The story revolves around a hermit named Tokhang. People ridicule her because of her eerie look and scary demeanor. As a bearer of bad tidings, she manages to expose and criticize the foolishness and corruption of the people around her and the society in which they lived in.
The story revolves around a hermit named Tokhang. People ridicule her because of her eerie look and scary demeanor. As a bearer of bad tidings, she manages to expose and criticize the foolishness and corruption of the people around her and the society in which they lived in.
Costume Design
Four outlaws with a bounty on each head, set a date for a shootout in Langston, Oklahoma. The last man takes the collective bounty. Violence and mayhem ensue.
Costume Design
A modern-day adaptation of Shakespeare's Hamlet set in Detroit.
Assistant Costume Designer
As "sexy" panteras estão de volta para confrontar outra pantera que agora é do mal! Ao lado do file assessor Bosley, as beldades maravilhosas realmente dão um duro danado para resgatar os anéis que contêm informações codificadas sobre cada pessoa do programa federal de proteção às testemunhas! Com muita personalidade, elas arrasam neste filme de ação que não pára nunca!