Marcelle Corday

Marcelle Corday

Nascimento : 1890-01-08, Brussels, Belgium

Morte : 1971-06-25


Marcelle Corday was a Belgian actress who appeared in numerous supporting roles, typically minor, usually uncredited, in Hollywood films.


Marcelle Corday


Pagan Love Song
Countess Mariani (uncredited)
Island girl Mimi plans to leave Tahiti, but maybe she'll have a reason to stay when Mr. Endicott arrives.
To the Victor
Elise, Pablo's housekeeper
An American serviceman remains in France after WWII and becomes a black marketeer.
Que o Céu a Condene
Hat Check Woman (uncredited)
After marrying her long lost love, a pianist finds the relationship threatened by a wealthy composer who is besotted with her.
Swamp Fire
Grandmere Rousseau
Highlights in this one include a fist-fight between Johnny Weissmuller and Buster Crabbe (I won't give away the winner, but check the cast order); a cat-fight between Virginia Grey and Carol Thurston that the male cast of Sienfeld would pay to see and, just to keep things moving, Weissmuller wrestles an alligator, and there are two mid-water collisions between small-craft boats, a big ship wreck and a blazing swamp fire finale. Toss in a plot that has Weissmuller as a psycho-neurotic war veteran who, because he piled up his Navy destroyer on the rocks, now dreads returning to his pre-war occupation of a pilot guiding ships through the channels at the mouth of the Mississippi. Throw in icy Virginia Grey as a spoiled heiress out to take Johnny away from his job, his friends and the girl he loves (who knows why), and you have enough plot and action for two Pine-Thomas jewels.
Allotment Wives
Madame Gaston
Unscrupulous women marry servicemen for their pay.
Mrs. Parkington, A Mulher Inspiração
Madame de Thebes (uncredited)
In this family saga, Mrs. Parkington recounts the story of her life, beginning as a hotel maid in frontier Nevada where she is swept off her feet by mine owner and financier Augustus Parkington. He moves them to New York, tries to remake her into a society woman, and establishes their home among the wealthiest of New York's high society. Family and social life is not always peaceful, however, and she guides us, in flashbacks, through the rises and falls of the Parkington family fortunes.
Passagem Para Marselha
Grocer's Wife (uncredited)
Cinco condenados patrióticos são ajudados a escapar da prisão na Ilha do Diabo para que possam lutar junto as forças francesas livres contra os nazistas. Com as tripulações franceses dos bombardeiros se preparando para um ataque aéreo a partir de uma base na Inglaterra, conheceremos a história de Matrac, um jornalista francês que se opôs ao Pacto de Munique. Acusado de assassinato e enviado para a Ilha do Diabo, ele e outros quatro escaparam. Eles estão num navio com destino a Marselha, quando então a França se rende e o simpatizante fascista Major Duval tenta confiscar o navio para o governo de Vichy.
Paris Hotel Maid (Uncredited)
O professor Richard Myles e sua mulher Frances se preparam para sair em lua de mel na Alemanha quando são contratados pelo serviço secreto inglês. Eles precisam encontrar um misterioso cientista nazista determinado a destruir a Marinha britânica.
The Great Impersonation
French Woman
An Englishman kills a German look-alike and poses as a Nazi spy in London.
Mulher de Verdade
Elderly Maid (uncredited)
Gerry e Tom Jeffers estão achando difícil a vida de casado. Tom é um arquiteto/inventor e tem pouco dinheiro para eles viverem. Eles estão prestes a serem despejados de seu apartamento quando Gerry se reúne com um rico homem de negócios que está sendo apresentado como um potencial inquilino. Ele dá a Gerry US $ 700 para recomeçar a vida, mas Tom se recusa a acreditar em sua história e eles brigam. Gerry decide que o casamento acabou e vai para Palm Beach para um divórcio rápido. Mas Tom tem planos para impedi-la.
Louise - Linda's Maid
A murdered man helps his widow bring his killer to justice.
Amada Por Três
French Maid
Nightclub owner Steve Larwitt (George Raft) sees his empire of investments collapse as he faces tax evasion charges and attacks by rivals. Believing Steve will be safer in prison for one year, his wife, Brenda (Joan Bennett), testifies against him on advice from his lawyer, Slant Kolma (Lloyd Nolan), who is in love with her. After Steve receives 10 years in Alcatraz, Brenda moves to be near him and avoids advances of airplane builder Tim Nolan (Walter Pidgeon), who knows nothing about her past.
