Huyen Thi


Dogs of Chinatown
A hit man must battle Italian and Chinese criminal organizations to be with the woman he loves.
Project Solitude
"Proefessor John Sola (Eric Roberts) wants to do a human experiment about authority. When his subjects start dying one by one, he learns that somebody else wants to do a project about Solitude."
Jamie Kell
Following a major terrorist attack, the US government initiates the ODIN surveillance system, made up of millions of mobile, robotic security cameras known as "Eyeborgs." When the physical evidence in a string of odd murders doesn't line up to the surveillance recordings, one federal agent finds himself working outside the system to find out who's really controlling the Eyeborgs.
Young Woman
Uma mulher se torna alvo de um serial killer conhecido como “Picasso Killer”, por usar suas vítimas como tela para sua macabra arte. Fechada em um prédio à noite, durante um blackout, ela e mais seis estranhos terão que lutar para sobreviver a esse cruel assassino, que busca neles a peça fundamental para sua grande obra-prima.