Georges Fronval


My Crimes After Mein Kampf
Adolf Hitler
The film shows the seizure of power by the Nazis and Hitler wants a trial, at a time when France has just declared war on Germany (Sept. 3, 1939). Hybrid composition, it alternates originals and reconstructions performed by actors (docudrama). A not-so-subtle condemnation of Hitler, Nazism and Germany by the movie's French film makers, which conveniently makes no mention of how the policies of Great Britain and France created Hitler and allowed him to go as far as he did prior to the beginning of the Second World War.
A Grande Ilusão
Le soldat allemand qui vise le capitaine de Boëldieu
A Primeira Guerra Mundial em uma época que ela não era conhecida como tal - o filme conta a história de um grupo de soldados franceses presos em um campo de prisioneiros na Alemanha em 1916, de suas análises sobre a guerra e do comportamento humano no meio dela.