When Kelsey's magazine approves her pitch about a sceptic's take on love and horoscopes, she is teamed up with Astrology guru, Carter. Clearly from opposite worlds, they put their competing perspectives aside to work the story around a local meteor shower festival. Through both fact and fate, they soon unearth that love really can be written in the stars.
Madison has the chance to pursue her love of event management when her two best friends announce their engagement. Finding a pre-planned wedding package on a remote island vineyard in New Zealand, Madison teams up with David, the handsome vineyard owner, to re-imagine the event for her friends.
Jodie Carpenter is the owner of 'The Loft', her family's sail-making company located near quaint Redmond's Bay Marina. When luxury developer Charles Prescott purchases the port looking to carry out a lavish expansion, Jodie fears that her business and heritage will be torn down and replaced.
Drama set in the sleepy town of Tokerangi, New Zealand in which three laid-back orchard workers accidentally grow a strong strain of marijuana.
In November 1947 forty-one people died in a massive blaze that gutted the huge Ballantynes Department Store complex in the heart of Christchurch’s business district. This is the tragic story of New Zealand’s worst fire disaster.
This drama tells the true story of the six Elim College students and their teacher who tragically lost their lives in a flash flood, a traumatic experience for the college and New Zealand.
Line Producer
Recém chegada a zona rural da Nova Zelândia, Charlotte sente que sua felicidade está completa ao dar a luz a seu primeiro filho. Porém, quando seu bebê tem apenas alguns meses, sua casa é invadida, seu marido é assassinado e a criança raptada. Perdida em uma terra estrangeira, ela atravessa um selvagem e indisciplinado mundo de traficantes, prostitutas e guerreiros, à beira do perigo em busca de seu filho e determinada a encontrá-lo custe o que custar.
On the 19th of November 2010, the Pike River mine exploded with 31 men trapped inside. In the immediate confusion that followed no one knew what had happened. Within hours two men would manage a heroic escape but 29 remained unaccounted for. Over five days the men’s families and loved ones waited, hoping they would come out alive. Then two further explosions sealed the men’s fate. However, the fuse that would eventually snuff out so many lives was lit decades before. Set in the drama of the five days between the three explosions, Pike River reveals the tragic back story of the mine where pressure for profits would eventually contribute to the deaths of 29 men. Featuring interviews with the Pike River families and scripted drama to depict key events.
When 19 year old Heather Walsh accepts a job on a farm in the Mangatiti Valley, she has no idea paradise will become a nightmare. This true New Zealand story tells of Heather's horrific ordeal.
On the 7th of May 2009, Senior Constables Len Snee, Grant Diver and Bruce Miller arrived at 41 Chaucer Rd in Napier to serve a search warrant on Jan Molenaar for the growing of cannabis. This was just a routine warrant, something they had done countless times. What was meant to be an ordinary procedure turned into three of New Zealand’s darkest days and ended with one police officer dead, two officers critically injured and a member of the public fighting for his life. In some fifty hours Jan Molenaar made a permanent and devastating imprint upon the national psyche of New Zealand as he changed the lives of individuals, families, a police community, and a city. The siege was one of the worst and unexpected cases of violence both Napier and New Zealand had witnessed and it was all the more shocking because of its ordinary suburban backdrop.
Line Producer
Jack Aubrey é o capitão do H.M.S. Surprise, um dos principais navios de guerra da marinha britânica. Com seu país em guerra contra a França de Napoleão Bonaparte, Aubrey é atacado por um navio inimigo mais poderoso, que fere boa parte de sua tripulação e ainda danifica o navio. Aubrey então se sente dividido entre cumprir seu dever e tentar derrotar o inimigo ou retornar para cuidar dos feridos.
Production Manager
Frank Bannister (Michael J. Fox) é um médium charlatão que consegue "limpar" casas pelo fato de estar associado aos fantasmas que as assustam. Ele se vê de repente envolvido em combater o fantasma de um "serial killer", que voltou para continuar matando e quebrar todos os recordes de assassinatos existentes.
Line Producer
Durante os anos 50, Pauline Parker (Melanie Lynskey) e Juliet Hulme (Kate Winslet) se conheceram na escola e na mesma hora se tornaran grandes amigas passando juntas, todo o tempo possível. Criativas, escreviam sobre uma terra cheia de sonhos e fantasias. Cada vez mais essa estranha ligação entre as duas adolescentes se tornava uma obsessão, a ponto de se afastarem da realidade e de suas próprias famílias. Com o tempo, a duas perceberam que eram muito diferentes das demais pessoas e concordaram em assumir qualquer risco para que nada no mundo pudesse separá-las. Em uma época extremamente moralista, as duas famílias aumentavam suas preocupações pois esse universo de sonhos e fantasias está prestes a se transformar em um assassinato cruel que chocou toda uma nação.