Mme. Paquineau
Ferdinand de Lesseps, disappointed in love, is sent as a junior diplomat to the Isthmus of Suez, and realizes it's just the place for a canal.
I'll Give a Million
Mother (uncredited)
After saving a tramp from suicide, a millionaire takes his clothing and disappears. Word is out that he will give a million dollars to anyone who is kind to a tramp.
Adeus Para Sempre
Roddy's Nurse
Uma mulher deve decidir entre dois homens - um que ela ama, o outro que ela admira e respeita.
Happy Landing
Bandleader and manager discover skater in Norway. They become rivals as she returns with them to America.
My Dear Miss Aldrich
Madame Sada (uncredited)
A young woman inherits a newspaper whose editor refuses to hire lady reporters.
Beco Sem Saída
O mafioso "Baby Face" Martin volta para casa para visitar o bairro de Nova York onde cresceu, encontrando sua mãe, que o rejeita por causa de seu estilo de vida de gângster, e sua antiga namorada, Francey, agora uma prostituta sifilítica. Martin também cruza o caminho de Dave, um amigo de infância que luta para se tornar um arquiteto, e os Dead End Kids, uma gangue de garotos vagando pelas ruas das favelas do East Side da cidade.
Seventh Heaven
Frenchwoman (uncredited)
A Parisian sewer worker longs for a rise in status and a beautiful wife. He rescues a girl from the police, lives with her in a barren flat on the seventh floor, and then marches away to war.
Ziegfeld - O Criador de Estrelas
O filme retrata a vida de Florenz Ziegfeld (William Powell), um dos maiores empresários do showbusiness norte-americano no começo do século XX. Incluindo seus casos com artistas de seus espetáculo, seu casamento com Anna Held (Luise Rainer) e a crise da década de 30.
Hands Across the Table
Celeste (uncredited)
A manicurist and an engaged loafer, both planning to marry money, meet and fall in love.
Here's to Romance
Kathleen Gerard, a high society wife fed up with her husband's artistic "protegées", decides to take one of her own in Nino, a promising tenor, patronizing him to study in Paris. He and her girlfriend are perfectly happy until the Gerards pay a visit and Mrs. Gerard starts to show too much interest in him.
Folies Bergère
Alternate-language French version of Folies Bergère de Paris (1935).
Hat, Coat and Glove
Hat Saleslady (uncredited)
A prominent New York attorney defends his estranged wife's lover, who's been charged with the murder of a model in Greenwich Village.
The World Moves On
Madame Girard II (1914)
Two families, cotton merchants in England and America, with branches in France and Prussia swear to stand by each other in a belief that a great business firmly established in four countries will be able to withstand even such another calamity as the Napoleonic Wars from which Europe is slowly recovering. Then many years later, along comes World War One and the years that follow, to test the businesses.
Miss Fane's Baby Is Stolen
Baby's Nurse
Miss Madeline Fane is a famous California screen star who has been devoted to her baby son Michael since her husband's death the previous year. One morning she awakens to find Michael has been kidnapped. After a day, she calls in the police, who instantly begin an all-out search.
The Barbarian
Diana's Maid Marthe
An Arab prince masquerades as a tour guide for rich women in order to enrich himself.
Whistling in the Dark
A mystery writer and his sweetheart are held hostage by a fugitive gangster, who hopes to enlist their help in devising the perfect crime.
Adeus às Armas
Swiss Nurse (uncredited)
Henry é um oficial americano que, durante as batalhas da Primeira Guerra, é ferido em ação. Ele, então, recebe cuidados de uma enfermeira britânica e acaba apaixonando-se por ela. Para viver este amor, eles fogem dos horrores da guerra.
A Vênus Loura
Uma cantora de cabaré faz acordo com um milionário para pagar a operação do marido gravemente doente. O químico americano Ned Faraday (Herbert Marshall) se casa com Helen (Marlene Dietrich), uma cantora de cabaré alemã, e começam uma família. Então Ned se envenena com Radium e precisa de um tratamento caro na Alemanha para ter alguma chance de ser curado. A esposa Helen volta ao trabalho no clube noturno para tentar ganhar dinheiro e pagar o tratamento e acaba se tornando popular como a Vênus Loura. Em um esforço para conseguir dinheiro suficiente mais rápido, ela se prostitui com o milionário Nick Townsend (Cary Grant). (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
A Vênus Loura
