both Frankenstein Reborn. and The Werewolf Reborn!.
Search for the Jewel of Polaris: Mysterious Museum
While visiting a museum, two siblings Ben and Kim a fierce electrical storm creates a passage between the real world and worlds within the paintings. They are magically whisked through time to the 1600's and find they must square off against a wicked magician and also locate a valuable jewel in order to return to the present day.
Witchouse II: Blood Coven
When an old house in a small town is razed to make way for a shopping mall, the crew unearths four unmarked graves. A professor from a nearby university is asked to find out who the bodies are, but when she and her students arrive in town and begin to ask questions, they discover that no one wants to talk to them or help them in any way.
Retro Puppet Master
Toulon runs a puppet theatre in the heart of Paris and meets the sorcerer (the mysterious Afzel). When his life is saved by the lovely Swiss Ambassador's daughter Ilsa, we bear witness to the origin of the Puppet Master.
Teen Sorcery
Executive Producer
Dawn, the new girl in school, discovers that her classmate Mercedes is actually a witch and must do everything she can to stop her from using her powers for evil. She is soon plunged into a life and death battle against an evil spirit, a sleeping spell and an angry dragon..
The Incredible Genie
Simon is a brainy but bashful 13-year-old who could use a best friend. But when he finally finds one, it turns out to be a 4000-year-old genie whose wish-granting skills need a serious tune-up! Before you can say "Hocus pocus", Simon and his magic-challenged buddy unleash an outrageous onslaught of wildly off-target wishes - attracting the attentions of a government scientist with an evil plan. Now Simon is about to learn that when the chips are down, friendship is the most powerful magic of all!
On Mayday 1998 in the town of Dunwich, Massachusetts, Elizabeth gathers together a group of specially selected friends for a rather odd party. It turns out that she is the descendent of a malevolent witch named Lilith who was burned at the stake precisely three hundred years ago. Now Elizabeth hopes to resurrect her dreadful ancestor and has a specific (and murderous) need for the guests she has chosen
Executive Producer
Alex Brown inherits the awesome task of saving his ex-secret agent parents and protecting the planet from evil powers bent on controlling the world's plutonium supply. To do this Alex uses his new found magical shapeshifting power.
Dragonworld: The Legend Continues
Yowler, the last dragon on Earth is in terrible danger. His arch enemy, the Dark Knight, has returned. Only young John McGowen can save him...
Beowulf: O Guerreiro das Sombras
Executive Producer
Quando o guerreiro Beowulf fica sabendo que os habitantes de Outpost estão sendo mortos por uma criatura monstruosa chamada Grendel, ele se oferece para ajudar o rei, Hrothgar, a lutar contra a besta. Os combatentes sitiados ficam gratos pela sua ajuda, mas um guerreiro chamado Roland sente ciúmes de Beowulf ao vê-lo com a filha do rei. Quanto mais Beowulf fica sabendo sobre o monstro, mais percebe a dimensão do perigo que todos correm.
Phantom Town
When a sixteen year-old boy and his two young siblings set off on a quest to find their missing parents, their search leads them to a ghost town in the middle of the desert. They soon discover that this is no ordinary tourist spot. In fact, according to the maps, it doesn't exist at all! Finding their way into this mysterious place, the kids must confront the sinister force that dwells beneath it in order to rescue their parents - and save themselves.
Subspecies 4: Bloodstorm
A jovem vampira Michelle Morgan escapou das garras de seu mestre Radu Vladislas. Encontrada por uma mulher chamada Ana, ela é levada a um hospital onde um médico afirma ser capaz de curar seu vampirismo. Radu, se recuperando da quase morte entregue por Michelle e seus amigos, viaja para Bucareste para seguir sua filha. Ele visita a fortaleza do vampiro Ash. Ash e sua protegida Serena planejam destruir Radu e empregar a ajuda dos humanos, Ana e o Doutor.
The Werewolf Reborn!
Fourteen-year-old Eleanor Crane goes to visit her uncle Peter in a remote Eastern European village, and receives an unexpectedly cold welcome from the villagers, who are plagued by a deadly curse - and from her uncle, who hides a deadly secret of his own.
As the millenium draws near, an evil being awakens. Fused to an ancient Talisman for centuries -- Theriel, the Black Angel is summoned from his resting place to usher in the end of the world. The ghastly messenger must claim seven human sacrifices to complete the ritual and open the gates of Hell. A teenage boy and girl have been chosen to assist the angel in its deadly mission, yet they alone are the world's only hope for salvation.
Fourteen-year-old Henry and his friends are about to change history. Sneaking into the apartment of an eccentric Clockmaker, the kids discover that the old man controls time for the entire world through an incredible array of magnificent timepieces and weird machines. When one of the curious kids accidentally pushes a wrong button and gets launched back in time, the space-time continuum is severely disrupted. As everything begins to change around them, the young adventurers must travel back in time to save their friend...and the future
The Shrunken City
Two teenaged kids discover a miniature bottled city buried beneath a construction site. They must protect the tiny civilization within from reptilian alien hunters after its everlasting power supply.
Frankenstein Reborn!
