Peter Isacksen


Explorando o Desconhecido: A Pirâmide Perdida
Executive Producer
Neste documentário, arqueólogos egípcios que partiram em busca de uma pirâmide enterrada acabam descobrindo tumbas e artefatos com mais de 4 mil anos.
Acerto de Contas
Executive Producer
Em Tulsa, o filho de uma importante família é jornalista e trabalha como crítico de cinema em um jornal local. No entanto, o relacionamento com a mãe está cada vez pior, sendo que em pouco tempo perde seu emprego, sente-se atraído pela mulher de um conhecido e se envolve com uma stripper além de, principalmente, tentar desvendar uma trama que quer encobrir um assassinato cometido pelo filho de um magnata.
Surf II: The End of the Trilogy
Evil Nerd Menlo wants to get revenge on some surfers by selling a bad batch of soda called Buzz Cola which turns people into mutant zombies. Its up to Jocko, Chuck, Bob and their surfer buddies to save the day.
E. Nick: A Legend in His Own Mind
A comic spoof of adult magazines and video shows.
Under the Rainbow
In World War II era Los Angeles, the manager of the Culver Hotel leaves his nephew in charge for a weekend. The nephew changes the name to the Hotel Rainbow and overbooks with royalty, assassins, secret agents, Japanese tourists, and munchkins. Secret Service agent Bruce Thorpe and casting director Annie Clark find romance amidst the intrigue and confusion.
A family of space aliens crash lands on Earth when their spaceship conks out.
The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh
The Pittsburgh basketball team is hopeless. Maybe with the aid of an astrologer, and some new astrologically compatible players, they can become winners.
Grand Theft Auto
A rich girl steals her dad's Rolls Royce and heads off to Las Vegas to get married. However, her angry parents, a jealous suitor, and a bunch of reward seekers are determined to stop her.
Eat My Dust
Junior Hale (as Pete Isacksen)
Hoover Nielbold is a car-crazy teenager who, in order to impress the hottest girl in school, takes her for a ride in a souped-up race car owned by local racer Big Bubba Jones. Hoover's father Harry, who's also the local sheriff is furious at the situation and orders his bumbling deputies to go after him. With the Sheriff's office overflowing with concerned parents and citizens and his deputies failing to catch him. He enlists the help of Jones and fellow racers to capture him. It culminates in a thrilling car chase finale through the rural countryside.