Helen's Maid in France (uncredited)
Uma cantora de cabaré faz acordo com um milionário para pagar a operação do marido gravemente doente. O químico americano Ned Faraday (Herbert Marshall) se casa com Helen (Marlene Dietrich), uma cantora de cabaré alemã, e começam uma família. Então Ned se envenena com Radium e precisa de um tratamento caro na Alemanha para ter alguma chance de ser curado. A esposa Helen volta ao trabalho no clube noturno para tentar ganhar dinheiro e pagar o tratamento e acaba se tornando popular como a Vênus Loura. Em um esforço para conseguir dinheiro suficiente mais rápido, ela se prostitui com o milionário Nick Townsend (Cary Grant). (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
What Price Hollywood?
French Nursemaid (uncredited)
A carreira de um garçonete decola quando ela conhece um amável bêbado produtor de Hollywood.
Careless Lady
Marie - French Chambermaid
Innocent Sally Brown thinks men are only attracted to experienced women, so she poses as the wife of an unmarried businessman on a trip to Paris.
Neste Século XX
A Harvard football star disobeys his upper class parents and runs off with his true love.
Let Us Be Gay
This is the French-language version produced by MGM of Let Us Be Gay (1930))
Midnight Mystery
Harriet Cooper
A fog-shrouded house provides the setting for this early talkies thriller.
The Green Specter
La femme de chambre
A group of people who knew each other years before discover that members of the group are being killed off one by one by someone who calls himself (or herself) The Green Ghost. The survivors gather at an old mansion to find out who is doing the killing and why, and discover that the murderer is a member of that very group.
The Trespasser
Blanche the Maid
A stenographer who works for a lawyer falls in love with and marries a wealthy young man. His family has the marraige annulled, after which she gives birth to a child. Her former boss helps her out to ensure the child's welfare, which starts gossip that she is a "kept woman."
They Had to See Paris
Marquise De Brissac
Oklahoma mechanic Pike Peters finds himself part owner of an oil field. His wife Idy, hitherto content, decides the family must go to Paris to get "culture" and meet "the right kind of people." Pike and his grown son and daughter soon have flirtatious French admirers; Idy rents a chateau from an impoverished aristocrat; while Pike responds to each new development with homespun wit. In the inevitable clash, will pretentiousness and sophistication or common sense triumph?
Quality Street
Henrietta Tumbull
A fresh young beauty becomes an old maid waiting for her suitor to return from the Napoleonic wars. When he returns, clearly disappointed, she disguises herself as her own niece in order to test his loyalty.
When a Man Loves
Marie (uncredited)
A nobleman studying for the priesthood abandons his vocation in 18th Century France when he falls in love with a beautiful, but reluctant, courtesan.
The Scarlet Letter
Mistress Hibbins
In Puritan Boston, seamstress Hester Prynne and kindly Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale fall in love. After Dimmesdale must go away for a time to England, he returns to discover that Hester has given birth to their child and is the focus of local censure.
A Carne e o Diabo
Leo (John Gilbert) e Ulrich (Lars Hanson) são amigos desde a infância. Apaixonado por Felicitas (Greta Garbo), que é casada, Leo acaba matando seu marido. Como punição, ele é transferido para África e pede a Ulrich que cuide de Felicitas por três anos. Sem saber que Leo a ama, Ulrich se apaixona por Felicitas e se casa com ela. Ao voltar, Leo acaba divido entre a paixão e a amizade.
Into Her Kingdom
Tatiana's Maid
In Czarist Russia, a young peasant boy is sent to Siberia for insulting the Grand Duchess. Released years later, he joins the fighting to overthrow the royal family. The entire royal family is condemned to death when fighting ceases.
The Greater Glory
A story of Vienna following World War I, in which the butchers became millionaires and the aristocrats became beggars, told against a background of mother-love and sacrifice.
We Moderns
A 1925 film directed by John Francis Dillon.
The Red Lily
Harassed Woman in Bar (uncredited)
Jean and Marise, young lovers forced from their homes, flee to Paris. Irrevocably separated there, their lives deviate into the slums and hard labor of low-class French society. All the while, the two desperately search for one another.