Thirteen-year-old Anna is intrigued by the secret experiments of her eccentric uncle Victor, but her curiosity soon turns to total terror when she's confronted by Uncle Victor's latest creation - a hideous-looking monster with the soul of a man, stitched together and reanimated from the bodies of the dead.
The Midas Touch
Drama about a 12-year-old boy who fantasises about having enough money to be able to cure his grandmother's serious heart condition. When he finds himself in a haunted house, the mysterious owner 'grants' him one wish - the Midas touch. The boy soon learns that it is more of a curse than a blessing when everything he touches turns into gold.
Johnny Mysto: Boy Wizard
In this light-hearted fantasy, a talented young magician stumbles across an unusual ring and ends up in Camelot before King Arthur. It turns out the ring belongs to none other than Merlin.
Lurid Tales: The Castle Queen
Made for cable, this erotic drama follows a modern young man on a virtual reality trip back to 17th-century England where men were men and women were readily available.
Criaturas do Mal
Director of Photography
Excêntrico colecionador de criaturas biologicamente deformadas adquire um espécime inédito: um ser mutante criado a partir de detritos tóxicos. Uma luta tem início quando o vendedor pede a criatura de volta.
Criaturas do Mal
Excêntrico colecionador de criaturas biologicamente deformadas adquire um espécime inédito: um ser mutante criado a partir de detritos tóxicos. Uma luta tem início quando o vendedor pede a criatura de volta.
Vampire Journals
A 19th century vampire stalks a more powerful vampire lord in his quest to gain revenge over the death of his mistress. In his search for the vampire lord in Eastern Europe he kills many of his servants and fellow vampires while cursing another to vampirism as well.
Magic in the Mirror: Fowl Play
Dr Tuttle uses the Doppelganger to breach a mirror, letting Dragora, Dabble and Swanson into the people world. Dragora uses this opportunity to get revenge on Mary Margaret, by way of having her over for tea.
Petticoat Planet
Commander Steve Rogers crash-lands on a planet inhabited solely by women. All of the men were killed in a mining accident some twenty years before. The town where he wakes up is straight out of the old West. Both the sheriff and the mayor of the town take an immediate liking to Steve and each tries to claim him for themselves. The local bar maid is also interested but not quite as pushy as the first two. It looks like our man Steve may be trapped on a planet of beautiful women. But as usual in these things, you need to be careful what you wish for since you might get it...
Spellbreaker: Secret of the Leprechauns
Fairyhill Ireland is a place filled with mysteries and legends,Leprechauns and Magic. And for an American Kid like Mike Dennehy, it's a world of wonderous adventure. Vacationing in Fairyhill for the summer, Mike makes friends with a fascinating group of rather unlucky leprechaunsby Nula, Queen of the Dead - an unbelievably beautiful and sinister witch. can the Queen destroy centuries of Leprechaun power? Will evil triumph? Gather up your lucky charms(you'll need them!) and get ready for Spellbreaker, the adventure of Mike's lifetime... and yours!
Magic in the Mirror
A little girl's imaginary friends come to life when she goes through her great-grandmother's antique mirror, a la Alice, after she sees it glowing.
Alien Abduction: Intimate Secrets
Three beautiful women find themselves unwilling subjects of an alien scientist's experiments.
Oblivion 2: Backlash
In the alien-western world of Oblivion, a suave, yet lethal bounty hunter named Sweeney arrives to arrest the seductive outlaw Lash on multiple charges, including murder. Lash, who just "inherited" a mine of Derconium (the most valuable mineral in the universe) from Crowley in a game of cards, meets up with Redeye's brother, Jaggar, who wants the mine for himself to rule the galaxy. It's a fight over Lash between the sheriff of Oblivion, Jaggar, and Sweeney. But who will emerge victorious?
Demon in the Bottle
Four teenagers find a lost treasure buried by a 18th century pirate on a desert island. But they accidentally release the monster who lives inside a bottle, keeping the treasure.
Huntress: Spirit of the Night
Tara returns to her ancestral estate only to have her clothes explode off her body and a white light enter her chest. Afterwards she’s tormented by strange desires and dreams of running through the woods. Her cave-dwelling boyfriend is no help to her. Meanwhile, false friends plot to steal her inheritance and a determined hunter seeks to slay the new werewolf in town.
Serpent's Lair
Tom is seduced by Lilith, a succubus who's out to drain him and destroy his marriage.
Leapin' Leprechauns
A man tries to build a theme park on top of land that's secretly the home to friendly Leprechauns.
Trancers V - A Volta Pra Casa
Policial do ano 2353, ainda perdido em outro mundo, precisa encontrar uma poderosa pedra para retornar ao seu planeta. Para isso, terá que enfrentar um homem poderoso, detentor da preciosa jóia.
