Eva Jasper
12 anos após o fim da era nazista, tudo o que a maioria dos cidadãos da Alemanha deseja é deixar para trás os horrores vividos. Mas, o procurador geral Fritz Bauer se comprometeu a detectar o paradeiro do criminoso nazista Adolf Eichmann. Bauer tenta trazer o criminoso à justiça, porém é impedido várias vezes, sendo sabotado por pessoas envolvidas na política.
Dr. Ulla Fischer
By-the-book logopaedist Matthias Pretschke, failed husband and father, is the very embodiment of order, who doesn't know what hit him when his wife Petra demands a divorce. Admittedly, he hasn't paid much attention to Petra, nor to their daughter, who's in full puberty, nor to their son, who craves his dad's attention. Petra agrees to give him one week to show them if he can change. And he's in luck: he meets himself, only cooler. Tom Senger is the name of the twin he never knew he had. Though Matthias and Tom look alike, they're completely different. Tom, for example, is a typical actor: arrogant, macho and broke. Matthias decides to switch roles in the hope that Tom can be a worthy replacement for a week. "I'm playing you. Only better," says Tom, who sees right away what's missing in the Pretschke home. As the days go by, it gets more and more difficult to distinguish which one is which. And this may not be bad at all.
In a bomb explosion in a parking garage, the architect's wife Anna is buried together with the writer Robert. The two seriously injured people are scarcely recovered from the rubble. When Anna falls in love with the charming Robert during a subsequent stay in a rehab clinic, she has to make a heavy heart decision between him and her family. "The love of my life" is a sensitive love melodrama with Aglaia Szyszkowitz, Hannes Jaenicke and Jan Gregor Kremp.