Claudio Rissi

Claudio Rissi

Nascimento : 1956-05-22, Boedo, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Claudio Rissi é um ator e diretor argentino de teatro, cinema e televisão.


Claudio Rissi
Claudio Rissi


Mr. Machi is a businessman fond of luxuries, easy money and women. A despicable person who abuses his power and position, but suddenly finds himself in an extreme situation: one morning, in broad daylight, he punctures a tire. But his surprise comes when he discovers the disfigured corpse of a stranger in his trunk. Someone has set a trap for him. There he begins a desperate route to get rid of the body, discover his identity and know who is behind all this. One of the many enemies that he has cultivated over the years, from his own wife to co-workers, bodyguards and politicians. It could have been any of those that he has stepped on during these years to continue climbing or to consolidate his power, because for Luis Machi, people are so insignificant that from afar they look like flies.
El mayor
A film adaptation of the TV series "Los siete locos y los lanzallamas" by Roberto Arlt.
La sombra del gallo
César Barani
After spending 8 years in prison, former police officer Román Maidana returns to his childhood town and hallucinates a woman who seems to be encouraging him to disarm a network of prostitution and trafficking in women.
Bruno Motoneta
The film tells the story of Bruno, who drives his motor scooter through the streets of Buenos Aires, making deliveries to the premises of "Extraordinary Objects" of his uncles. His friends wait for him to start the weekend but an unexpected accident with a relative changes his plans. Bruno starts a weekend of adventures, which will involve a scientist, a girl with unusual beauty, a group of aliens who love human flesh and an eccentric modern artist.
The Desert Bride
El Gringo
Teresa’s life is turned upside down when she is forced to accept a job far away. On her way, she loses her bag, causing her to cross paths with El Gringo, a traveling salesman.
Fontanarrosa, lo que se dice un ídolo
Yo sé lo que envenena
Padre de Chacho
Iván's dream is to meet Ricardo Iorio, Chacho's is to succeed as an actor and Rama's is to conquer Lucy. The three are joined by a single passion: metal.
Justo en lo mejor de mi vida
Sangue na Boca
Ramón é um boxeador que está envelhecendo. Quando ele encontra a jovem boxeadora Deborah, a paixão dos dois faz com que ele abandone todos à sua volta.
La boleta
La patria equivocada
Coronel Villegas
Rebuild 90 years in Argentina's history through the experiences of Clorindo, she Clarita, her son and granddaughter Clara Clorindo. Characters full of eroticism and the only thing they share is their blood tie, as their experiences and choices leading them to go their separate ways.
Juan & Eva
Obrero inolvidable
The earthquake in the city of San Juan, in January 1944, is the origin of the love story between Juan Domingo Perón (Osmar Nunez) and Eva Duarte (Julieta Diaz). He was a colonel in the Army and she was a popular radio actress. Eva collaborates with other artists in the collection organized by Peron, from the Secretary of Workr, to raise funds for earthquake victims. Neither then imagine what the future holds them.
Aballay, the Man without Fear
El Muerto
Aballay was a bad tempered gaucho. After killing a man, the terrified look of the victim's son raised his consciousness about his savagery. Years go by, that kid's look doesn't leave him. Aballay knows that the kid will look for him.
Ernesto Pérez Roble is a tycoon, owner of a multimedia group, who when he dies leaves everything in the hands of his daughter Juana. But Camila Lamónica appears, his other daughter -unrecognized-, who owns a dancehall and wants half of her father's fortune.
O Preço a Pagar
Falso Roldón
Em meio à pior crise econômica da Argentina, Jordi tenta conseguir um contrato multimilionário com o governo. Para obtê-lo, ele deve colocar sua ética de lado e entrar em um jogo perigoso. Ele pagará um preço mais alto do que qualquer coisa que o dinheiro pode comprar.
The story of Francisco, a young psychics teacher who starts consuming drugs, his mother, a well known congresswoman and Nina, the woman who will try to save him from a horrible future.
Martin Fierro: The Movie
Sergeant Cruz (voice)
At late 19th Century, the Argentinean Pampa is changing. Martin Fierro is a renegade that fights against the power and corruption that try to subordinate him and to take away his most precious value: freedom. With his strength and courage, Martin Fierro represents the fight for justice. Based on the most important book of Argentinean Literature, "The Gaucho Martin Fierro", the film intends to rescue the current value of the story and the epic character of Martín Fierro for an audience mainly young, especially students and families.
City in Heat
A group of friends in their 30's meet at a bar in Buenos Aires everyday. They used to hang here as students, laughing at the world, and now they still dream of changing the world from the cafe's table. Unable discuss politics or football, the only thing they can talk about is women. When one of their friends commits suicide, a female from his past shows up to confront old feelings.
Vega (Voice)
Em Buenos Aires, o taxidermista epilético Esteban Espinosa é um homem meticuloso que gosta de planejar o assalto perfeito. Quando sua esposa o deixa, ele aceita o convite de seu amigo Sontag para caçar em uma floresta. Eles alugam uma cabana de propriedade de Diana Dietrich e seu marido Carlos Dietrich, mas logo eles discutem e Sontag retorna a Buenos Aires. Esteban fica sozinho e enquanto caça um cervo, ele acidentalmente mata Dietrich perto de um galpão. Esteban abre o galpão e encontra um plano para o assalto de um caminhão blindado. Quando ele volta para a cabine, ele se depara com os criminosos Sosa e Montero que estão procurando Dietrich. Agora Esteban tem a chance de executar o crime perfeito com o qual sonhou.
The Die Is Cast