Anjo das Trevas
‎Uma demoníaca do inferno, Veronica Iscariotes, desinteressada em atormentar as almas dos pecadores condenados, sobe ao mundo acima e encontra nosso mundo cheio de mal e corrupção. Verônica decide que sua missão na vida é punir os maus e maus e continua com uma vingança sangrenta. Ao longo do caminho ela conhece e se apaixona por um médico, Max Barris, que cuida de seus ferimentos após um acidente.‎
Lurking Fear
The storm-swept and depopulated town of Leffert’s Corners has been terrorized for decades by grotesque creatures that breed in the depths beneath the local cemetery. A group of townspeople have hatched a last-ditch plan to destroy the ghoul-infested graveyard, but their mission is interrupted by the arrival of a band of violent thieves intent on retrieving money hidden in one of the graves.
On another planet which resembles the Old West, a die-hard pacifist is forced to re-examine his ways after an evil alien bandit and his gang murder his estranged sheriff father, take over his home town, and threaten his friends.
Volúpia Sangrenta
Rebecca continua na sua missão de salvar a irmã Michelle, transformada em vampiro no primeiro filme da série, das garras do maligno Radu. Para isso, conta com a ajuda do agente Mel e do tenente Marin.
Volúpia Sangrenta
Rebecca continua na sua missão de salvar a irmã Michelle, transformada em vampiro no primeiro filme da série, das garras do maligno Radu. Para isso, conta com a ajuda do agente Mel e do tenente Marin.
Trancers 4: Jack of Swords
Jack is now back in the future. He had since lost Lena, and finds out that he's lost his other wife Alice to none other than Harris. While heading out for another assignment, something goes awry with the TCL chamber. Jack finds himself in a whole new dimension. He also runs across a different version of trancers. These guys seem to be in control of this planet. Jack manages to assist a rebel group known as the "Tunnel Rats" crush the rule of the evil Lord Calaban.
Director of Photography
In his hidden laboratory deep in Russia, Dr. Karl Zimmer has invented the Mandroid, a humanoid robot which follows the motions of a man in a special control suit. He has offered the invention to the USA, who have sent Smith and Wait from the CIA for inspection. However Zimmer's partner Drago has different plans, wants to sell Mandroid to the military. The night he tries to steal Mandroid, he becomes exposed to the highly toxic Superconn. But he can flee and won't give up on Mandroid, even though he's terribly disfigured.
In his hidden laboratory deep in Russia, Dr. Karl Zimmer has invented the Mandroid, a humanoid robot which follows the motions of a man in a special control suit. He has offered the invention to the USA, who have sent Smith and Wait from the CIA for inspection. However Zimmer's partner Drago has different plans, wants to sell Mandroid to the military. The night he tries to steal Mandroid, he becomes exposed to the highly toxic Superconn. But he can flee and won't give up on Mandroid, even though he's terribly disfigured.
Bloodstone: Subspecies II
Director of Photography
Continuing after the first "Subspecies", a woman who has just become a vampire tries to escape the evil vampire, Radu, who seeks her as his love interest. But she has taken the vampire family's bloodstone, and now Radu must find her to get it back. While her sister comes to Romania to save her soul. It might be too late....
Bloodstone: Subspecies II
Continuing after the first "Subspecies", a woman who has just become a vampire tries to escape the evil vampire, Radu, who seeks her as his love interest. But she has taken the vampire family's bloodstone, and now Radu must find her to get it back. While her sister comes to Romania to save her soul. It might be too late....
Director of Photography
Três estudantes são pegos na luta entre um vampiro bom e seu irmão malvado nas montanhas da Transilvânia.
Drumeț în calea lupilor
Those Who Pay with Their Lives
An uncompromising journalist obsessed with the idea of absolute justice ends up committing suicide after reading his father's biography. Based on three novels by Camil Petrescu.
Flames Over Treasures
Deep in the Transylvanian Alps, the Archangels gold mine is the stage for an epic battle of characters. The arrogant owner is struggling with perceptions of ghosts in the mind of the miners. A maverick free-lance miner is helping him to find the source of terrifying noises that frightened his workers.
Dommnișoara Aurica
This movie is about the loneliness of an older lady at the end of WWII, in Bucharest. Her mental faculties are declining and she is increasingly living in her own mind.
Chained Justice
Director of Photography
Inspired by true events, "Dreptate în lanturi" is a rough and poetic film, whose action is placed at the beginning of the last century. The movie sheds light on a Romanian peasant who fights against social injustice.
Return from Hell
Two men depend on each other for survival in the first world war, but something in their past might prevent them to get along. Will they be able to put everything aside in order to survive?
Sand Cliffs
The plot confronts an influential surgeon and a carpenter accused to have stolen the doctor's personal belongings from the beach. The neurotic doctor involves himself in the inquiry, ultimately directing the interrogation. The burglary victim, Theodor Hristea, a surgeon at the peak of his career and social life, self-confident and well connected, his girlfriend, Cristina and their common friend, Stefan - find themselves on holiday near the summer resort of Mamaia. The doctor has a detective passion and accuses – just on account of a physical resemblance with the real thief - a young carpenter who happens to come at the same beach the day following the burglary. The police is summoned and The Kid is sent to trial. The doctor plays an active part in the investigation. Although the doctor's girlfriend and his friend doubt the identity of the accused, the surgeon insists in being right and succeeds in sending the innocent young man to prison.