Felipe, an aspiring actor, believes he is jinxed after an unfortunate event. His struggle to find the cause and cure of his jinx. His half-brother is not doing much better, but among the two of them embark on a mission to change their lives and fulfill their father's dream.
Goodbye Dear Moon
Three astronauts are sent on a mission to destroy the moon.
Palermo Hollywood
In a country that has been broken down and corupted by poverty, Pablo and Mario are best friends and local thieves. Although they come from very different backgrounds, they help each other out by commiting petty crimes that help Pablo support his family and Mario become independent from his own. In a twist of fate, they become involved in a kidnapping that goes sour. This tragedy triggers and unmasks a series of events that changes their lives forever. Now the two friends will be tested and their lives taken to the limit.
Proxima salida
The stories of five railroad workers who have been sacked as a consequence of the economic crisis.
Erreway: 4 Caminhos
As estradas argentinas traçam o caminho da banda Erreway e seus quatro integrantes adolescentes, decididos a realizar seu sonho na música e crescer longe do luxo e das facilidades. A chegada de um inesperado bebê marca um novo rumo para eles.
The Bottom of the Sea
Taxi Driver
An architecture student is obsessed by his girlfriend. When she is invited to go alone to a party sponsored by her company, he becomes paranoid. He arrives at their place unexpectedly and finds a man hidden under their bed. He follows the man trying to find his name and occupation, along a night full of incidents and misunderstandings.
Lugares Comuns
Professor universitário de Buenos Aires é obrigado a se aposentar por idade. Com o pouco que recebe de aposentadoria, ele e a esposa vão morar em uma fazenda. Enquanto se adapta à vida rural, o casal renova a esperança no futuro.
Gangs from Rosario
Policía Sindiente
City of Rosario. After three decades in prison together in the same cell, Tito and Castor are released. Outside the youth's friends await, as well as mines, tango, nights of drunkenness and a suitcase full of money hidden in the Parana River. They will try to seize the time and live every second trying to retrieve each of those thirty years behind bars. And when things become complicated they will cover each other as they always did.
Nove Rainhas
Spanish Voice
A história de Nove Rainhas, passada na Buenos Aires dos dias atuais, começa numa madrugada e termina na manhã do dia seguinte. Nestas 24 horas ou pouco mais, Marcos e Juan, seus protagonistas, passarão pela maior aventura de suas vidas, algo que Marcos insiste em chamar de "uma oportunidade em um milhão". Estes dois golpistas de segunda, que habitualmente "trabalhavam" por alguns poucos pesos, se conhecem por acaso numa certa madrugada e, de repente, tornam-se sócios numa negociação multimilionária envolvendo uma série falsificada de selos raríssimos, conhecidos como as "Nove Rainhas". O negócio deve ser realizado imediatamente, custe o que custar, uma vez que o milionário espanhol interessado nos selos deixará a cidade na manhã seguinte. Marcos conta com a ajuda de sua irmã, Valeria, que trabalha no hotel onde o espanhol está hospedado, mas questões familiares pendentes azedam a relação dos irmãos.
Dinheiro Queimado
Angel (Eduardo Noriega) e Nene (Leonardo Sbaraglia) são dois matadores inseparáveis conhecidos no meio como “os gêmeos”. Até que Fontana (Ricardo Bartis) lhes propõe um novo golpe: assaltar o caminhão que transporta os pagamentos da cidade de San Fernando, que transporta 7 milhões. Tanto Angel quanto Nene aceitam a proposta, para fugir do tédio e superar a crise que existe entre eles naquele momento. Porém, o que parecia ser um trabalho fácil acaba se tornando um verdadeiro massacre. Fontana, Angel e Nene decidem fugir para o Uruguai, para evitar que sejam mortos pelos policiais argentinos, que estão sedentos por vingança. Lá eles se escondem em um apartamento emprestado por Losardo (Héctor Alterio), um mafioso local, onde esperam a chegada de novos documentos fraudados que permitam que eles viajem para o Brasil. Mas quanto mais os documentos demoram a chegar mais a tensão entre os três cresce, chegando a níveis insuportáveis.
76 89 03
The film is about three friends in Buenos Aires: Paco, Salvador and Dino, going through their common history at three moments in their lives: the years '76, '89 and 2003.
The Revenge
Pablo Nazareno is a 26-year-old guy who works at a science laboratory in a low work. After the mysterious death of one of the employees, weird things start to happen in the laboratory, and Pablo finds out that the lab may close. The arrival of Lucía Navarro, a beautiful computing expert, makes Pablo feel that he MUST discover what is going on in the lab... but this may put him in danger. There is only one thing that can give strength to Pablo: the love he starts to feel by Lucía.
Canción desesperada
Tiempo de descuento
Secuestrador II
A kidnapping occurs in the middle of a vital match for Racing Club.
Barco 1
Two men from completely different backgrounds confront a gang of swindlers. Norberto Lorenzi and Guillermo Parodi are the two "jokers" who meet and relate with the usual initial distrust. Lorenzo is impelled by the necessity to clear the name of Pérez, his best friend. Parodi, on the other hand, has been called to disperse a ring of "narcos"...
La furia
Comix, cuentos de amor, de video y de muerte
Cipayos (la tercera invasión)
The Girlfriend
Since childhood, Raquel and Maria have been close friends. Now all grown-up, Raquel has fulfilled her dream of becoming an actress, while Maria has married a handyman, given birth to three children and runs the family household. In the wake of the Argentine military coup of 1976, Maria's oldest son Carlos is abducted. Desperate, Maria turns to her prominent friend for help. Yet the more Raquel gets involved in the search for Carlos, the more she becomes herself a target of the junta. Finally, she flees from Argentina to Berlin. Meanwhile Maria joins a group of women who investigate the fate of their disappeared relatives. In 1983, after the fall of the dictatorship, the two friends meet again.
Los justos